Viewing 1635 to 1650 of 2668 news

  • Transforming Information into Shareable Knowledge - Uganda

    Transforming Information into shareable Knowledge - Uganda

    Dorothy KYAMAZIMA | 04/11/2020

    At Enabel, we believe that information has the power to transform societies by promoting sustainable development initiatives. The information we derive from our project implementation serves to improve our work but can further strengthen works of our partners when adopted on a larger scale. Therefore, through experience capitalization, we have documented the key good practices in our efforts to train secondary school teachers in Uganda for the 21st century. We hope this content will reach others in similar sectors and inspire communities to change by acting as a guide to adopting, adapting and scaling up these practices.Enabel and the Ministry of Education and Sports in Uganda implement the Teacher Training Education (TTE) project in five National Teachers’ Colleges of Muni, Mubende, Kaliro, Kabale and Unyama.The project is mainly focused on 3 key areas: · Institutional Development: to strengthen the management systems in the colleges and the Ministry of Education and Sports central departments, i.e. Teacher/Instructor, Education and Training Department (TIET).· Infrastructure: to rehabilitate, expand and equip the college facilities.   · Pedagogy: to improve the quality of teaching and learning in the colleges and partner secondary schools. Click on the link to access the Capitalization document:

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    Uganda UGA1503111

  • MTN and Enabel partner to promote distance learning

    In Uganda, MTN, a telecommunicatins provider and Enabel partner to promote distance learning

    William YEKA | 03/11/2020

    Teacher trainees will no longer incur data charges in order to access educational content. Uganda’s leading telecommunications provider MTN has zero-rated the one-stop online learning portal for aspiring teachers. Zero-rating is the practice of not charging customers for data use on specific websites and services by internet service providers and mobile service providers. Learners subscribed to the MTN network will be able to access the learning portal free of charge. The platform was developed by Enabel and the Ministry of Education as part of the distance learning strategy called the “Teacher Training Education sandbox”. This was in response to the learning disruption caused by COVID-19. The pandemic led to closure of schools in March although government reopened them mid last month for candidate and final year students. The distance learning strategy is meant to ensure learning continuity in Uganda’s 5 national teacher’s colleges. Although digital course content covering the entire teacher training curriculum was successfully developed with support from teachers and uploaded on the one-stop portal, access was hampered by high internet costs. According to the telecoms regulator Uganda Communications Commission, the East African nation has the highest internet cost in the region. This coupled with high poverty levels hinders internet access which moreover is needed to facilitate distance learning especially during this period of schools closure due to the coronavirus disease. Uganda’s 2019 communications report indicates that the country’s internet penetration now stands at 37.9%. MTN Foundation’s Senior Manager, Bryan Mbasa says the availability of digital education content has been a major challenge in Uganda. The portal, he noted will partly solve the problem. “It is a great pleasure for us to zero-rate access to this platform. As long as you have an MTN connection, you will have zero-rated access,” Mbasa says. The one-stop online learning portal will benefit 265 teacher trainers, 5000 student teachers and 16 partner secondary schools. This is the second time Enabel is partnering with arguably Uganda's biggest private sector company. In 2019, the two entities collaborated to set up ICT laboratories in 3 vocational training institutes namely; St. Daniel Comboni Polytechnic NAOI (Moroto), St Simon Peter’s Vocational Training Centre (Hoima) and Amelo Technical Institute (Adjumani). MTN provided computers, servers and internet connection. Close to 10years now, Enabel with support from the Kingdom of Belgium has been supporting Uganda to improve the quality of teacher education through infrastructural development, better management practices and improved pedagogy including integration of ICT in teaching and learning.

