Viewing 2580 to 2595 of 2662 news

  • Gradueneur - The first TVET Boot Camp in the Palestinian Territory

    Gradueneur - The first TVET Boot Camp in the Palestinian Territory

    Eva MORRE | 06/06/2016

    The first boot camp for technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Palestine was launched in Gaza city on the 31st of May. This entrepreneurship boot camp for TVET graduates or Gradueneur is a joined initiative of the Belgian Development Agency and Islamic Relief in cooperation with the private sector. Representatives from the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and representatives from the private sector and the trade unions all attended the opening ceremony. During 3 days, 120 graduates of the construction and ICT sectors will be trained in life and entrepreneurship skills that will help them to take the first steps in their career. Before the start of the boot camp, the students were asked about their expectations, and based on their hopes and desires, they were divided in two groups. A first group of 60 students indicated that they would like to start their own company. Therefore, they received a three day training course on how to develop a business plan. The first day they had courses on the concept of being an entrepreneur. The second day there were sessions on how to translate their own idea into a sustainable business model, and on the third day they had to defend their ideas and their business plan in front of a professional jury. The jury – consisting of the private sector and business experts – has given them feedback and the 4 best ideas from each sector – ICT and construction – have won a start-up fund, financed by Islamic Relief.The other 60 students indicated that they prefer to work as an employee in a company. Therefore, a different trajectory was foreseen for them. On the first day, a career guidance session helped them to improve their CVs and apply for a job. The next day, different companies from the Gaza strip were invited to attend a career day, where they could get into contact with the students. The companies were given an incentive to recruit them, because during the first two months they only have to pay their employees 30% of their salaries, as the other 70% will be funded by Islamic Relief. At the end more than 25 graduates were hired during the career day. This boot camp was a first in the Palestinian Territory. As it turned out to be very successful, the idea might be exported to the West Bank as well. 

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    Palestine PZA1202911

  • Vidéo

    Vidéo "Valorisation autour des bassins de rétention burkinabé"

    Marcella PASOTTI | 31/05/2016

    Une vidéo avec les témoignages des participants au voyage d'étude au Burkina Faso en février 2016.

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    Senegal SEN1002411

  • Focus on coordination: 8th ICT for Development International conference

    Focus on coordination: 8th international conference on ICT for Development

    Mathias LARDINOIS | 31/05/2016

    IntroductionFrom 16 to 19/05 2016 Maisha Bora was represented by its Programme Coordinator at the 8th annual ICT4D Conference: “From innovation to impact: Using Technology to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (” in Nairobi, Kenya. This conference was a good opportunity to have a direct view of various ICT tools and methodologies to implement development projects.The focus of the conference was on:ICT solutions that are having significant impact in development;Government ICT strategies, their alignment with the SDGs, progress towards their implementation, and challenges and experiences to date;The intersection between government ICT strategies and the goals and strategies of private sector businesses and civil society organizations operating in the same geographies;The structure of cross-sector partnerships and business models for ICT solution delivery that have shown promising results.The expected outputs of the conference were to:Examine the types of changes within development sectors that are critical to achieving the SDGs and the ICT strategies that have potential to enable those changes;Introduce and demonstrate up-and-coming ICT solutions that are relevant to challenges within development sectors and have already shown promising results;Provide training  for those wishing to obtain  hands-on experience with ICT solutions  or to strengthen their skills in developing strategies and plans for solution implementation;Discuss partnerships and business models for implementing scalable and sustainable ICT solutions that address development challenges.Speakers and participants came from NGOs, private ICT companies, UN agencies, Universities, as well as agencies such as, BTC, GIZ and SIDA (750 attendees in total).Objectives of the participation of Maisha Bora The first and main objective of the mission was to get information on ICT4D that could be applicable for our programme. It proved to be very successful, with many ideas identified. They have been selected both for direct use in the programme and for the information of the partner organisations in general, given that all have expressed interest to develop their experience and expertise in that area.The second objective was to develop the network of the programme, which also proved successful with very promising contacts with whom direct relations can be investigated, some interesting in terms of potential contracted service providers, and some sharing interests and / or objectives with Maisha Bora, thus interesting to keep informed and to follow.The third objective was to provide visibility of Maisha Bora in an international event linked to digitization and SDGs, which was also a success, through on one side the activation and dynamic use of our twitter account (@MaishaBoraTZA), and on the other side active participation in the discussions during the presentations and the social events, with practical sharing of experiences issued from Maisha Bora.Stay tuned for moreMore details will be provided through a case study to be published in the coming weeks. Stay tuned to our updates on open.btcctb (this site) and our twitter account (@MaishaBoraTZA) to be the first informed!Information:

