Viewing 2535 to 2550 of 2574 news

  • Maisha Bora International Partners: World Food Programme

    Maisha Bora International Partners: World Food Programme (WFP)

    Mathias LARDINOIS | 08/03/2016

    In Maisha Bora Programme, WFP is responsible for improving the nutrition of households, and in particular pregnant and lactating women and children under 5, through consumption of more diversified foods, use of cleaner water and awareness of HIV prevention.The World Food Programme (WFP) is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide, delivering food assistance in emergencies and working with communities to improve nutrition and build resilience. Each year, WFP assists some 80 million people in around 80 countries. WFP is part of the United Nations system and is voluntarily funded. About 11,500 people work for WFP, most of them in remote areas, directly serving the hungry poor. In Tanzania, WFP has a team of over 100 staff reaching more than half a million vulnerable people per year through its various initiatives.Website: Tel: +; Email:

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    Tanzania TAN1403011

  • Focus on water: Village selection for the rehabilitation of water sources

    Focus on water: Village selection for the rehabilitation of water sources

    Toon DRIESEN | 07/03/2016

    Prioritizing together  During the second semester of 2015, Islands of Peace and its local partners (Oikos East Africa and Longido Community Development Organization) conducted an in-depth analysis on the problem of access to water in the 15 targeted villages of the Maisha Bora Programme. This analysis allowed the project team to get a good understanding of the situation and to foresee possibilities of improvement of the current situation by rehabilitating or constructing water sources. Based on this diagnosis, the water engineers of the 3 organizations worked together to elaborate technical solutions for rehabilitating the existing water sources in each of the targeted villages. The solutions were presented to the communities and District Staff during a workshop in Longido and Simanjiro District in February. The workshops allowed all relevant stakeholders to prioritize and select together (Communities, District and Project Team) the villages where rehabilitation projects are necessary and relevant. Following these meetings, Islands of Peace and its local partners will organize workshops in order to discuss the rehabilitation projects with the communities and select the most relevant one. Ludovic Joly, regional coordinator for Islands of Peace, emphasizes the importance of such a participatory approach. “We want to make sure that we select the most relevant projects and propose solutions that reflect the expectations and the needs of the community.” 

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    Tanzania TAN1403011

  • Introduction: Maisha Bora International Partners: Belgian Development Agency (BTC)

    Maisha Bora International Partners: Belgian Development Agency (BTC)

    Mathias LARDINOIS | 04/03/2016

    In Maisha Bora Programme, BTC is responsible for the effective coordination of the programme to assure external and internal coherence, induced cooperation and increases implementation efficiency.The Belgian development agency, BTC, mobilises its resources and its expertise to eliminate poverty in the world. BTC contributes to the efforts of the international community and works towards a society that provides present and future generations with sufficient resources to build a sustainable and fair world.Its staff members in Brussels and overseas embody the commitment of the Belgian State and other development partners to international solidarity. They support more than 300 cooperation projects and programmes in some 20 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.BTC listens, gives advice and puts the experience of its staff to the disposal of its partners. Its staff members look for innovative solutions to the challenges set by a continuously more complex environment. To support the development processes BTC provides services that are characterized by transparency and integrity, which are essential values in a relation of trust.In Belgium BTC is presenting itself as a centre of excellence for development issues.Website:

