Viewing 1980 to 1995 of 2556 news

  • The Water Supply System in Tomanine: One Year Later

    The Water Supply System in Tomanine: One Year Later

    Anke VANDEVELDE | 26/06/2018

    Last year, Enabel joined Governor Stella Pinto at the inauguration of the water supply system in the village of Tomanine in Guijá district in honour of World Water Day. One year later, a delegation of Enabel and two delegates from the Mozambican government returned to see how the community is dealing with the water supply system constructed by the Enabel Gaza project.      Upon arrival in the town of Tomanine, the manual pump  that was used so frequently before Enabel’s intervention appeared to be completely out of use, an observation that was  confirmed by the community. There also seemed to be more livestock in the village, which could be a consequence of the availability of drinkable water. Furthermore, the community members became more and more interested in having water taps even closer by home. A Mozambican private company was appointed for the installation of these taps. The private “family” water taps are shared between approximately ten families and managed within themselves by a small committee who keeps track of every family’s consumption. Apart from this kind of taps, the company has also started with installing water taps in a private house for one family only, which is the type of tap we are familiar with. The price for the tap water is very affordable: approximately 50 eurocents per m³ with a fixed minimum payment of 85 eurocents. Since the start of this initiative in June 2017, 160 of these private “family” connections were installed, as well as 12 private house taps, bringing the total to 172 private (family/house) connections. However, due to lack of payment the management of the water network shut down the water supply for these private users. For the families this clearly marked a break with the past, as this time payment backlog would not be tolerated anymore. Furthermore, the  appreciation of easy access to water by the families led to an agreement to restart the water supply in return for reliable payments. Currently, the company is preparing the installation of 85 new private (house) connections. These family and house private water taps make up two out of four possibilities for the community to obtain drinkable water. There are still two community fountains, open to any community member of which the sale is managed by a small Water and Sanitation Committee. Lastly, there is a water fill station for trucks: the truck pays at the station and sells the water in surrounding villages where there is no clean water. The delegation held a final stop in the village of Chinhacanine where Enabel is building a similar construction to the one in Tomanine. There are two tanks of 150 000 liter each and an elevated tank on 20 meter height with a content of  60 000 liter. The latter will provide water to the people living in the higher areas. Moreover, the water network will supply to the private network (such as the hospital and other private suppliers), which currently has troubles with water cuts and low-quality, even undrinkable water. The mixture with the new water supply network will ensure an automatic 24/7 supply of drinkable water, as the fusion with the high quality water of Enabel’s project will turn the “private” water clean and drinkable. The water will be provided from three wells and will be distributed to the community through taps: per ten families there will be one tap. In the end 12,000 people will benefit from drinkable water, although the project is struggling with some delays. Therefore, the project is putting a lot of effort  in community outreach by providing information, working and talking with the inhabitants thus preparing them for the new supply systems. This social aspect is taking more time than expected, but is nevertheless very important.  The visit to Tomanine showed some of the success and sustainability of the Water Gaza project. The increasing demand for private connections demonstrates that families in Tomanine strongly value easy access to drinkable water. This is facilitated by the very reasonable prices of the new water supply system. The project puts considerable emphasis on its sustainability, by  ensuring the partnerships with local companies, communities and government. Lastly, access to drinking water, incorporated in Sustainable Development Goal 6, has improved the general livelihood of these families, with a positive impact on health[1] (SDG 3) and on the production of livestock in the village (linked to SDG 1: zero poverty, and SDG 2: zero hunger). [1] The consumption of salty water can cause dehydration and kidney infections. Moreover, this salty groundwater can damage the pipe and pump system and the erosion of the water supply system might cause metallic parts to enter the water, causing cancers, cardiovascular diseases and many other health issues.This article was written by Anke Van de Velde with the valuable input of Hélder Cumbi and revised by Evert Waeterloos. 