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    Uganda UGA1503111

  • Amuddu organise un cycle de formation au profit des leaders communautaires

    Au Maroc, le projet Amuddu organise un cycle de formation au profit des leaders communautaires

    Clara HUYGHE | 02/11/2020

    Premier cycle de formation de 50 leaders communautaires organisé dans le cadre des activités du projet Amuddu. Ces formations tenues en octobre et novembre, à Casablanca et Rabat, ont pour objectif premier de renforcer les relations avec les communautés de migrant·es dont ils sont issus, et d’améliorer à terme leur employabilité. Tout en gardant comme objectif final l’une des priorités de la Stratégie Nationale d’Immigration et d’Asile, à savoir l’insertion économique des personnes migrantes, le projet Amuddu de concert avec l’Agence nationale de promotion de l'emploi et des compétences –ANAPEC— s’attèle à l’implémentation d’un dispositif basé sur la mobilisation communautaire des migrant·es. En effet, le renforcement de capacités et la mobilisation des leaders communautaires permettraient aux migrant·es d’être plus facilement sensibilisé·es sur l’offre de service de l’ANAPEC et de bénéficier des processus d’accompagnement ainsi que des mesures vers l’emploi et l’auto-emploi prévues dans le cadre du projet Amuddu. En considérant le rôle des leaders communautaires comme des personnes relais et des influenceurs auprès des communautés installées sur le territoire d’intervention du projet (Rabat-Salé-Kénitra et Casablanca-Settat), plusieurs formations pertinentes ont été conçues et adaptées à ces cibles.   Lors de ces cycles de formation, les thématiques suivantes sont abordées :Développement personnel et leadershipCommunication activeGestion de conflitApproche genre et gestion de cas de violence basé sur le genre De plus, des fiches professionnelles, un plan d’action pour formation complémentaire ainsi qu’un guide pédagogique seront conçus à la fin du cycle. Le renforcement de capacité des leaders communautaires s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une approche inclusive permettant de mieux diffuser l’information sur les formations professionnelles et les services d’accompagnement à l’emploi et à l’auto-emploi vers les populations migrantes installées sur les deux régions d’intervention.

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    Morocco MOR1605211

  • GBV service providers to improve quality service at health centre level

    GBV service providers to improve quality service at health centre level - Rwanda

    Denise NSANGA | 30/10/2020

    A 5-day training of 33 Gender Based Violence service providers was concluded on 30th October 2020 in Karongi District, Western Province. With Enabel’s technical and financial assistance, via Barame Health project, in partnership with Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC), staff from 22 Health centers participated in this training, including 28 nurses and 5 community and environment health officers. Trainees acquired more insights in GBV case screening and management while improving on referral system to timely provide comprehensive and adequate services to GBV victims.The training was organised with regards to reinforce the functioning of GBV services at health center level, a strategy to improve on service accessibility at decentralized level.

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    Rwanda RWA19009

  • Enabel’s Agriculture programme (PRISM) to increase farmers’ revenues and job creation in Rwanda

    Launch of an agriculture programme to increase farmers’ revenues and jobs creation in Rwanda

    Denise NSANGA | 29/10/2020

    Kigali, 29 October 2020 – On the occasion of the celebration of the International World Food Day, Enabel’s Agriculture intervention (PRISM) in Rwanda was launched by Rwanda’s Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI).   Agriculture is one of the priority sectors of the Belgo-Rwandan portfolio 2019-2020, with a Belgian financial contribution of 30 million Euros .  The programme aspires to contribute to jobs creation, private sector development and food security and is aligned with the Rwandan Strategic Plan for the Transformation of Agriculture phase 4 (PSTA-4), 2018-2024, which envisages a transformation of agriculture from a subsistence sector to a knowledge-based value creating sector that contributes to the national economy and ensures food and nutrition security.  This Agriculture programme works around 2 general objectives: the revenue of farmers increases through quality proximity extension services, improved access to inputs and through the introduction of new technologies while the Private Sector creates more added value through more efficient markets, improved storage transformation and agro-processing.   Speaking at the event, Jean-Michel Swalens, Head of the Belgian Development Cooperation and Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Belgium in Rwanda said, ‘if we put our efforts together, we shall end hunger, food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition by 2030. This is one of the priorities of the Belgo-Rwandan Cooperation 2019-2024.’ PRISM will develop inclusive and sustainable Feed, Pig and Poultry Value Chains in which all actors run a profitable business, as well as attracting private investment to develop a modern industrialized value chain to produce high quality meat products and eggs to substitute import as well as to export.   

