Bekijken 2025 - 2040 van 2341 nieuws

  • Closing the skills gap through livelihood actors

    Closing the skills gap through livelihood actors

    Hanna DEKERK | 24-05-2017

    On the 4th of May in Moroto, the Support to Skilling Uganda (SSU) project launched the Skills Development Fund (SDF) and opened the Regional Skills Development office for Karamoja. Partners from the local and national level gathered to learn about the funding opportunities of the SDF and to visit...

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    Oeganda UGA160331T

  • Un travail de proximité

    Un travail de proximité

    Meriem HILALI | 22-05-2017

    Fatima et ses collègues accompagnent 27 coopératives (dont celle de Khadija) et deux unions de coopératives. Au total, ce sont près de 1.400 producteurs et productrices de safran qui sont soutenus. Fatima les aide, via un coaching, des formations, un accompagnement de proximité, à mieux s’organiser...

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    Marokko MOR1204311

  • South to South exchange on private sector involvement in skills development

    South to South exchange on private sector involvement in skills development

    Hanna DEKERK | 22-05-2017

    On the 27th of April 2017 BTC Uganda, together with the Belgian Embassy, organized a South –south skills development conference in Kampala on “private sector-led change towards sustainable financing & coordination of skills development”. Ugandan Minister of Education and First Lady, Janet Museveni...

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    Oeganda UGA1402711

  • Rwanda has joined few countries that have a National Capacity Development Policy

    Rwanda has joined few countries that have a National Capacity Development Policy

    Alexis DE HERDE | 16-05-2017

    On the 10th of December 2016, the Government of Rwanda approved the National Capacity Development Policy, Strategy and Implementation Plan. By endorsing the National Development Policy, Rwanda became one of few African countries having an overarching policy framework to regulate Capacity Development...

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    Rwanda RWA1208411

  • FMBE Planning workshop

    FMBE Planning workshop

    Alexis DE HERDE | 16-05-2017

    End of April 2017, the FMBE planning workshop took place in Rwamagana.The workshop was a unique opportunity to gather all the stakeholders of the project in order to develop a detailed planning of the impact chain of the intervention and reflect on the theory of change. FMBE will be implemented in...

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    Rwanda RWA1509811

  • L'AGID, à la rencontre de la société civile

    AGID : Mobilisation de la société civile

    Halima HORRI | 16-05-2017

    Le renforcement des capacités de communication, d’organisation et techniques des acteurs de la gestion intégrée des déchets de la zone d’intervention est le deuxième résultat attendu du projet AGID.Dans le domaine de la sensibilisation et de la mobilisation sociale pour l’introduction du tri sélectif...

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    Algerije ALG1402011