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    Tanzania TAN1403011

  • 4 Trainings on Natural Resources Management

    Trainings on Natural Resources Management

    Jennifer SWERTVAEGHER | 04/03/2016

    The Belgian-Tanzanian Scholarship Programme aims to improve the performance of government institutions in two sectors: Local Government Reform and Natural Resources Management. Strengthening the individual competencies of government staff will contribute to the organizational development of their institution. Four Tanzanian training institutions were selected to give the trainings in Natural Resources Management: CBCTC – Community Based Conservation Training CentreFTI – Forestry Training InstitutionFETA – Fisheries Educational Training AgencyARITA – Ardhi Institute TaboraFrom 15th February until 29th April they are giving trainings to local government employees in Mkuranga, Kigoma, Uvinza, Buhigwe, Kasulu, Kibondo and Kakonko. The content of the trainings ranges from how to handle land use conflicts to refreshing their knowledge aboutNatural Resource Management laws. A trainer from CBCTC explains: “It is very useful to give a training on Community Based Natural Resources Management, because the laws and regulations in this sector often change.”The trainings try to relate to the daily work of the participants as closely as possible, and therefore are given in a participatory way. Much to the appreciation of the training participants: “This way we are encouraged to think actively and we will remember the things we learned better.”

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    Tanzania TAN1088811

  • Floraison de l'ammandier

    Floraison de l'amandier

    Meriem HILALI | 03/03/2016

    Dans l’Oriental, les amandiers commencent leur floraison. Pour le projet de développement de la filière des amandiers, on se prépare à assister à un spectacle magnifique : ce sont plus de 6000 ha d’amandiers qui ont été plantés depuis 2012. Trois mille agriculteurs sont concernés. Ils se préparent à recueillir les fruits de leur labeur puisque les 2000 premiers ha plantés vont déjà donner des amandes. Le succès auprès des agriculteurs de l’Oriental est tel que le gouvernement marocain a décidé d’investir 2 millions d’euros supplémentaires dans les plantations qui devraient garantir d’ici la fin du projet, en 2018, une amélioration durable de leurs revenus.

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    Morocco MOR1003911

  • Encuesta de Satisfacción de usuarios y usuarias en servicios de salud

    Encuesta de Satisfacción de usuarios y usuarias en servicios de salud

    Cecilia TORRES | 01/03/2016

    La Encuesta Nacional de Satisfacción tuvo como objetivo conocer la percepción y satisfacción del asegurado del SIS gratuito sobre los servicios de salud que reciben en los establecimientos de salud a nivel nacional y regional, así como analizar la percepción de prestadores de salud: los  jefes de la unidad de seguros, profesionales de salud asistencial (médico, enfermera, obstetra) e informáticos de la unidad de seguros. En relación a los asegurados, los resultados más importantes muestran el impacto generado por el SIS en los asegurados, entre ellos reconocen que el SIS “contribuye a que tenga una mejor calidad de vida” (93,4%), “ha significado una mejora en su salud y en la de su familia” (94,2%), “tiene más acceso a los servicios de salud” (90,0%) y “ se sienten más seguros en caso ocurra alguna emergencia con su familia” (94,0%). En relación a los prestadores de salud, mencionan que los 4 principales aspectos para lograr que los asegurados SIS se sientan satisfechos son: que haya el número suficiente de médicos, que se entreguen la totalidad de medicinas, que las citas se obtengan con rapidez y que no haya cobro alguno por ninguno de los servicios de salud ofrecidos. 

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    Peru PER1001711

  • Experiencia piloto en distrito Rio Tambo para salud de pueblos indígenas

    Experiencia piloto en distrito Rio Tambo para salud de pueblos indígenas

    Cecilia TORRES | 01/03/2016

    Las poblaciones indígenas amazónicas del Perú estan clasificadas como uno de los grupos vulnerables en salud, que acceden por derecho a servicios de salud gratuito y de calidad. El acceso a estos servicios por la población presenta una serie de dificultades geográficas, económicas y culturales. En el marco del Programa SISTEC, en coordinación con otros actores, se ha decidido tomar acción desarrollando una investigación-acción en la zona, para empoderar a las comunidades y encontrar soluciones conjuntas a los problemas que se identifiquen. El primer paso de la intervención será la conformación de Comités de Defensores del Aseguramiento Universal en Salud con responsabilidades respecto a la afiliación, la difusión de derechos y la centralización de reclamos y sugerencias. Estas responsabilidades se verán extendidas en intervenciones futuras a la vigilancia ciudadana de la calidad de la atención. 