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    Tanzania TAN1403011

  • First TVET conference in the Gaza strip

    First TVET conference in the Gaza strip

    Eva MORRE | 31/05/2016

    On Monday, May 30th 2016, the first scientific conference on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in the Gaza strip took place. This conference, jointly organised by the Belgian Development Agency (BTC) and the Gaza Community College for Tourism and Applied Studies was titled ‘TVET in Gaza between Present and Future’. After the opening session, 14 different studies and scientific papers were presented. Thanks to an in-depth discussion between the conference members, 23 different recommendations have been formulated concerning the future of TVET in Gaza. The first group of recommendations focusses on the need to improve the society’s perception of TVET, especially among female students. Other suggestions stress the importance of more private-public partnerships, in order to maximise the relevance of TVET training for the local labour market. Another group of recommendations call for a national policy for the TVET sector. A fourth group of suggestions focusses on the need to modernize the curricula and the equipment as to keep track of the rapid developments in the field of technical and vocational education and training. Thanks to this first scientific conference on TVET and the above mentioned recommendations, the first stepping stone has been set for a more in depth debate about the future of TVET in the Palestinian Territory, and more specifically in the Gaza strip. 

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    Palestine PZA1202911

  • Primera capacitación sobre la inclusión transversal del género e interculturalidad en el Sector Salud - San Martín

    Primera capacitación sobre la inclusión transversal del género e interculturalidad en el Sector Salud - San Martín

    Felipe SERE | 30/05/2016

    En el contexto de la inclusión de los enfoques de género e interculturalidad en las políticas públicas tanto por parte del Estado Peruano, de la Cooperación Belga al Desarrollo y de la CTB, se ha desarrollado y publicado un Plan de Transversalización de los enfoques de genero e interculturalidad para las actividades y el funcionamiento del Programa SISTEC. En base a la metodología propuesta en este Plan, se diseñaron herramientas para capacitaciones sobre la integración de dichos enfoques transversales destinadas al personal de las Unidades Desconcentradas Regionales del SIS en regiones objetivo del Programa. En este marco, el día 26 de Mayo, se brindó la primera capacitación al personal de la UDR del SIS en la región San Martín. Se inició la capacitación con un auto-diagnóstico del conocimientos sobre los conceptos básicos de género, salud intercultural e discriminaciones basadas en género, en salud. En un segundo tiempo, se explicitaron los conceptos vinculados a los temas transversales del Programa, en el contexto específico del sector salud. La tercera parte del taller consistió en la actividad de roles e responsabilidades de género, según la metodología de la guía “Gender mainstreaming for health practicioners”, de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), adaptada al contexto peruano. Después de la retroalimentación y comentarios de los equipos, se resaltaron algunos puntos clave: el concepto de “triple jornada para mujeres”, la invisibilización de las responsabilidades “reproductivas” y sus consecuencias; la permeabilidad de categorías y la clasificación de ciertas categorías como exclusivamente femeninas en el imaginario colectivo. La cuarta parte del taller recopilo algunos de los puntos claves de la Matriz de Análisis de Género de la OMS, como por ejemplo, el impacto del acceso y del control sobre recursos en el ámbito del acceso a una salud de calidad. El dinamismo y la motivación de las personas presentes permitió que la capacitación sea un éxito y el personal del Programa SISTEC no tiene duda que las próximas capacitaciones en regiones recibirán también una excelente acogida.Alice Kuczkiewicz 