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    Mozambique MOZ1102411

  • Joint Action of Enabel and Mozambique Guarantees Access to Drinking Water through  Affordable Clean Energy (Sustainable Development Goals 6 + 7)

    Joint Action of Enabel and Mozambique Guarantees Access to Drinking Water through Affordable Clean Energy (Sustainable Development Goals 6 + 7)

    Anke VANDEVELDE | 26/06/2018

    The first battery-free solar-powered desalination unit on the African continent      On the 28th of May 2018, the construction of the first desalination system built by Enabel was completed. Enabel, in cooperation with the Brussels’ Region Environment Fund (IBGE-BIM), started earlier this year with the installation of desalination systems in 6 different communities in Mozambique’s Gaza province, where the water sources are too saline for drinking. Through an innovative process groundwater is filtered using solar power without having to use a battery to store the energy, making this the first battery-free solar-powered brackish groundwater desalination unit in Africa (see below article for technical information on the process). Two international companies with Mozambican branches were chosen to install the water supply network and taps, as well as to carry out further operation, maintenance and management. Every district has one operator (six in total) and there is one general manager in Chokwe to respond to problems or questions. On the 28th of May the community of Manhiça tested the quality of the water and the public taps for the first time. With some reluctance the community opened the taps and tasted the water, which was followed by a positive reaction by the village chief and all the people present. In that same last week of May, during the annual meeting of the water and sanitation sector, the government of Mozambique reiterated its commitment to provide drinking water to the entire Mozambican population by 2030, as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 6 targets to achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water, as well as adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all by 2030. It is estimated that in Mozambique 55% of the population currently have access to water: 43% in rural areas and 77% in urban areas. Last year, 80 water supply systems and 3,000 manual pumps were built in the entire country. The Minister of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources stated that in 2018 the construction of more than 140 water supply systems is planned. Special attention will be given to desalination systems given the presence of mostly unclean and brackish water in Mozambique. With a long and strenuous road ahead to achieve SDG 6, Mozambique can count on strong cooperation partners such as Enabel for support, expertise, and innovative solutions.  The Water Gaza project of Enabel entered its last phase and will complete all activities at the latest beginning of 2019. Thanks to the project 23 water supply systems have been built in the Gaza Province, benefitting 51,000 people, which is around 23% of the rural population in the districts of Northern Gaza. Furthermore, Enabel has put a strong focus on digitisation, leading to the recognition of Gaza as the first province in the whole of Mozambique with a complete and reliable database on water infrastructures (Akvo Flow Database). Lastly, innovative solar-powered desalination units are being built in five other towns similar to Manhiça in order to provide the population with drinking water close to home. Desalination has shown to be a viable solution for rural areas in Mozambique, where sometimes up to 70% of the water sources are too salty to safely drink. Enabel has played an important role in advocating these innovative technologies and has provided the Mozambican government with a successful pilot case with its Water Gaza project. Furthermore, Enabel worked strongly on guaranteeing the sustainability of the project by training local staff, as well as contracting Mozambican private companies for the management of the water supply systems and the distribution. Enabel involved the Mozambican government from the start by encouraging new innovative solutions for the water supply issue in Mozambique. Through the use of solar panels the project has even made an innovative link with SDG 7, promoting affordable and clean sustainable energy for all. The new projects of Enabel in Mozambique specifically focus on SDG 7, as they aim to increase access to renewable electricity in rural areas through capacity building of the Ministry of Energy (CB MIREME project) and investments in renewable energy systems (RERD II project). In conclusion, the Water Gaza project is a small, but important step in Mozambique’s road to achieving SDG 6 and will benefit the general livelihood of the target communities in Northern Gaza.                  Technical info on desalination with solar energy without use of a battery       The groundwater is pumped through two different kind of filters: the first one filters out the suspended solids (e.g. sand particles), while the second one further pre-treats the brackish water. In a third phase this pre-treated water will be transferred through a pump under pressure which stows the water through membranes of reverse osmosis. Such membranes reject most of the dissolved salts and produce drinking water with a salt concentration of less than 400 uS/cm. The drinking water is stored in elevated water tanks, while around 25% of the water is rejected in a separate basin. This entire process is powered by solar panels without the use of a battery. This is made possible by a simple and patented device that stores pressurized water, allowing pressure variations up to 90% power swings during production. In addition, rotary positive displacement pumps (more than 92% output of water) are used instead of centrifugal pumps (with output limited to 50 to 60%). Moreover, energy is recuperated from the concentrates by recirculating it through a recuperator through the membranes. Both innovative adjustments reduce energy consumption with almost 60% and optimise the lifespan of the membrane (5 to 7 years).This article was written by Anke Van de Velde with the valuable input of Hélder Cumbi and revised by Evert Waeterloos. 

