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Dans le cadre de notre programme formation-emploi dans la Tshopo, une journée de présentation des stratégies d'appui visant à améliorer les services d'accompagnement pour les jeunes de Boyoma a été organisée le 12 avril à destination de nos partenaires. Des débats captivants et des discussions passionnantes sur l'avenir de l'entrepreneuriat local ont eu lieu notamment avec le partage d’expérience de SECOFI et Ovation sur l'amélioration des services administratifs, financiers, ainsi que sur l'installation d'incubateurs et d'accélérateurs. Parmi les partenaires conviés : la Fédération des Entreprises du Congo (FEC), l’incubateur Elikya, les écoles techniques de formation, l’Institut National de Préparation Professionnelle (INPP), l’Agence Nationale de Développement de l'Entrepreneuriat Congolais (ANADEC) et d'autres acteurs engagés dans le développement des services pour la jeunesse Boyomaise. Une collaboration dynamique pour le développement durable de la ville de Kisangani.
La formation en travail domestique initiée par notre programme "Travail décent et protection sociale en RDC, a réuni du 15 au 29 avril 2024, des participants formateurs de Kolwezi, Lubumbashi et Kinshasa.Ils ont échangé sur les techniques spécifiques au secteur de l’emploi domestique, la pédagogie et les compétences clés visant à faciliter l'intégration des travailleurs dans les foyers et les entreprises. Le travail domestique représente un secteur considérable de l’emploi dans les villes concernées. Cette formation a été assurée par notre partenaire « Jolie Rêve ».
In a bid to improve decent work and social protection for workers in Uganda, the capacity of legislators and labour stakeholders was built on labour laws and productivity through a training organized by the Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development in partnership with Enabel, and the Parliamentary Forum on Labour Decent Employment and Productivity. Through the training, legislators can ably advocate for and promote the role of decent employment opportunities and productive labour in achieving sustainable wealth creation through effective stakeholder engagement, legislation, and oversight. The two days’ training brought together 75 participants, who included Members of parliament, members of labour unions, and employer organizations.In his opening remarks, the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Forum on Labour, Decent Employment and Productivity, Hon. Roland Ndyomugyenyi said that they want to build the capacity of the MP on the accreditation of the international labour standards and the national laws regarding labour. “We want to create a networking platform for all the members of parliament, labour unions, and employers because labour is a multifaceted concept that involves several stakeholders, and when we come together, we will be able to address the issues and achieve high productivity”, said Hon. Roland.The International Labour Organisation (ILO) Chief Technical Advisor and Head of Office in Uganda, Mr. Stephen George Opio in his communication said that skills development is one of the issues that needs to be addressed because productivity can not be achieved without investing in skills development. He said that the forum should put into practice the 4 key principles of the ILO, which are; the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour, the effective abolition of child labour, the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, and a healthy working environment for all workers. “The parliamentary forum should strengthen their engagement with the labour unions, Federation of Uganda Employers, and the government through legislation and appropriation”, added Stephen.Representing the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MoGLSD), Hon. Sarah Opendi, in her opening remarks said that decent work can only be attained when the necessary legislation is in place. There is therefore a need to undertake a legal review, identify gaps, and make amendments. She said that the ministry is currently spearheading the NSSF reforms, implementation of the Social Protection and Decent Work agenda in partnership with Enabel, and the operationalization of the Industrial Court. She said that the workers’ Members of Parliament are currently working on the private members' bill regarding the issue of the minimum wage. “Therefore, the Parliamentary Forum on Labour, Decent Employment, and Productivity should work hard to ensure that the bill is on the order paper and is enacted”, added Hon. Sarah Opendi.The Parliamentary Forum on Labour, Decent Employment, and Productivity was incorporated and registered on 11th October 2021. It adopted its ambition in accordance with Vision 2030, NDP Plan III, Labour Policies and Laws, the International Labour Organisation Strategic Plan, and Ministerial Policies on Labour and Productivity to; enhance labour productivity and decent work promotion, promote Safe Working Spaces, promote Innovation and Technology through skilling for socio-economic transformation, create models for employment and on job retentions, promote Apprentice and work-based learning, and promote green jobs for safe working environment.The training is a decisive step towards ensuring that the rights and welfare of Ugandan workers are secured, that labour laws are aligned with international standards, and that the nation progresses towards a future of equitable development and social justice which will be achieved through advocacy and informed debates on the floor of Parliament.The Ag. Country Portfolio Manager for Enabel in Uganda, Mr. Ali Azoti in his opening remarks said that critical components of pillar 5 of the Social Protection Project have been aimed at strengthening an enabling environment for policy development and national dialogue for decent work and social protection at the national and East African level. “In pursuit of this objective, the project implements action research to provide evidence-based policy guidance by facilitating the operationalization of public strategies for decent work, fostering peer-to-peer changes among stakeholders in Belgium, DRC, Rwanda, and Uganda, and providing capacity building of public agencies and institutions”, said Azoti.The Social Protection Project's involvement in the consultative process for national employment and social protection strategies in Uganda underscores its dedication to shaping inclusive policies that benefit all segments of society. The link between the Parliamentary Forum on Labour, Decent Employment and Productivity and pillar 5 of the project is undeniable, thus increasing awareness and capacity building of Members of Parliament and their collaborators to amplify the project’s impact and collective efforts towards decent work promotion.