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    Peru PER1001711

  • Introduction: Maisha Bora International Partners: Islands of Peace

    Maisha Bora International Partners: Islands of Peace (IDP)

    Mathias LARDINOIS | 29/02/2016

    In Maisha Bora Programme, Islands of Peace is responsible for improving sustainable access to adequate water for livestockIslands of Peace (IDP) is a Belgian NGO created in the 1960’s. Currently IDP works in 4 countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Peru and Tanzania. IDP also conducts activities in Belgium such as advocacy and development education. The intervention of IDP in Africa's overall objective is to enable people to pursue their own sustainable development process independently and with dignity.In its countries of operation, Islands of Peace facilitates local, reproducible and sustainable development led by disadvantaged populations with their representatives and local authorities.Islands of Peace is an NGO specialized in the support for local development. Its interventions target vulnerable rural communities for whom programs that tackle food insecurity.- "Sustainable production" (Sustainable Family Farming): support to producers' families and to their organisations for the development of a sustainable agriculture at the environmental, social and economic levels by having the role model of agro ecological productive system as a focal point AND by taking the realities and constraints that producers have to face into account.- "Post-Production - Commercialisation": working with male and female producers and their organisations to strengthen their command of post-production aspects (storage, packaging, processing,...) and commercialisation (planning, product positioning). The main preoccupation is to enable families to sell their production at a fair price, to clear a profit from it and to get a decent life. That includes the strengthening of producers organisations.- "Favourable environment for SFS emergence" (Repercussion/Advocacy): leading repercussion actions at the level of local/regional/national authorities to promote a favourable environment for emergence of sustainable food systems.Islands of Peace will also develop a result on capacity building for local partners which will implement activities in the field.Website:

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    Tanzania TAN1403011

  • Gestion stratégique portuaire

    Gestion stratégique portuaire

    Meriem HILALI | 29/02/2016

    C’est dans le port d’Anvers que nous avons rendez-vous avec six directeurs marocains du Ministère de l’Équipement, du Transport et de la Logistique. Ils y ont suivi un atelier portant sur la stratégie portuaire, organisé par l’APEC (Antwerp/Flanders Port Training Center). Cette formation de 5 jours a été élaborée à la carte, suite à une demande de l’autorité portuaire marocaine qui désire fournir à ses cadres une expertise de haut niveau pour mettre en place une stratégie efficace de gestion des ports du pays. Les acquis de cette formation et les échanges d’expériences avec le port d’Anvers lui permettront d’adapter sa stratégie portuaire dans ce secteur en pleine expansion au Maroc.   Cette formation s’inscrit dans la cadre de la collaboration entre le Programme de Renforcement des Capacités (Bourses) et le Ministère marocain de l’Équipement, du Transport et de la Logistique.

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    Morocco MOR1088811

  •  Architecture as a key factor for Quality Education

    Architecture as a key factor for Quality Education

    Thea MATHUES | 29/02/2016

    The quality of education is determined by teachers and their professionalism, the students, the lessons and the way lessons are taught. Exactly what the Teacher Training Education project is focusing on.It is also influenced by the physical learning environment. Building schools with a favorable learning environment is the priority of the architecture team in the project. On the picture, two of the construction workers are fine-tuning one of the new classrooms in National Teachers’ College Muni, based in the northern part of Uganda.  While construction is going on, the project also tries to incorporate cross cutting issues. In Uganda, women are not always afforded the same employment and economics opportunities as men. The picture portrays the story of two committed, female construction workers, setting the example for a more equitable world.   Text and Picture by Shelley Heugen.

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    Uganda UGA0902011

  • Plataforma de Administración del Aprendizaje Virtual (Learning Management System). E-learning.

    Plataforma de Administración del Aprendizaje Virtual (Learning Management System): E-learning.