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    Peru PER1001711

  • Belgian Consul-General inaugurates Far’oun Secondary Girls school

    Belgian Consul-General inaugurates Far’oun Secondary Girls school

    Eva MORRE | 30/05/2016

    Ensuring safe and equitable access to education for all Palestinian children is a major goal of the education sector. In previous years, Palestine made remarkable progress in improving access to education – especially in the lower grade levels. In spite of this, there are still severe access challenges in some areas of the Palestinian Territory, due to a lack of schools or classroom shortage. This results often in overcrowded classrooms or unsuitable learning environments which negatively impacts on the quality of teaching and learning.   Since 2005, Belgium supports the Palestinian education system in overcoming these difficulties through the rehabilitation of schools and by building new schools. One of the instruments is the Joint Financing Arrangement – a basket fund to support the implementation of the Education Sector Plan in the Palestinian Territory. The fund is supported by Belgium, Finland, Germany, Ireland and Norway. On 23 May 2016, the Minister of Education, Dr. Sabri Saidam, and Consul-General of Belgium, Bruno Jans inaugurated the secondary school for girls in Far’oun. The construction of this new school in the eastern part of the West Bank was supported by the JFA and was completed last year. The school is now fully operational, and hosts more than 250 girls from six different grades. Thanks to this newly built school the pressure on the educational system in the Far’oun village has decreased considerably and allows the students to follow classes in a more stimulating learning environment. 

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    Palestine PZA1503511

  • Visite des réalisations dans le village de Batal (Diourbel)

    Visite des réalisations dans le village de Batal (Diourbel)

    Marcella PASOTTI | 25/05/2016

    Le 18 mai 2016 les habitants de Batal, village à 5 Km de Bambey, ont accueilli les autorités administratives de la région, l’équipe du projet BARVAFOR et les partenaires dans le cadre d’une visite des réalisations dans le village. Le périmètre maraîcher de Batal est alimenté par l’eau venant du forage rééquipé par le projet BARVAFOR en 2015.  En outre, le projet a aussi réalisé la cabine abritant le groupe électrogène et 30 bassins pour le stockage de l’eau. Les partenaires de mise en valeur actifs sur le site, notamment le Projet d’Appui aux Filières Agricoles (PAFA) et Caritas Thiès, interviennent en complémentarité pour exploiter au maximum le potentiel offert par le périmètre. PAFA a réalisé 30 autres bassins, la clôture du périmètre, et  a également approvisionné les exploitants en semences et matériel d’arrosage. Caritas Thiès est en train de construire un château d’eau et augmentera la superficie du périmètre de 1,5 ha. Ce périmètre a permis à beaucoup de jeunes émigrés dans les différentes villes du pays de retourner au village et d’y trouver une source de revenu. Actuellement il y a 60 jeunes actifs dans ce périmètre, nombre qui augmentera jusqu’à 90 une fois que l’extension du périmètre sera terminée. Pour plus de photos, veuillez visiter la galerie photo du projet. 