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    Mozambique MOZ1102411



    Michael MALEMBA | 25/06/2018

    Depuis le début du mois de juin, 25 diplômés de l’enseignement technique ont débuté un stage de professionnalisation sur le site du complexe agro-industriel de Miluna. Ce stage, d’une durée de 3 mois leur permettra d’améliorer leur employabilité en confrontant leurs compétences souvent trop théoriques dans le cadre d’une mise en situation réelle de travail. Ce projet novateur dans la province du SUD-UBANGI a été rendu possible grâce à un partenariat conventionné entre l’entreprise Miluna et  le programme de l’Agence belge de Développement Enabel active dans toute la province. Cet accord équilibré permet aux stagiaires de disposer d’un logement décent, d’un accès aux soins de santé, à une cantine et de bénéficier d’une formation professionnelle complémentaire de qualité. Intégrés à des postes de travail sous le tutorat d’ingénieurs et de chefs d’équipes, l’acquisition de compétences pratiques additionnelles leur permettra de briguer des fonctions à responsabilité au sein de la plantation ou à se positionner comme chef d’entreprise agricole dans leur milieu d’origine.                                                                     Equipe EDUMOSU

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    DR Congo RDC1217511

  • Renforcer la sécurité intérieure du Burkina Faso

    Renforcer la sécurité intérieure du Burkina Faso

    Thea MATHUES | 22/06/2018

    Le projet d’appui au renforcement de la sécurité intérieure du Burkina Faso a pour objectif à court terme d’améliorer la coordination entre les différents services de sécurité lorsque se produisent des urgences telles que des attentats terroristes.À moyen terme, il vise à réformer le secteur dans son ensemble. Les résultats engrangés par le projet au cours des quinze premiers mois sont impressionnants : des équipes d’intervention rapide ont été créées et équipées de matériel adéquat, et d’importants investissements ont été consentis dans la formation.La nécessité de ces efforts a une fois de plus été mise en évidence lors d’un second attentat terroriste commis en août 2017. Le projet est financé par l’Union européenne et mis en œuvre par Enabel.

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    Burkina Faso BKF170281T

  • Amélioration de la conservation des récoltes en utilisant des sacs « PICS »

    Amélioration de la conservation des récoltes en utilisant des sacs « PICS »