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    Rwanda RWA19006

  • La réponse Enabel face au Covid-19 au Burkina Faso

    La réponse d'Enabel au Covid-19 au Burkina Faso

    Kader TAPSOBA | 28/10/2020

    Face à la pandémie de Covid-19, Enabel a élaboré avec ses partenaires au Burkina Faso, un plan de réponse de trois mois pour soutenir le gouvernement dans la lutte contre l'épidémie.Ce plan a été mis en œuvre à travers entre autres les différentes interventions du portefeuille Centre-Est. La réponse d'Enabel a consisté à limiter la propagation de l’épidémie au niveau national et à renforcer les dispositifs de prévention dans la région du Centre-Est. Découvrez -en plus à travers cette vidéo. 

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    Burkina Faso BKF1803011

  • Distance Learning Strategy - Uganda

    Launch of a distance learning strategy in times of Covid-19 in Uganda

    Dorothy KYAMAZIMA | 27/10/2020

    Given the global pandemic and its impact on the education system around the world, many actors have been quick to respond to the education crisis. In Uganda, Enabel has worked together with the Ministry of Education and Sports to develop and implement a distance learning strategy dubbed the “TTE Sandbox” to ensure the continuity of learning in the National Teachers' Colleges.Read more about the Sandbox project: 

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    Uganda UGA1503111

  • Le lancement officiel du projet - Maroc

    Lancement officiel du projet DEPOMI - Maroc

    Meriem HILALI | 27/10/2020

    Lancement officiel du projet « Déploiement des politiques migratoires au niveau régional (DEPOMI), le vendredi 23 octobre 2020 au siège de la Wilaya de l’Oriental à Oujda.Ce projet, financé par le Fonds Fiduciaire d’Urgence (FFU) de l’Union européenne, va permettre au Ministère Délégué chargé des Marocains Résidant à l’Etranger d’accompagner les régions partenaires des projets SoussMassa, BeniMellalKhénifra et Oriental d’intégrer la dimension de la  migration dans les politiques et stratégies publiques aux niveaux national et régional. Le processus de régionalisation avancée est une opportunité pour mettre les régions au cœur de l’implémentation de la Stratégie Nationale d’Immigration et d’Asile et de la Stratégie Nationale au profit des Marocains Résidant à l’Etranger dans les régions partenaires du projet.La mise en œuvre du projet est confiée à Enabelen coordination avec tous les acteurs concernés par la thématique. A terme, le projet DEPOMI prévoit d’atteindre les résultats relatifs au renforcement des compétences des acteurs partenaires, de la gouvernance et la planification stratégique de la migration.Une feuille de route sur l'institutionnalisation de la dimension migratoire sera élaborée par région pour instaurer un mécanisme de concertation et de coordination des acteurs qui s’appuie sur l’intégration systématique de la migration dans les documents de planification stratégique régionale et locale. Par ailleurs, le projet prévoit également un partenariat avec les organisations de la société civile pour l’atteinte de certains résultats intermédiaires dans les trois régions cibles ainsi que la recherche-action grâce à une collaboration entre les universités marocaines et européennes. L’objectif de cette dernière est de créer de la connaissance, d’approfondir certains axes et de mettre à la disposition des régions toutes les données nécessaires pour mieux intégrer la migration dans son développement.

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    Morocco MOR180601T

  • Comments on the TTE Sandbox Strategy - Uganda

    Ugandan teachers say what they think of the TTE Sandbox Strategy

    Dorothy KYAMAZIMA | 27/10/2020

    The Sandbox Strategy is transforming the teaching and learning process within the National Teachers' Colleges allowing them to adjust to digital technology but also ensure the continuity of learning. Here is in video what some teachers had to say about this strategy.Read more about the Sandbox project: 

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    Uganda UGA1503011

  • Mali: Formation des femmes en techniques de fabrication du fromage

    Au Mali, formation des femmes de Koulikoro en techniques de fabrication du fromage

