Viewing 2115 - 2130 of 2328 news

  • Focus on Business: Saving groups are sharing out

    Focus on Business: Saving groups are sharing out

    Toon DRIESEN | 19-12-2016

    Saving groups are sharing outPicture: Sharing out of Ebeneza group in Orkejuloongishu. They accumulated 3,200,000 Tsh during their first cycle and generated a profit of around 20% (The price of a share was 500 Tsh and they received 603 Tsh per share during the share-out meeting). Trias and its...

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    Tanzania TAN1403011

  • GLAZZA – Belgian Glass art comes to Gaza

    GLAZZA – Belgian Glass art comes to Gaza

    Eva MORRE | 16-12-2016

    In February 2016, Belgian glass artist Michèle Vanvlasselaer had the opportunity to visit Gaza for the first time and to present her work to the students of the University of Palestine. The trip to Gaza was a revelation and she returned buzzing with ideas. Inspired, Michèle decided to create...

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    Palestine PZA1202911

  • Amal’s big dream: a success story in Bethlehem

    Amal’s big dream: a success story in Bethlehem

    Eva MORRE | 16-12-2016

    The big dream of Amal (28) was to study in order to open a Beauty salon and provide her family with a better living. However, she was never able to continue her education because her parents couldn’t afford it. Later on she got married and had three kids, but due to the illness of her partner and...

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    Palestine PZA1202911

  • Impressions of the Job Fair in the cluster in South East Nablus

    Impressions of the Job Fair in the cluster in South East Nablus

    Eva MORRE | 08-12-2016

    The joint service council of South East Nablus represents four villages: Beita, Osarin, Odala and Za’atara. Through the joint service council (JSC) these villages strive to be able to give better services to their citizens. One of the major challenges in the region is the high youth unemployment...

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    Palestine PZA1303311

  • EU Heads of Missions visit to BTC Water Supply Project!

    EU Heads of Missions visit to BTC Water Supply Project

    Matilde PINAMONTI | 06-12-2016

    During the EU joint mission to Gaza and Inhambane provinces, Mozambique, eight European Heads of Mission from Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Spain, the UK and the EU  visited the Tomanine pumping station, built within the framework of BTC Water Supply and Sanitation project.When the BTC...

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    Mozambique MOZ1102411

  • Notre vie est notre rivière

    Notre vie est notre rivière

    Meriem HILALI | 06-12-2016

    « Notre vie dépend de celle de notre rivière » : tel fut le thème fédérateur de ces quatre jours de sensibilisation, sur quatre points d’animation tout au long de l’Oued Souss au sud du Maroc. Une caravane de l’eau organisée par l’Agence du Bassin Hydraulique de Souss Massa, en collaboration...

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    Morocco MOR1204211