    Michael MALEMBA | 22/06/2018

    Une bonne conservation des céréales et des légumineuses comme le niébé est essentielle pour l’économie des ménages d’agriculteurs et pour leur alimentation. Souvent les conditions de stockage de ces produits agricoles ne sont pas adéquates.  Les grains sont dans les maisons et dans des récipients non adaptés. Ces pratiques habituelles provoquent des pertes importantes en raison de l’attaque des insectes, des rongeurs et des moisissures. Lorsque les grains sont destinés à servir de semence, ces attaques provoquent également une baisse importante de leur pouvoir germinatif. C’est pour remédier à cela que l’équipe du PRODAT a cherché des moyens de conservation plus efficaces et mieux adaptés.   Ils ont donc testé en 2017 un nouveau type d’emballage, les sacs « PICS » (Purdue Improved Cowpea Storage).  Ce système de triples sacs, déjà utilisés avec succès en Afrique de l’Ouest, est constitué de deux sacs intérieurs en polyéthylènes peu perméables et d’un sac extérieur en tissu synthétique. Le programme a fourni soixante sacs PICS à des agriculteurs volontaires pour l’expérimentation et organisé des formations à l’utilisation de ces sacs. Trois sortes de produits ont été utilisées pour le test, du riz, du maïs et du niébé.  Les résultats du test sont encourageants. Après 90 jours de conservation les pertes sont minimes et largement inférieures à celles obtenues par les méthodes traditionnelles. Il a été constaté que les insectes emprisonnés au moment de la mise en sac meurent rapidement faute d’oxygène et que les moisissures ne peuvent pas ce développer car l’étanchéité des sacs ne permet pas à l’humidité d’y entrer. Le programme envisage donc maintenant de répéter l’expérience afin d’affiner ces premiers résultats et d’appuyer les organisations professionnelles agricoles de la Tshopo, en lien avec les commerçants, pour permettre la diffusion de cette technique de conservation.

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    DR Congo RDC1217711



    Michael MALEMBA | 20/06/2018

    Afin d’améliorer l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes d’atteindre une meilleure adéquation entre la formation et les emplois potentiels et d’impacter positivement l’environnement socio-économique de Mbuji-Mayi, le programme appuie le Centre d’Application DON BOSCO et renforce ses capacités dans des nouvelles filières dont  l’imprimerie, la cuisine et la pâtisserie.L’appui du Programme a permis de réaliser un atelier pour les exercices pratiques, un laboratoire dédié aux nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication ainsi qu’une bibliothèque. Des équipements, de l’outillage et des fournitures pour les exercices pratiques ont également été fournis par le Programme. En Mai 2018, 30 jeunes filles et des femmes en situation d’exclusion sociale et 20 élèves ont grâce  à cet appui de la coopération belge démarré une formation en cuisine et en pâtisserie. Cette formation doit leur permettre d’acquérir les compétences de ces métiers, d’accéder à un emploi durable, de s’approprier une culture entrepreneuriale. Elles  pourront s’émanciper professionnellement et socialement et améliorer leurs conditions de vie, en  réduisant autour d’elles la pauvreté et en contribuant au développement économique. Cet d’apprentissage est basé sur la pratique « in situ » pendant 4 à 5 mois. Il sera suivi d’une période de stage d’un mois dans une entreprise et  bénéficie d’un  suivi et d’un accompagnement pour élaborer leur propre projet professionnel. Le programme offre également ainsi la possibilité de  revalorisation la place et le rôle de la femme dans la société, de diminuer l’exclusion sociale des jeunes filles et des femmes et d’impulser un esprit entrepreneurial très bénéfique à l’économie locale.

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    DR Congo RDC1217211

  • Iftar celebrations for people with disabilities in the Beita cluster

    Iftar celebrations for people with disabilities in the Beita cluster

    Laura SCHILLEMANS | 18/06/2018

    Last week, the Joint Services Council of the villages south-east of Nablus organized a special Ramadan evening called “You are not alone” for people with disabilities.   The president, members and director of the Joint Service Council, representatives from the Local Governance units and local institutes joined the group of 80 people – which was made up of people with disabilities and their families – to celebrate the holy month of Ramadan during a group iftar at the Beita cluster.   Next to the iftar, young kids from the cluster performed on stage and sang songs. At the end of the evening, the Joint Service Council handed out gifts to the participants.   Later that week, the cluster also provided essential medical tools to help disabled people in the cluster.   This activity was supported by Enabel (the Belgian Development Agency), as part of the Local Governance program.

