Du 16 au 18
octobre 2024, le Centre de Formation Professionnelle de Nyakabiga, à Bujumbura,
a accueilli la deuxième édition du concours national des métiers Umwuga
Award. Cet événement a rassemblé 57 jeunes talents provenant de 14
provinces du Burundi, prêts à démontrer leur savoir-faire dans 9 ...
Le projet REPO (Résilience agro sylvo-pastorale, Ouest Niger),
financé par l’Union européenne et mis en œuvre par Enabel au Niger a organisé le
22 octobre 2024, un atelier de restitution et d’échanges autour de 5
thématiques de capitalisation
Ces thèmes de capitalisation mettent en lumière les...
Le 22 octobre, Enabel Mauritanie a organisé une session de briefing pour accueillir deux nouveaux membres de l'équipe : Yahya Kane, Chef de projet MIRECAM, et Djibril N'diaye, Acheteur public. Ce moment a permis aux nouveaux arrivants de mieux connaître notre organisation, son fonctionnement...
Du 15 au 17 octobre, l’hôtel Nouakchott, en plein cœur de la capitale mauritanienne, a accueilli l’atelier final de capitalisation du volet "Accès aux financements pour les producteurs agricoles et pastoraux" du programme RIMFIL, dédié à la "Promotion du développement des filières agricoles et pastorales...
For years, teachers have been
viewed as secondary stakeholders, often overlooked in discussions that directly
impact their profession. This marginalization is evident in the disparities in
their compensation compared to other professionals, despite their significant
contributions to society. Teachers...
Picture a classroom where curiosity thrives, and every student's potential is tapped and fulfilled. This vision is becoming reality across Uganda, in the districts of Kasese, Kabarole, Kyegegwa to Busoga region, in the districts of Jinja & Kamuli, and West Nile in the district of Yumbe, Madi Okollo...
On August 22-23, 2024, Maputo became the stage of a movement for change during the Second official UN-endorsed national Local Conference of Children and Youth on Climate Change in Mozambique (LCOY-Mozambique). LCOYs are hosted every year in over 120 countries prior to the UN Conference of Parties (COP...
En partenariat avec l’association CEFA, via le
projet TIWIZI, et la Direction régionale du département de la
jeunesse-Souss-Massa, des colonies de vacances ont été organisées au profit des
enfants issus des communes sinistrées de Taroudant. Ces colonies ont eu lieu à Tiznit
(plage d’Aglou) et à ...
Jimmy, a mechanical engineering graduate from
Makerere University, has been working at Pearl Dairies for three months. He
learned about the job through a friend, a former classmate who had participated
in the Work Readiness Programme (WRP). The friend shared a WhatsApp link, and
seeing his success...
Agaba Atumanya, 26, graduated with a degree in
Industrial Engineering and Management from Kyambogo University. He learned
about the Work Readiness Programme (WRP) through a friend who shared a link via
WhatsApp. Since manufacturing was one of the focus areas of the programme, and
it aligned with...
absence of a health centre had long posed a significant challenge to the
residents of the Shagasha Sector, where pregnant women and the sick had to
endure arduous journeys to distant health facilities, often resulting in
delayed or missed medical care. This harsh reality changed when Enabel, ...
Bibiana, a 25-year-old Human Resource
professional at Pearl Dairies Farm Limited, holds a Bachelor’s degree in
Business Administration, majoring in Human Resource Management, from Makerere
University. Sponsored by the MasterCard Foundation during her studies, she
first encountered the Work Readiness...
Meet Kato Tumusime, a 25-year-old agronomist
with a passion for agriculture. Working with Ankole Coffee Producers’
Cooperative Union (ACPCU) in Kabwohe, he spends his days supporting coffee
farmers in Mbarara as part of the Rwampara Growers Cooperative. But Kato’s
journey to this point wasn’t easy...
Dans le cadre du projet REPO (Résilience
agro-sylvo-pastorale Ouest-Niger), une étude hydrogéophysique a permis
d’optimiser l’implantation des puits et forages pour l’alimentation en eau des
communautés pastorales. En utilisant des technologies de pointe basées sur la
résonance magnétique et l'électromagnétisme...
At Enabel, our passion for enabling
change does not end when the workday ends. It’s coming to a year since the "after-work
exercise" program was born at our Rwenzori office in Fort Portal. Emmanuel
Muhumuza, the Intervention Officer, Skills Development Fund spearheaded the
initiative which has brilliantly...