    Nènè TRAORE | 26/10/2020

    Au Mali, la surproduction de lait en saison hivernale et durant la période de récolte entraînent des pertes financières pour les produc­teurs de lait. Afin d’éviter ces pertes, la valorisation du lait et sa transformation en fromage constituent un enjeu important pour la conservation des produits laitiers et leurs écoulements sur le marché.Malheureusement les techniques endogènes de fabrication de fromage ne sont pas maî­trisées par les femmes du cercle de Dioila malgré sa valeur marchande sur le marché et sa valeur nutritive pour les ménages agropastoraux. Enabel a initié une  formation destinée à une dizaine de femmes membres de la fédéra­tion lait de Fana en techniques de fabrication de fromages sahéliens.L’objectif de cette formation étant de renforcer les capacités individuelles des membres de la fédéra­tion lait de la région de Koulikoro en matière de valorisation du lait.Cette action s’inscrit dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du projet de renforcement des capacités qui accompagne la Fédé­ration régionale lait de Koulikoro sur le développement de la filière lait. Grâce aux acquis de cette formation les femmes de la fédération de lait auront les capacités nécessaires pour former à leur tour les femmes des ménages pastoraux et agropastoraux, qui sont tradi­tionnellement les vraies propriétaires de lait.Cela permettra ainsi de di­versifier les sous – produits laitiers qu’elles pourront commercialiser sur le marché. 

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    Mali MLI1604711

  • recherche d'expert pour mission de cadrage en Mauritanie

    Socieux+ est à la recherche d'expert.e.s pour une mission de cadrage en Mauritanie

    Sarah CARPENTIER | 22/10/2020

    MAURITANIE – Mission de cadrage  (2-28 novembre 2020) Titre : Renforcement des capacités de l’administration de l’emploi et de son service public Objectif général : Les capacités institutionnelles des institutions de l’emploi, du travail et de la protection sociale sont renforcées et consolidées Objectifs spécifiques : ·         Renforcement des capacités des services de l’Emploi et de l’administration de la DG Emploi ; ·         Renforcement du dispositif de gouvernance entre l’ANAPEJ, La Coordination Projets Emploi                    (CPE) et les guichets emploi sur tout le territoire Délivrables : Le principal résultat final de la mission de cadrage sera le plan de travail de formulation (WPFc) ou les plans de travail pour l’action ou les actions proposées. LeWPFc est basé sur le modèle de cadre logique pour la planification de projet utilisé par la Commission européenne dans sa coopération internationale. Il comprend les objectifs, les résultats et les produits livrables des actions  proposées. En outre, un rapport de mission de cadrage (FcMR) est attendu à la fin de la mission. Ce rapport résume les conclusions et les recommandations de l’équipe de la mission sur la faisabilité et la mise en œuvre de l’action proposée, le cas échéant. Référence : 20-26/MRT/FFM Pour plus d’info, consultez:

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    Belgium BEL20002

  • Plan d’archivage physique et numérique-Mali

    Plan d’archivage physique et numérique au Mali

    Nènè TRAORE | 22/10/2020

    A l’occasion de la 3ème édition de la journée Africaine de l’état civil, célébrée le 10 août 2020, le Ministre de l’Administration Territoriale et de la Décentralisation accompagné du représentant de l’UA, du représentant de l’UE et du Directeur National de l’Etat Civil, s’est rendu sur le site abritant la chaîne de numérisation et d’indexation des actes d’état civil à la Direction Nationale de l'Etat Civil (DNCEC).Depuis cette visite, deux autres chaines de numérisation ont été déployées. Une au sein du centre principal d’état civil de la Commune II et une seconde dans le centre d’état civil de la commune rurale de Sido.En prévision du passage à l’échelle, il est apporté un appui à tous les centres d’état civil de la Commune II, et prochainement au centre principal de Kayes : formation des agents d’état civil aux procédures d’archivage, fourniture de matériels d’archivage, état des lieux et archivage physique des documents d’état civil.

