Le mercredi 7 février 2024 s’est tenu au ministère de la Santé le 1ᵉʳ Comité de Pilotage 2024 du projet Equite « Ensemble pour une qualité de soins inclusive et Transparente, orientée vers l’égalité genre ». L'objectif général est de contribuer au pilotage du projet EQUITE. ...
Le projet d’Appui Complémentaire à la Formation Professionnelle et Technique (ACFPT) d’Enabel soutient les efforts des centres de formation professionnelle pour améliorer la qualité des apprentissages pratiques. Enabel à travers le projet ACFPT soutient 18 Centres d’Enseignement des Métiers (CEM...
Michael Anyama, is a 34-year-old Ugandan,
whose encounter with a training opportunity from Windle International in 2018 changed
his life. Despite lacking prior experience in welding, Michael recognized his
potential and decided to seize the opportunity to learn.
The six-month training, followed...
Annet Maturu's story is one of resilience,
determination, and the transformative power of skilling and opportunity. Born
and raised in Babaa, Maracha district, Annet's journey began
with a simple radio announcement about a training program. Annet seized the
opportunity to apply for it and she gained...
Medina Maneno is a 23-year-old resident of Adjumani town who had always had a love for tailoring. In 2019, Medina learnt from her friend about a tailoring training that was being advertised by Windle International. Windle International is among the 54 organisations that received funding under ...
After what he describes as hustling for 2 years on the streets of Arua and Juba in South Sudan, Ratib Ajidra, 33 decided to return home and rethink his life. He had dropped out of school in Senior Four, following the death of his older brother who had been supporting his education. Ratib decided to ...
Drichi Richard, 31 came to Uganda from South Sudan in 2015. He had been displaced during a civil war between the ruling South Sudanese government then and opposition forces. On reaching Uganda, he continued with his education but dropped out of school after completing Senior Four due to lack of school...
Agnes Never has always been hardworking right from when she was in school. She had dreams of becoming a highly educated and respected member of her society. However, her dream was short-lived when her father stopped paying Agnes’s school fees before she completed her primary education. Her dad had been...
Stella Foni came to Uganda from South Sudan in 2017 when she was in Senior Two. She was settled in Yumbe district in a refugee camp. Stella, who is now 28 years old and married, did not get a chance to continue with school after arriving in Uganda. She got married not long after and began planting and...
Afin de consolider les efforts de coopération entre le Bénin et la Belgique, Enabel a orchestré une série de sessions d'Onboarding stratégiques. Ces réunions ont rassemblé une diversité d'acteurs - des institutions gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, des entreprises privées et des partenaires...
23 au 25 janvier 2024 à Koudougou, Enabel a organisé un atelier de formation d’officiers
de police judiciaire (OPJ) sur la prise en charge judiciaire et psychosociale
des victimes de violences basées sur le genre (VBG). L’activité entre dans le
cadre de la mise en œuvre du Projet d’Appui au Renforcement...
L'impact de la formation sur la production de jardins maraîchers circulaires.Retour sur la formation. Elle a été organisée dans le cadre du partenariat entre Enabel et Agri-Sahel : pour le développement d’une filière maraîchère durable à travers les exploitations familiales intégrées dans les wilayas...
Le lundi 22 janvier 2024, Enabel au Bénin a lancé les premières semaines d'onboarding et d'ateliers de démarrage, marquant le début du nouveau programme de coopération bénino-belge pour la période 2023-2028. Cet événement a rassemblé 128 membres du personnel, tous unis par la volonté de renforcer l'...
Le ministère de l'Agriculture a sollicité un soutien dans le cadre de son suivi sectoriel visant à revitaliser le dispositif de Suivi- Évaluation. La Direction de la Planification et du Suivi de la Coordination Sectorielle et des Études (DPSCSE) a formulé une demande d'équipements pour les délégations...
“We waited for many years for electricity, and we never thought that we
could one day have energy in our homes. With energy we will be able to have the
opportunity to develop our village, as first we will have the houses and
some streets surrounding the station's headquarters lit up, at the same ...