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    Senegal SEN1002411

  • Prix du méritepour la production des dattes

    Prix du mérite pour la production des dattes

    Meriem HILALI | 18/05/2016

    Lors de la onzième édition du Salon International de l'Agriculture au Maroc (SIAM 2016), le fondateur et vice-président de la coopérative Toumour-Tinzouline a reçu le prix du mérite agricole de production des dattes. Ce prix récompense l’engagement de monsieur TAHRAMI dans la production de dattes de qualité et à travers lui, c’est l’effort de toute la coopérative et l’accompagnement de l’ORMVAO et de la CTB qui reçoivent une reconnaissance officielle.               Monsieur TAHRAMI est, en effet, un producteur chevronné et considéré comme pionnier en matière de production de dattes de meilleure qualité. Il a su intégrer les efforts des institutions de l’Etat et de ses partenaires, notamment la CTB, pour perfectionner son système de production, de valorisation et de commercialisation des dattes. En effet, il a bénéficié, à l’instar de plusieurs autres producteurs intéressés, de plusieurs actions d’appui et de sensibilisation dans différents domaines concernant l’amont et l’aval de la production. De même monsieur TAHRAMI a tiré profit de l’environnement favorable créé par la succession de plusieurs plans de développement de la filière, plus particulièrement le Projet gestion de l'eau et du développement intégré dans la Vallée du Drâa «GEDINDRAA» pour l’organisation de certains producteurs de la commune de Tinzouline en une coopérative de production et de valorisation des dattes. En dehors de la grande usine des dattes de Zagora, cette coopérative avait le mérite de gérer efficacement l’une des premières unités de stockage et de valorisation des dattes (40 tonnes) construites dans le cadre de ce projet.   La coopérative TOUMOUR-TINZOULINE, qui compte actuellement 82 membres, a été créée initialement par 11 producteurs le 17 juin 2008. Elle constituait un partenaire privilégié du projet GEDINDRAA financé conjointement par le Royaume de Belgique et le Royaume du Maroc. Ce projet visait principalement la contribution effective des bénéficiaires au développement rural intégré dans un écosystème oasien où la rareté de l’eau constitue la contrainte majeure. La coopérative TOUMOUR-TINZOULINE a contribué réellement au développement durable de son environnement pour améliorer les conditions de vie des populations et les revenus agricoles. Parmi les différentes actions de partenariat enregistrées on peut citer, entre autres, la gestion collective et économe de l’eau, l’amélioration des systèmes de production et de valorisation des dattes et la réalisation d’un progrès apparent concernant la commercialisation des dattes.               Depuis 2013, la coopérative TOUMOUR-TINZOULINE, grâce à ses qualités supérieures d’implication et de dynamique dans le développement de la filière du palmier dattier, a été sélectionnée parmi les principaux partenaires du programme de développement des filières du safran et de dattes (PDFSD), financé également par la coopération Maroc-Belgique. Elle a bénéficié, ainsi, d’un appui distinctif de l’équipe du projet et de l’ORMVAO dans différents domaines de l’amont à l’aval de la filière. Il s’agit, notamment et à titre indicatif, des actions de formation sur les techniques de conduites et de valorisation, les opérations de mise à niveau de l’unité, l’acquisition de l’autorisation sanitaire, …. Dans une perspective d’améliorer davantage la qualité des dattes. La reconnaissance du SIAM récompense les efforts de la coopérative et l’encourage à diversifier ses activités avec d’autres projets ambitieux tels que la transformation des dattes de moindre qualité ou des déchets de dattes.

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    Morocco MOR1204311

  • Capitalization workshop - Kigoma, 03/05/2016

    Capitalization workshop - Kigoma, 03/05/2016

    Jennifer SWERTVAEGHER | 17/05/2016

    BTC has supported the beekeeping sector in Tanzania since 2007 through 2 projects: (i) Beekeeping Improvement Project (2007 – 2010), and (ii) Beekeeping Support Project in Kigoma Region (BSPK). BSPK started in May 2012 and will run up to June 2016. The Specific Objective of BSPK is to pilot a replicable model of sustainable beekeeping development in Kigoma Region. The project concentrates on the development of the honey value chain. BSPK is now in its final stage and just recently a participatory capitalization workshop was held. The workshop aimed at discussing and analyzing the project’s achievements and challenges, what lessons can be learned from these experiences, and what is the way forward for the beekeeping sector in Kigoma. This way we try to ensure long-term effects of the project’s results. The workshop was conducted in Kigoma on the 3rd of May. The participants were project implementers, project beneficiaries, and other key actors of the beekeeping sector in Kigoma Region and Tanzania in general. More than 50 people came and shared their insights about which lessons they had learned throughout the project, and at the same time they identified which aspects are important for the consolidation of project outcomes and further development of the beekeeping sector in Kigoma.

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    Tanzania TAN1002511

  • Programme brief - Village committees: crucial link between communities and programme partners

    Programme brief - Village committees: crucial link between communities and programme partners

    Toon DRIESEN | 13/05/2016

    Zengo Mikomanwa, Programme Officer for Heifer International, introduces the livestock-component of the Maisha Bora programme to the village committee members in Magadini village. From 12th until 29th of April local partners of the Maisha Bora programme organized the first village committee meetings. The village committees are made up of 12 members, both women and men, who represent the interests, needs and wishes of the local communities. The members of the village committee will oversee the implementation of the programme activities in the villages, advise local partners, ensure communication and information sharing within the communities and facilitate community participation. These ambitions were put into practice with the organization of the first village committee meetings. Committee members and programme partners got introduced to each other, the different Maisha Bora components were explained and the roles and responsibilities were discussed. During the course of the programme field officers of the Maisha Bora partners will coach these committees to increase their capacity to become stewards of the Maisha Bora programme and advise the partners accordingly.  The committees will be the crucial link between the communities and the Maisha Bora programme to create mutual accountability in our programme.