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    Mali MLI170521T

  • Vers de nouveaux centres d’état civil au Nord Mali

    Vers de nouveaux centres d’état civil au Nord du Mali

    Nènè TRAORE | 22/10/2020

    Dans le cadre du projet de construction de centres d’état civil dans les 8 nouvelles communes des régions de Taoudenit (Foum-Elba, Achourat, Al-Ourche,  Araouane, Boujbeha et Taoudénit), Gao (Almoustrate) et Kidal (Achibogho), le PAECSIS a organisé en juillet 2020, deux cadres de concertation à Gao et à Tombouctou.Ces cadres avaient comme objectifs de définir de manière concertée avec les principaux acteurs régionaux et locaux de ces communes, les modalités opérationnelles de la construction et de la mise en service de centres principaux d’état civil.    A l’issue de ces concertations un plan d’action a été défini, il comprend la mise en œuvre des activités suivantes : l’indentification des différents sites de construction, la réalisation des études de faisabilités, la sélection des entreprises et la construction des centres d’état civil, l’équipement des centres, la sensibilisation des populations sur les faits d’état civil. 

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    Mali MLI170521T

  • Quality low-cost health care services benefiting Uganda's Rwenzori and West Nile regions

    Quality low-cost health care services benefiting Uganda's Rwenzori and West Nile regions

    William YEKA | 22/10/2020

    52 years old Alfred Ocolla, has a kidney and heart problem. He would travel 80kms away from his home to Arua Regional Referral Hospital for routine check-ups. Sometimes, Ocolla would be referred to Lacor hospital in Gulu for oxygen. According to Dr Jammy Omara, the Medical Superintendent of Nyapea hospital, the ultrasound department which was closest to Ocolla was non-functional for 3 years due to lack of equipment. Hence, patients including Omara who sought for ultrasound services were referred to Arua. Today, several public health facilities are faced with similar challenges including poor infrastructure, human resource gaps and regular drug shortages. Besides, the high cost of health services especially at the private not-for-profit health facilities scared away many patients from seeking professional treatment thus resorting to self-prescription, sharing of medicine and sometimes use of herbs. To help change this situation, Enabel supplied the facility with a cardiography and x-ray machine. Today, because of the new machines Ocolla receives his routine check-ups at Holy Family Hospital, Nyapea located in his home area. Since 2016, Enabel has been implementing the National Results-Based Financing policy which provides for the extension of direct financial support to health facilities to enable them purchase equipment and other necessary items. The funds are however provided on condition that health facilities attain pre-determined targets. The organisation piloted this health service delivery model in 80 health facilities including Holy Family Hospital Nyapea. Dr Sarah Byakika, the Commissioner Planning, Financing and Policy at Uganda's Health Ministry, also the National Results-Based Financing Coordinator, says the approach was adopted by government to improve productivity and ensure access to quality health services for all. “No doubt the delivery of quality health care services especially to women and children in the two regions has improved,” Byakika said. According to the In-charge Warr Health Centre IV in Zombo district, Dr Imelda Kawambe, majority of the clients who seek services at the facility are women with labour complications and children. Flexibility in utilisation of fundsEnabel's Project Technical Officer Richard Musabe says the flexibility in utilisation of funds provided enabled beneficiary facilities to invest in critical areas including infrastructure and incentivizing of front line health workers. “For our case, we recruited additional 2 clinical officers and midwives but also enhanced staff salaries,” says Dr. Jammy Omara, the Medical Superintendent of Nyapea. For Maureen Kusemererwa, enrolled midwife Bundibugyo, the cash incentives given to staff were an extra motivation.  “This motivated me to handle mothers kindly especially during pregnancy, delivery and after,” she said. 34-year old Harriet Kelike acknowledges the improvement in the quality of care at Moyo general hospital, another facility benefiting from the Results-based financing scheme.  The mother of 2 says the last time she delivered her child at the facility, the baby was underweight. Kelike says the nurses closely monitored and counseled her until the baby weight increased to 2.5kgs, “that is when I was discharged,” the smiling Kelike says. Increased deliveries at lower health facilities Another deliberate effort of the project was to reduce maternal and child deaths by ensuring the quality of deliveries at HC III levels were done under the care of a skilled health worker. RBF support improved the quality of deliveries in the supported health facilities. According to the District Health Information System (DHIS), deliveries at the health centres increased to 64 percent compared to 49 percent at the start of the project. Reduced congestion in general Hospitals Investing in HC IIIs and IVs, Musabe says eased access to services since patients nolonger have to travel long distances in search of medication.   This he says reduced the number of patients admitted at General Hospitals and HC IVs because lower-level health facilities are able to handle most cases without referral to the higher level health facilities. Better organised referrals Where referral is recommended, Dr. Byakika says prolonged delays have been eliminated because of the now efficient ambulance system. At Nyapea hospital for instance, the number of women coming for antenatal services increased partly due to referral from lower level facilities. The facility now carries out about 7 deliveries daily. Reduced user fees in private not-for-profit health facilities According to Robert Nyakana, Accountant Virika hospital in Rwenzori region, the reduced user fees led to an increase in the number of people seeking medical attention. “We used to get about 10 people per day but today we get more than 25 patients a day,” Nyakana said. Regina Kabasiita, a patient says the hospital is now affordable to low-income earners. Improved health supplies RBF focal person in Moyo, James Alule says previously medicine would be prescribed before testing, against standard procedure, leading to inappropriate drug use. The facility was however revamped and various testing equipment provided. Consequently, the number of patients increased from 80 to 450. The facility has also registered 10% revenue increase. Drug stock out was also tackled. Sr, Juliet Asiimwe, Administrator, Rwibale HC IV says, this was the norm at the facility, but then when the project started, the facility was given buffer funds to stock essential drugs. “Today, we get many clients coming here because they are sure they will get the medicine available,” says Asiimwe. Improved data and financial management Richard Musabe says funds were also invested in financial training and book keeping equipment to ensure up-to-date record keeping, proper data management and accountability. Dr Byakika confirms that the project was a stimulus for health facilities to understand and analyse their data and timeliness in reporting which has become a routine of keeping up-to-date data. While the Results based financing approach has been a game-changer in health service delivery, a lot still needs to be done to address poor infrastructure, human resource gaps, inadequate medical equipment, frequent drug shortages and low motivation of health workers if Uganda is to achieve universal health coverage by 2030. 