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    Palestine PZA1303311

  • A new strategy is under development at REG to ensure gender mainstreaming in the energy sector

    Ellen VAN HIMBERGEN | 18/06/2018

    From the 13th of 14th of June, elected members of the gender advisory committee in Rwanda Energy Group are in a workshop to establish a gender mainstreaming program and set timeframes and targets for a 3 years action plan. This gender mainstreaming program was first launched On March 23 2018 during the workshop to celebrate the International Women’s Day at Rwanda Energy Group under the theme « Empowering REG Women to Energize Rwanda », and is supported by Enabel’s Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building project in the Energy Sector (CDEU). The Energy sector in Rwanda still has a small number of staff women. This is due to the country’s historical and cultural background which discouraged women involvement in the technical works. Despite the  current political will in Rwanda and Government efforts to promote gender balance in all sectors, the energy sector still has a very low rate. As of today, REG women make up approximately 18% of the total staff.In a bid to be able to reach the Rwandan Government targets of 30% women representation at all levels, Rwanda Energy Group has put in place a special committee in charge of establishing the program to ensure the gender mainstreaming in this sector. Among the strategic objectives of this program include the representation of women at all levels of REG management, equal opportunities to promotions, equal access to career development programs as well as ensuring a working environment that is free from any sexual harassment. “We believe that having women in the organization and especially in the management will contribute a lot to the success of our company” said the CEO of REG during the launching ceremony of the strategy. 

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    Rwanda RWA1208311

  • Belgian Alumni Fellowship Fund Award 2018

    Belgian Alumni Fellowship Fund Award 2018

    Huong TRANTHANH | 12/06/2018

    On 6th June 2018, an Award Ceremony of the Belgian Alumni Fellowship Fund (BAFF) was held in Hanoi. 10 among the 16 selected candidates were presented with the scholarship certificate by Enabel Resident Representative in Vietnam, Mrs. Krista Verstraelen.  Among the 16 successful candidates, 6 will travel to Belgium to attend international conferences, to work in join researches with Belgian partners or to act as guest lecturer in Ghent, Liege, or VUB. The other scholarship holders will implement action researches in Vietnam, in coordination with Belgium professors from Belgium universities or the Flemish Organization for Technological Research(VITO).   The BAFF is operated by the Facility to Capacity Building project (VIE 11 888 11) with  an aim to contribute to quality human resource of Vietnam and to promote partnerships between Vietnam and Belgium through seed fund grants to Belgium alumni.  These alumni initiatives must proved to contribute to strengthen academic and research capacity of alumni, expand alumni professional networks and/or promote innovation and linkage with the business sector under 02 awards - Travel grants and Small action grants.

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    Vietnam VIE1188811

  • Building a better future while protecting the environment

    Building a better future while protecting the environment

    Hanna DEKERK | 08/06/2018

    “I was sitting at home doing nothing but now I am getting skills” says a proud 24-year old Fatima Namer, while she participates in the Interlocking Soil Stabilizing Blocks (ISSB) training in Matany. “My family is happy that I’m trying to get a better future."  ISSB trainees are taught to produce building blocks with a brick pressing machine, which contrasts with the traditional method of baking bricks in a firewood oven. As the ISSB blocks need less cement and no firewood they pose a cheaper and eco-friendly production alternative.These instant trainings are organized by Enabel’s Support to Skilling Uganda (SSU) project, as part of the Skills Development Fund, with financial support from Irish Aid. The aim is to provide relevant and qualitative instant-trainings of 10 to maximum 100 hours. Trainees are selected through the local livelihood actors, in this case the Matheniko Development Forum, who provide pre-training and post-training support to beneficiaries. 32-year old trainee Moses Angore participates in the ISSB training because he wants to work in the construction sector. “It offers work opportunity, not only in Karamoja but all over the country." He believes that all Karamojong should be able to participate, even the girls: “We would be biased if we only gave this opportunity to men. I believe a girl can also do this work." The bricks are sold after the training “Currently there is demand for curved earth blocks so we focus on producing those.” adds instructor Eric Mpaza. After the brickmaking, trainees learn how to build a traditional Karamojong hut using only eco-friendly construction materials, sourced from the surrounding savannah.Equipping young Karamojong with employable construction skills increases livelihood opportunities and protect the natural resources in the region.