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    Tanzania TAN1403011

  • Success stories Work Based Learning

    Success stories Work Based Learning

    Eva MORRE | 12/05/2016

    Wisam is teaching carpentry at the Vocational and Technical College (VTC) of Halhul near the city of Hebron. Currently he has 30 students and all of them are part of the Work Based Learning (WBL) initiative of the Belgian Development Agency (BTC). The students are working in 25 different companies, which they chose based on their personal interests and the location. So, the students are both motivated and don't have to commute too long each day."The companies are very satisfied with the work of the students." They offer them a basic salary between 600 and 800 NIS per month and most students already have an offer to stay in the company after their graduation. The companies are so happy with their trainees that they wish that the school should extend the existing Work Based Learning programme to other vocations such as painting and designing.The partnership between the school and the companies is a win-win situation: the companies are able to find skilled and motivated employees, and the students learn a lot of different practical skills they could not acquire in the school. Inside the VTC they have a limited amount of materials and tools, whereas in the company they can practice on making a whole range of furniture. In the current training programme they spend a total of 10 months in the company. During this period their time is equally divided between the school and the workplace.After graduation, most students are offered a place in the company where they have done their training. A lot of them are even asked to stay before their actual graduation. Some bigger companies request up to six students as trainees, so the Work Based Learning scheme can be considered a big success.Mohamed currently studies carpentry in the VTC in Halhul. The study programme takes one year, so in June he will graduate. Although he studies at the VTC, he goes to work in a company every day of the week to gain practical experience. Three days a week he works there full-time; the other two days he first goes to school and continues in the afternoon in the company. What Mohamed enjoys most about his internship in the company is the variety of the tasks. He chose the company because he liked it, and because of the limited commuting time. At the company he has a weekly plan with a specific project."This week I will construct a bedroom, next week it will be another kind of furniture."He is a big supporter of the WBL programme, as it allows him to learn at the same time the theoretical knowledge of carpentry at the VTC, and the practical knowledge which he mostly acquires inside the company. Moreover, all practical issues are taken care of: in case of a work accident, he is covered by an insurance, and the safety and security rules are taken very seriously. Furthermore, the company pays him a monthly salary of 800 NIS, a plus for somebody who is after all still a student.Once he will graduate, he will keep on working in this firm until he has acquired enough knowledge and finds a good opportunity to open his own business.Lukman has also studied carpentry in the same VTC in Halhul. He has graduated in 2014, after following a Work Based Learning (WBL) programme that allowed him to work in a company for 4 months. He was very satisfied with the programme, as he gained theoretical knowledge in the school, and could directly apply it in the company where he learned most of his practical skills. "Thanks to the different experiences gained in the WBL programme, I was able to open my own business just three months after graduation."The internship in the company has helped him a lot, as he has benefited a great deal from the work experience of his supervisor in the company. At the end he decided to become an independent carpenter what he managed to do with great success.

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    Palestine PZA1202911

  • TVET week in Gaza: the movie

    TVET week in Gaza: the movie

    Eva MORRE | 11/05/2016

    In February 2016, the Belgian Development Agency (BTC), the EU and GIZ jointly organised a week-long event to promote technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Gaza. On the last day of the week BTC organised a Career Day to bring TVET graduates in direct contact with the private sector. The main goals and most important outcomes of the event ‘Transforming Skills into Work’ have been captured in a video. Enjoy! 