En marge du forum des "Femmes Leaders" organisé avec le Fonds des Nations Unies pour la population (UNFPA), nos programmes PLVS et Santé ont reçu le 27 mars 2024 la visite de la Première Dame, Denise Nyakeru, à leur stand d’exposition érigé au village santé à Ndjili, district de la Tshangu.Cette édition du forum était axée sur la promotion des droits de la femme et la réduction de la mortalité maternelle et néonatale en RDC. Nos programmes PLVS et Santé contribuent à l’amélioration du niveau de santé et du bien-être de la population à travers des actions visant la prévention des VBG, la réduction de la mortalité maternelle et néonatale ; les violences sexuelles et leurs impacts.
Abuyi Talibu, a 27-year old Ugandan male is a metal fabricator, whose metal welding workshop is a hive of activity. A former trainee under the Support to Skilling Uganda (SSU) project, Abuyi now mentors other young trainees, including refugees in Yumbe district. Training young people from different backgrounds can pose challenges due to differences but Abuyi says that so far, the trainings have gone well without any mishaps. “All the trainees have been respectful of each other. I usually talk to them at the beginning of the trainings to emphasize why they are here and I encourage them to put any differences aside”, says Abuyi. He does not discriminate against the trainees based on their countries of origin. Instead, he focusses on the potential he sees in each of them and builds on it to empower them. He trains them to fabricate sliding doors and windows, tank stands and gates, among others. Abuyi earns 50,000shs (12€) per trainee per month.Since the establishment of the Excel Welding workshop, located along Koboko-Moyo road, Abuyi has had the opportunity to train 2 sets of trainees. These are placed at his workshop as interns by Edukans, an implementing partner of Enabel under the SSU project. He was identified as a mentor due to his fast-growing business and willingness to help others. He has so far mentored 16 youth, 11 of whom are refugees from neighbouring South Sudan.“70% of the youth I have trained are refugees from South Sudan. I am very happy that I am now a mentor and I am helping to change the lives of young people like me through vocational skilling .I like reaching out to the youth and helping them in any way I can because it is us the youth who are the future of our country”.Abuyi, not only mentors interns but he is also an employer. He currently employs 4 youths, one of whom is a refugee from Piriri camp who started off as an intern. “I retained him as an employee because he is hardworking and he has a positive attitude towards work,” says Abuyi. He is committed to changing lives because he has also benefitted from the commitment of others who empowered him to own a business in Yumbe.Yumbe district is one of the regions significantly affected by the influx of refugees, primarily from South Sudan. The district hosts multiple refugee settlements, including Bidibidi, which is one of the largest refugee settlements in the world. Bidibidi alone accommodates close to 300,000 South Sudanese refugees who fled conflict and violence in their home country. Various NGOs, are actively involved in providing assistance and support to both refugees and host communities in Yumbe district. Efforts are focused on improving living conditions, providing education and vocational training opportunities, and promoting self-reliance among refugees.Abuyi has a diverse clientele many of whom are refugees. He says that he has established a good relationship with them which has in turn expanded his market through word of mouth referrals. Having a large population of refugees in Yumbe is a good boost for Abuyi’s business because they form a large part of his clientele since they are allowed to build. In Uganda, refugees cannot own land, as with all non-citizens. However, the Ugandan government allocates 50 square meters of land to each refugee family that arrives in Uganda to live and grow food. His future plans? “I want to register my company so that I can be able to apply for larger contracts and attract more revenue.” Abuyi also wants to train and employ more youth to curb the problem of drug addiction which he has noticed among the idle youth within his community, especially in refugee settlements. He is grateful for the peaceful co-existence that he observes between the host community members and refugees in Yumbe, which have in turn helped his business to grow.The 'European Union Trust Fund' (EUTF) supports the implementation of the Support to Skilling Strategy in Uganda. The project aims at sustainably improving food security, nutrition, and livelihoods of the refugee population. It focuses on access to skills development and entrepreneurship guidance and services for refugees and host communities in North-Western Uganda. So far, 1,187 youth, 60% of whom are refugees have been trained since the inception of the project.