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    Uganda UGA160331T

  • Le « Programme d’appui à la gestion de la thématique migratoire » prêt à démarrer après la première réunion de son Comité de Pilotage

    Le « Programme d’appui à la gestion de la thématique migratoire » prêt à démarrer après la première réunion de son Comité de Pilotage

    Justine COLOGNESI | 07/06/2018

    La première réunion du Comité de Pilotage du « Programme d’appui à la gestion de la thématique migratoire » d’Enabel a eu lieu ce mardi 5 juin 2018 au siège du Ministère délégué chargé des Marocains Résidant à l’Etranger et des Affaires de la Migration (MCMREAM) à Rabat. MCMREAM, Entraide Nationale, Agence nationale de promotion de l'emploi et des compétences (ANAPEC), Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc (CGEM), tous les partenaires d’Amuddu et de MBI, les deux projets qui composent actuellement ce programme, se sont rassemblés afin de faire le point sur son état d’avancement. Ce fut l’occasion de discuter de la planification des activités pour cette première année de mise en œuvre des deux projets. En 2018, le projet Amuddu travaillera de façon étroite avec l’Entraide Nationale afin de formuler une stratégie de communication de proximité sur l’offre de services disponibles ainsi que d’établir les critères d’éligibilité et les procédures pour l’octroi d’indemnités financières facilitant l’accès de personnes migrantes en situation de vulnérabilité aux formations professionnelles. Par ailleurs, en collaboration avec l’ANAPEC, le projet élaborera une étude pour identifier la meilleure façon d’adapter les services d’accompagnement à l’auto emploi aux spécificités de la population migrante, et établira également un plan de renforcement des compétences des membres du Comité Programme 3 (Formation professionnelle et Emploi) chargé du suivi de la Stratégie Nationale d’Immigration et d’Asile. Pour le projet MBI, deux actions phares sont également à retenir pour 2018 : le lancement d’une campagne d’information à destination des porteurs de projet issus de la diaspora marocaine en Belgique, et la mise en place d’un consortium d’opérateurs qui encadrera la sélection de ces porteurs de projet.

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    Morocco MOR1605311

  • La première réunion du Comité de pilotage marque le démarrage du « Programme d’appui à la gestion de la thématique migratoire »

    Le « Programme d’appui à la gestion de la thématique migratoire » prêt à démarrer après la première réunion de son Comité de Pilotage

    Justine COLOGNESI | 07/06/2018

    La première réunion du Comité de Pilotage du « Programme d’appui à la gestion de la thématique migratoire » d’Enabel a eu lieu ce mardi 5 juin 2018 au siège du Ministère délégué chargé des Marocains Résidant à l’Etranger et des Affaires de la Migration (MCMREAM) à Rabat. MCMREAM, Entraide Nationale, Agence nationale de promotion de l'emploi et des compétences (ANAPEC), Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc (CGEM), tous les partenaires d’Amuddu et de MBI, les deux projets qui composent actuellement ce programme, se sont rassemblés afin de faire le point sur son état d’avancement. Ce fut l’occasion de discuter de la planification des activités pour cette première année de mise en œuvre des deux projets. En 2018, le projet Amuddu travaillera de façon étroite avec l’Entraide Nationale afin de formuler une stratégie de communication de proximité sur l’offre de services disponibles ainsi que d’établir les critères d’éligibilité et les procédures pour l’octroi d’indemnités financières facilitant l’accès de personnes migrantes en situation de vulnérabilité aux formations professionnelles. Par ailleurs, en collaboration avec l’ANAPEC, le projet élaborera une étude pour identifier la meilleure façon d’adapter les services d’accompagnement à l’auto emploi aux spécificités de la population migrante. Il établira également un plan de renforcement des compétences des membres du Comité Programme 3 (Formation professionnelle et Emploi) chargé du suivi de la Stratégie Nationale d’Immigration et d’Asile. Pour le projet MBI, deux actions phares sont également à retenir pour 2018 : le lancement d’une campagne d’information à destination des porteurs de projet issus de la diaspora marocaine en Belgique, et la mise en place d’un consortium d’opérateurs qui encadrera la sélection de ces porteurs de projet.