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    Palestine PZA1202911

  • Inauguration by Minister Reynders of rehabilitated school in Gaza

    Inauguration by Minister Reynders of rehabilitated school in Gaza

    Eva MORRE | 11/05/2016

    On May 10th the Belgian Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Didier Reynders, has visited the Gaza strip as part of his visit to the Palestinian Territory. During this visit he has inaugurated the rehabilitation of the Subhi Aby Karsh Primary School in Shajaiya. The rehabilitation was supported by Belgium through its budget support to education, implemented by the Belgian Development Agency (BTC).During the Gaza war in 2014, about 230 schools in Gaza were damaged and 26 schools were totally destroyed. The Subhi Aby Karsh Primary School was severely damaged. There were gaping holes in the classroom walls, doors and windows were blasted, the ceilings were collapsed, equipment was damaged and there was heavy fire damage in classrooms. After the war, the Ministry of Education started to repair the damage with financial support of the Joint Financing Arrangement – JFA. The JFA is a basket fund to support the education sector in the Palestinian Territory and is supported by Belgium, Finland, Germany, Ireland and Norway. In total, the JFA funded the rehabilitation of 109 damaged schools in Gaza after the war of 2014.

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    Palestine PZA1503511

  • First Career Day for TVET graduates in the West Bank

    First Career Day for TVET graduates in the West Bank

    Eva MORRE | 06/05/2016

    Many companies from different sectors, ranging from tourism over fashion design to carpentry have difficulties finding skilled employees. Youngsters with technical skills are in high demand in the whole country, but sometimes it is difficult for them to get into contact with the right companies. Earlier this year a very successful career day for graduates from the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) sector was organised by the Belgian Development Agency (BTC) in Gaza. BTC was very pleased to support the organisation of the first career day for TVET graduates in the West Bank, which took place in the VTC in Halhul, near the city of Hebron on the 3rd of May 2016. This career day was jointly organised by eight different schools, technical colleges and vocational training centres. The job fair had two main objectives: to show graduates the job opportunities in the Hebron governorate and bring them into contact with local companiesto offer companies the opportunity to promote their business and advertise their job vacancies.            The job fair has become a big success, as around 30 companies were registered, and many more students from different schools in the region were looking for a job. The career day was supported by BTC in close cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, who are jointly responsible for the TVET sector in the Palestinian Territory. It is still too early to know how many students have effectively found a job thanks to the career day. At the very least the students have had the opportunity to meet a wide range of companies looking for skilled workers like them. Furthermore, the job fair has set a good example for the whole region by bringing the private sector and TVET institutions together in order to narrow the gap between the world of training and the world of work.   

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    Palestine PZA1202911


    Capitalizando la equidad

    Agar TAMAYO | 04/05/2016

    El día miércoles 27 de abril del 2016 se realizó el evento “Capitalizando la Equidad”, actividad que congregó a 9 cooperaciones internacionales comprometidas con el desarrollo de la igualdad de género en proyectos de desarrollo. Este evento fue un espacio de intercambio de experiencias en la implementación de proyectos con enfoque de género. La CTB Bolivia, presentó la experiencia del Proyecto de Apoyo a la Agricultura Familiar, PROAGRIF y los resultados del trabajo de fortalecimiento integral de la producción agrícola familiar para alcanzar la Seguridad Alimentaria de las productoras y productores de los municipios de Sucre rural (distrito 7 y 8), Yotala y Poroma. El Proyecto PROAGRIF participó de la feria junto a otras cooperaciones y visualizó el trabajo de las mujeres productoras, responsables de la comercialización de la producción limpia en diferentes puntos de venta en la ciudad de Sucre. Se presentó también a la señora tomate y el señor brócoli como imagen que posicionara a esta producción de alimentos sanos en el público boliviano. En el evento, la Representante de la CTB, Sra. Christelle Jocquet dio un mensaje profundo sobre la unión y la integración del trabajo de mujeres y hombres para construir un mundo más justo, equitativo, sostenible y feliz. Durante la feria, el Proyecto PROAGRIF y la CTB hicieron entrega del material con información del trabajo desarrollado por la cooperación belga a través de sus proyectos en Bolivia, asimismo presentó el tríptico denominado “Igualdad de Género” que promueve la transversalización del enfoque de género en los proyectos del Programa de Cooperación (PC) 2014 – 2019. 

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    Bolivia BOL1303411