    Cecilia TORRES | 26/02/2016

    Diseño e implementación de una Learning Management System (LMS) o Sistema de Gestión de Aprendizaje (plataforma eLearning), que permitirá el acceso a actividades de capacitación  e inducción a la totalidad de recursos humanos del SIS y sus contrapartes. 

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    Peru PER1001711

  • Diagnóstico del Clima Organizacional del Seguro Integral De Salud (SIS)

    Diagnóstico del Clima Organizacional del Seguro Integral De Salud (SIS)

    Cecilia TORRES | 26/02/2016

    El objetivo principal de esta actividad es analizar la percepción de los colaboradores y/o trabajadores del Seguro Integral de Salud. Para ello se llevó a buscó identificar las dimensiones y componentes que influyen en el modelamiento del clima organizacional del Seguro Integral de Salud, medir (estudio cuantitativo) y comprender (estudio cualitativo) la percepción y satisfacción personal de los trabajadores del Seguro  Integral de Salud, con los componentes clave identificativos en el clima, para la elaboración de políticas del Sistema de Recursos Humanos, preparar un Plan de Mejora del Clima Organzacional con la participación del Personal de Gerencias y Recursos Humanos del Seguro Integral de Salud.

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    Peru PER1001711

  • Launch study on the evaluation of teacher performance in Vietnam

    Launch study on the evaluation of teacher performance in Vietnam

    Hans LAMBRECHT | 26/02/2016

    On January 22nd 2016, the Department of Teachers and Educational Administrators (DTEM) of the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) in Vietnam launched the report of a study about the performance evaluation of teachers, which was supported by Belgium. The study was initiated as a result of the work done by the School Education Quality Assurance Programme (SEQAP) on the development of a lesson observation tool to assess effectiveness of training of teachers. The work on this tool attracted the interest of the leadership of the Ministry because they needed to establish a new procedure and a set of tools that can be used for independent evaluation of teachers. For that reason, MOET requested Belgium to support conducting a study that could link international experience in teacher evaluation with the current practice in Vietnam and the plans for teacher evaluation and development in the context of the ongoing education reform in Vietnam.The result of the study is a set of recommendations for an improved procedure to evaluate teachers in Vietnam based on an evaluation of the current practice and some international examples. The report includes the following sections:Section 1: Overview of teacher evaluation in VietnamSection 2: Overview of international practices in teacher evaluation (Singapore, UK (England), Canada (Ontario), Finland and Belgium (Flanders))Section 3: Recommendations for Vietnam based on international experienceThe study was conducted by Dr. Patrick Vander Weyden (Free University of Brussels & FocusUP, currently Country Programme Manager of VVOB in Cambodia) and Prof. Pham Van Hoan (dean at the Hanoi College of Education).The launching event was opened by Mr. Hoang Duc Minh, the director of DTEM, and Mr. Geert Vansintjan, the development counselor at the Embassy of Belgium in Hanoi. Mr. Vansintjan emphasized in his opening speech that by supporting this study, Belgium wants to contribute to strengthening systems that provide support to teachers, teacher development and teacher management so the sustainable development goal of inclusive and equitable quality education can be achieved. On the short term, he hopes that the study will contribute to the evaluation and revision of the teacher standards that are currently used, in response to the demands of the education reform and the new curriculum.The results of the study have already been taken onboard in the formulation of the Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness Programme (ETEP), the Government programme supported by a loan of World Bank that will address the reform of the teacher training and development system in Vietnam.