Du 22 au 24 mars 2024, en collaboration avec la Coopération Éducation Culture, le Festival Mingi Wingi a été organisé à Bruxelles et Kinshasa.Notre programme "Jeunesse Créative" est fier d’avoir accompagné cette édition pilote à Kinshasa qui s’est tenue au sein de l’Académie des Beaux-Arts.Des échanges, des expositions, des tables rondes, des spectacles, des ateliers étaient au rendez-vous. Cette édition pilote se veut un point de départ en faveur de la création inclusive d’abondance, pour que s’expriment des idées, de l’innovation, non pas dans la confrontation d’idées mais dans la création constructive.
À Lubumbashi, notre programme "Participation Citoyenne et Gouvernance Locale" a organisé une réunion du 20 au 21 mars 2024 avec les acteurs locaux pour examiner la situation et le fonctionnement de six quartiers de la Commune annexe. L'objectif? Identifier les besoins des communautés pour le développement et de déterminer au moins trois priorités en matière d'initiatives de développement local. Il est ressorti de ces séances que la fourniture d'une énergie électrique de qualité représente le besoin le plus urgent et fondamental, essentiel pour stimuler les autres activités et secteurs du développement local.
Du 18 au 20 mars 2024 au Kasaï oriental, sept comités des parents d’élèves (COPA) de centres de rattrapage scolaires (CRS), ont été redynamisés et les capacités de 77 acteurs éducatifs (7 directeurs, 42 membres des COPA et 28 inspecteurs sociaux) ont été renforcés sur leurs rôles et responsabilités dans la gestion scolaire. L’atelier a été animé par l’Inspecteur Provincial des Affaires Sociales du Kasaï Oriental.
Une centaine d'inspecteurs de la sous-division éducationnelle KasaiOriental1 ont participé à un atelier de renforcement des capacités, organisé par notre coordination Korlom en collaboration avec le Ministère de l'EPST Kasaï Oriental 1. Les participants ont durant 2 jours, réfléchi sur la discipline en milieu scolaire pour un développement intégral et la prévention sur la violence et une participation active à l'apprentissage.
Un cadre de concertation des acteurs de l’écosystème « Formation, Entreprenariat et Emploi » a été mis en place à l’occasion d’une rencontre tenue le 7 mars 2024, à Mbuji-Mayi. La rencontre a été l’occasion de présenter et de discuter du cadre organique, institutionnel et légal du cadre de concertation « Formation, Entreprenariat et Emploi ». Ladite rencontre a permis de créer une vision partagée des acteurs de l’écosystème, à travers la mise en place dudit cadre opérationnel chargé de fédérer les initiatives qui s’activent dans l’accompagnement et l’insertion socio-économique des jeunes.
Plus de 30 sur 70 jeunes femmes participantes au programme de 6 mois de l'ONG CLEJUPS ont reçu une subvention.La 1ère phase s'est conclue le 6 mars 2024 avec une présentation de quelques projets innovants développés par ces jeunes femmes devant les autorités communales du district de la Tshangu. Il a été question pendant cet accompagnement de 6 mois de réaliser des formations, du réseautage, du coaching individuel et collectif. Notre programme KinEmploi est une opportunité pour les jeunes porteurs de projets créatifs Kinois de développer leurs projets et de bénéficier d'un soutien personnalisé et professionnalisant.
Les inspecteurs du Ministère de l’Enseignement Primaire Secondaire et Technique (EPST), de la Division des Affaires Sociales, les enseignants et le Comité des Parents, soit près de 175 participants, ont participé à la formation sur l’hygiène et la propreté en milieu scolaire, organisée du 4 au 6 mars 2024 à Mbuji-Mayi. Avec l’accompagnement de notre programme "Education de Base", l’activité était organisée sous la supervision de l’Inspecteur Principal Provincial, du Proved et du Chef de Division des Affaires Sociales.
Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du programme de coopération bilatérale belgo-burkinabé, il est prévu d’aménager d’au moins 60 ha de bas-fonds pour la production du riz et 15 ha de périmètres maraîchers destiné principalement à la pomme de terre. Ces actions qui sont au profit des jeunes, des femmes, des Personnes Déplacées Internes (PDI) et d’autres personnes vulnérables ont pour but de contribuer à l’atteinte de la sécurité alimentaire conformément à la vision stratégique de l’offensive agropastorale et halieutique.Pour se faire, une démarche inclusive et participative impliquant les autorités et les parties prenantes du territoire a été entreprise par Enabel afin de s’assurer des garanties méthodologiques et organisationnelles de la réalisation future des aménagements hydroagricoles. Les infrastructures sont prévues s’ériger sur des sites bénéficiant d’une sécurisation foncière avec la pleine implication des acteurs, desquels une appropriation totale de l’action prévue est requise.Ainsi, un atelier s’est tenu le 15 avril 2024 avec l’ensemble des acteurs du territoire avec pour objectif de disposer d’une part d’une liste de sites potentiellement sécurisés et aménageables dans la région du Centre-Est et dans la province du Ganzourgou ; d’autre part la rencontre devrait permettre la mise en place d’un comité technique et volontaire pour la vérification et le suivi des futurs aménagements. Comme résultat, 14 sites potentiels ont été retenus sur base de critères socioéconomiques et biophysiques ; un comité pluridisciplinaire composé de 6 membres sélectionnés au niveau des communes des sites identifiés a été établi et s’est même mobilisé du 22 au 26 avril pour visiter l’ensemble des sites choisis lors de l’atelier. De Garango à Tenkodogo dans la province du Bougou, en passant par Andemtenga, Kando, Dialgaye, Koupéla dans la province du Kouritenga jusqu’à Mogtédo et Zorgho dans la province du Ganzourgou, propriétaires terriens, chefs de villages et leaders communautaires se sont mobilisés autour de chaque comité pour une visite guidée des sites. Questions réponses, observations, appréciations, mesure de la motivation de la communauté ont ponctué ces tournées.Ce travail conjoint en collaboration avec les Directions Régionales du Centre-Est et du Plateau Central a permis de consolider le consensus, d’anticiper sur la gestion foncière et l’intermédiation sociale. Il a aussi permis d’identifier les synergies et les complémentarités entre les acteurs déjà présents sur le terrain et travaillant sur la même thématique.
In 1994, community members of Nyakabungo came together to form a Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) with the sole aim of supporting their children in school. Group members would collect money for one parent at a time to support the education of his or her children. As families became more stable to solely support their children in school, the group transitioned to saving for burials. Members who lost a close relative would be supported to manage the financial burden during the funeral.In 2023, the group now, Nyakabungo Bakyara Tukwatanize was among those that received financial education and savings for health training by Enabel trained ambassadors under the Decent Work and Social Protection Project. With a membership of 34 (31 female, and 3 male), the group was empowered with financial management and savings knowledge. After the training, 18 members (16 female, and 2 male) embraced the idea of saving for health. With a minimum of UGX1,000 to a maximum of UGX 5,000 (0.2€ - 0.5€) per member per week, the group saved UGX 93,000 (22€) for health between October and early December 2023.The chairperson, Emily Kyenserikora said that many mothers in the community, including herself have had challenges such as delays in accessing health services and the inability to meet urgent medical bills. “I have used my past challenging moments to motivate myself and encourage others to save for health”, added the chairperson of the group.Another group member said that she has a kidney disease, which requires her to have frequent medical checks at a health facility, her inspiration to save is the fact that when it is time for these medical visits, she will have her savings ready to meet the costs; transport and buying medicine.Her story is quite similar to that of another group member, Gloria, who has diabetes which requires regular medical attention. Gloria said that borrowing money from friends and neighbors has been a challenge because they either do not have it or require something valuable as collateral. Her health savings are now a safe space to run to when she needs to access medical services.As part of their future saving for health plans, Emily Kyenserikora said that the Nyakabungo Bakyara Tukwatanize Village Savings and Loans Association members intend to do community mobilization and awareness raising on saving for health so that other community members can become part of their VSLA health savings and benefits. They also plan to encourage actively saving members to increase their weekly premiums so that they can have enough money at their disposal to meet all loan requests at any given time, throughout the year.
Nyakeera Tuyambangane group in Kabende Sub-County, Kabarole district started in 2022 with the main aim of saving for burials. The group of 20 members (19 female and 1 male) meets weekly for their savings.Through the savings for health training that the group received from the Enabel-trained ambassador, the group members were inspired to start saving for health instead of saving for burials. The group chairperson, Lydia Ngambeki said that the training enlightened members to realize that saving a life through their health funds is much more important than giving a decent send-off.As a result, 13 members of the 20 Village Savings and Loans Association members, started saving for health on the 19th of October 2023. By December 2023, the group’s savings for health account had UGX 153,000 (36€). Within the same duration, 3 members of the group had already borrowed UGX 126,000 (30€) from the savings, including a mother who was accessing maternity services at Kabende Health Center III, located about 12km away.The group chairperson, Lydia Ngambeki said that members would worry so much when they or one of the family members was sick, but they are now confident. “From the experience of the 3 members who borrowed to seek medical attention, I realized that people are now confident of the readily available support they can get from the group’s health savings”, said the group chairperson.Among the group’s savings for health plans, is to increase savings in the harvest seasons since most of the members are farmers who get income from produce sales. The chairperson said that they are also excited to talk to other people in the community to join the group and embrace saving for health because they have already seen the benefits during health emergencies.