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    Uganda UGA1603611


    In Uganda, the Ministry of Education and Sports approves criteria for defining a TVET centre of excellence

    Racheal AKELLO | 20/10/2020

    Enabel in close collaboration with Development Partners, worked with the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) to establish and define the concept of a TVET Centre of Excellence (CoE). This exercise which transpired during last September was aimed at establishing standard criteria and framework for grading TVET institutions.  Consequently, this would be used as a measure and a benchmark for raising standards in targeted TVET providers. Whereas the term Centre of Excellence has commonly been used by different stakeholders, there hasn’t been a common understanding of a “TVET Centre of Excellence.” In 2019, with the technical assistance of a renowned global TVET Expert, the Ministry of Education and Sports conducted a consultative process for key stakeholders in skills development arena resulting in a final report, criteria and rating for a TVET Centre of Excellence finalized early this year.  This was recently approved and adopted by the Ministry of Education and Sports and Partners in September 2020.This concept will be piloted in a few selected public and private institutions and later rolled out to all TVET Institutions in the country.  The Government of Uganda, with support from Development Partners is raising the standards of vocational education training providers to become Centres of Excellence. Enabel with support from the Belgian Government and the Irish Embassy is supporting 7 VTIs to become Centres of Excellence (CoE) in Albertine/Rwenzori and Karamoja regions respectively.These include Kasese Youth Polytechnic (KYP), St. Joseph’s Virika VTI, Uganda Technical College Kyema, Millenium Business School and St. Simon VTI Hoima for Albertine and Rwenzori; and Nakapiripiriti VTI and St. Daniel Comboni Naoi in Karamoja region. On the other hand, the Government of Uganda with funding from the World Bank under Uganda Skills Development Project (USDP), is supporting 4 Uganda Technical Colleges to become CoEs in four different trades. Other Development Partners like JICA, KOICA are equally supporting TVET institutions for the same purpose.  These interventions are part of the larger government effort of accelerating and promoting the BTVET reform process foreseen in the Skilling Uganda Strategy and the recently adopted Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Policy.

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    Uganda UGA1402711