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    Vietnam VIE1204611

  • Une convention pour le devenir des femmes

    Renforcer l'autonomie des femmes rurales

    Meriem HILALI | 23/02/2016

    Au Maroc, la Belgique appuie l’approche stratégique du pays en matière d’agriculture, qui repose sur deux piliers majeurs : l’agriculture moderne et solidaire.Dans le cadre du développement de la filière du safran dans la Région Souss-Massa-Drâa, un accent particulier est mis sur les femmes rurales, qui jouent un rôle-clef dans la production de safran. Souvent, ces femmes ne sont pas alphabétisées ou ne connaissent pas leurs droits. C’est la raison pour laquelle la CTB et son partenaire, l’Office régional de Mise en Valeur agricole de Ouarzazate, ont conclu un partenariat le lundi 22 février 2016 avec l’association Migrations et Développement. Cette association est active depuis des décennies dans la région pour répondre aux besoins des populations fragiles de la zone de production du safran, en apportant une attention particulière à la prise d’autonomie par les femmes. Grâce à des actions de sensibilisation et d’alphabétisation fonctionnelle, elle donne confiance aux femmes et les rend plus fortes dans leurs relations avec le marché.Le partenariat entre la CTB, l’ORMVAO et Migrations et Développement soutiendra l’organisation des femmes en coopératives structurées et professionnelles. Elles deviendront des acteurs-clef de la filière safran en plein rayonnement.

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    Morocco MOR1204311

  • Des points d’eau bien gérés, un élément essentiel à la survie d’un village.

    Des points d’eau bien gérés, élément essentiel à la survie des villages

    Stephanie EECKMAN | 16/02/2016

    Ce n’est un secret pour personne: l’accès à l’eau est un problème majeur pour les populations rurales au Niger. Pourtant, même si le désert couvre les trois quarts de ce vaste pays la nappe phréatique devrait permette de satisfaire les besoins de la population. On estime à 2,5 milliards de mètres cubes le volume annuel des ressources hydrauliques renouvelables. Les solutions – même si leur coût demeure très élevé – sont donc nombreuses. Cependant, c’est  la gestion des ouvrages, qui est trop souvent négligée.   Pourquoi un Comité de Gestion du Point d’Eau? La question mérite d’être posée! Le défi consiste à trouver l’équilibre entre l’équité de l’accès aux services pour des populations qui ont pour une grande part des revenus très modestes et l’exigence de pérenniser le système de gestion. Malheureusement, il n’y a pas de système de gestion parfait. Il peut y avoir des difficultés, des trous dans la trésorerie, des conflits liés aux différents usages et besoins d’eau, …  Pourtant, quelques constantes se retrouvent dans les projets réussis: l’implication des populations dès la conception de l’ouvrage, les investissements dans la formation, l’engagement de la communauté et l’appropriation des structures.   Le Programme d’hydraulique villageoise et pastorale s’appuie sur ces facteurs de succès. En impliquant les populations concernées dès la conception de l’ouvrage, le programme s’attaque au point le plus délicat du montage et de la viabilité des points d’eau, à savoir l’appropriation par les comités de gestion et, plus globalement, par les populations villageoises. Les usagers prennent en charge, dès la mise en service, l’entretien et la maintenance de leurs points d’eau.   Depuis 2013, 108 points d’eau ont été construits. Pour chaque ouvrage, un comité de gestion, constitué d’usagers, est mis en place de manière démocratique et en essayant de tenir compte du genre. Ce comité est généralement composé de cinq membres : un(e) Président(e), un(e) Trésorier(e), un(e) Secrétaire et deux Hygiénistes. Les membres des Comités de Gestion de Point d’Eau, reçoivent une formation participative pour leur permettre de mieux comprendre et appréhender leurs rôles et leurs responsabilités. Cette formation est animée en une seule session qui dure trois jours. Les principaux thèmes développés sont:   la connaissance du projet et de ses partenaires de mise en œuvre ; la connaissance et la gestion de la vie associative ; les règlements d’usage des points d’eau ; la relation entre eau, hygiène et santé.   Au final, cette initiative vise à favoriser une dynamique locale, centrée sur la bonne gestion de l’eau et l’établissement d’un modèle de partenariat durable entre usagers et pouvoirs publics, pour la gestion des infrastructures au niveau local.

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    Niger NER1203411