Viewing 2415 - 2430 of 2463 news

  • Maisha Bora local partners: Oïkos East Africa

    Maisha Bora Local Partners: Oïkos East Africa

    Toon DRIESEN | 10-03-2016

    Oikos East Africa (OEA) is a Tanzanian NGO based in Arusha that works since 1999 to promote the protection of biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources as tools to fight against poverty and boost socio-economic development. The principle behind OEA’s work is that sound environmental...

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    Tanzania TAN1403011

  • Introducing: “Support to the implementation of the Skilling Uganda Strategy”-intervention

    Improving the skills of Ugandan workforce

    Thea MATHUES | 10-03-2016

    Many Ugandan employers complain that the Ugandan workforce faces a dramatic lack of skills. Large segments of the population, including those in the informal sector of the economy, youth and women, do not have the skills they need to work in a productive environment or to generate income. The...

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    Uganda UGA1402711

  • Building in East-Africa: Focus on Sustainable Architecture and Energy

    Building in East-Africa: Focus on Sustainable Architecture and Energy

    Thea MATHUES | 10-03-2016

    How can we create appropriate legislation to encourage sustainable architecture? How to educate our children and communities on this? And what if ‘sustainability’ is no longer enough? A seminar on sustainable architecture organised by the Teacher Training Education project addressed these questions...

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    Uganda UGA0902011

  • 4 Trainings on Natural Resources Management

    Trainings on Natural Resources Management

    Jennifer SWERTVAEGHER | 04-03-2016

    The Belgian-Tanzanian Scholarship Programme aims to improve the performance of government institutions in two sectors: Local Government Reform and Natural Resources Management. Strengthening the individual competencies of government staff will contribute to the organizational development of their institution...

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    Tanzania TAN1088811

  • Floraison de l'ammandier

    Floraison de l'amandier

    Meriem HILALI | 03-03-2016

    Dans l’Oriental, les amandiers commencent leur floraison. Pour le projet de développement de la filière des amandiers, on se prépare à assister à un spectacle magnifique : ce sont plus de 6000 ha d’amandiers qui ont été plantés depuis 2012. Trois mille agriculteurs sont concernés. Ils se préparent...

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    Morocco MOR1003911

  • Encuesta de Satisfacción de usuarios y usuarias en servicios de salud

    Encuesta de Satisfacción de usuarios y usuarias en servicios de salud

    Cecilia TORRES | 01-03-2016

    La Encuesta Nacional de Satisfacción tuvo como objetivo conocer la percepción y satisfacción del asegurado del SIS gratuito sobre los servicios de salud que reciben en los establecimientos de salud a nivel nacional y regional, así como analizar la percepción de prestadores de salud: los  jefes...

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    Peru PER1001711