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    Morocco MOR1605211

  • 2018 Youth Job Fair – big success

    2018 Youth Job Fair – big success

    Marion FISCHER | 05/06/2018

    Kon Tum held its 2018 Youth Job Fair on 31 May, jointly organized by the Center for Employment Services, the Ho Chi Minh Youth Union and the RALG project. Hundreds of young people, among them many young men who are about to finish their military service, handed in their job applications to the companies represented there or received counselling on how to become a start-up. Currently there are 52 enterprises and organizations, who offer around 4,000 jobs, ranging from textile and shoe industry to bio fertilizer, construction, education institutes and beyond. There were also 300 offers for jobs abroad. Job offers often come with proposals for further education and on-the-job training. Start-ups can take out accessible bank loans and receive a start-up training. At the down side, the current analysis of the job market in Kon Tum shows many problems, which need to be solved by the Job Center together with education institutes and employers: unemployment among ethnic groups who lack essential qualifications, prevalence of seasonal work and missing job safety with no accident insurance.

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    Vietnam VIE1505111

  • Launching the business plans of our partner institutes in Karamoja

    Launching the business plans of our partner institutes in Karamoja

    Hanna DEKERK | 04/06/2018

    Economic and political partners from the local as well as the national level gathered on the 21st and 22nd of May at St.-Daniel Comboni in Moroto and Nakapiripirit Technical Institute to admire the institutes’ newly edited business plans.The Support to Skilling Uganda project (SSU) with financial support from Irish Aid, assists these two partner institutes in Karamoja to become modern, relevant and demand driven Centers of Excellence for a particular trade. While St-Daniel Comboni focuses on Construction, Nakapiripirit TI specializes in Agro-business and Agriculture. The first step in this process is the development of business plans to guide the institutes in their transformation. Irish Ambassador Findbar O’Brien added that “Development partners, local and central government must work together to offer practical solutions to improve the quality of education, for instance through the involvement of the private sector. ” This idea of public-private-partnerships to strengthen skills development is a guiding principle in the Skilling Uganda strategy.  Through internal self-assessments and external management coaching, both technical Institutes created their own business plan. They worked out their performance indicators, based on the Skilling Uganda Strategy, to set realistic targets and follow up on their objectives. Commissioner for Economic Policy and Planning , Mr. Fredrick Matyama added that “When the training makes people skilled, it will carry to others. That’s how we will make Business, Technical and Vocational Education (BTVET) more respected.”  SSU Karamoja shall soon start an awareness campaign with such role models to attract Karamojong youth, and especially girls and women, to BTVET.  Based on the business plans, SSU shall assist the institutes with infrastructural improvements, management training, relevant equipment and coaching in terms of improving work-based learning practices, assessing market relevance of training programs, training of trainers, career guidance, tracing of graduates, etc. An additional aim is to feed the lessons learned from the implementation of the Skilling Uganda strategy in different regions into the educational reform process on the national level.     

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    Uganda UGA160331T

  • Enabel participe aux Journées européennes du développement 2018 (JED)

    Enabel participe aux Journées européennes du développement 2018 (JED)

    Meriem HILALI | 30/05/2018

    Les Journées européennes du développement (JED 2018) se tiendront les 5 et 6 juin 2018, à Tour & Taxis à Bruxelles. Organisées par la Commission européenne, les Journées européennes du développement (JED) rassemblent chaque année la communauté du développement (plus de 8.000 visiteurs) pour un partage d’idées et d’expériences pouvant inspirer de nouveaux partenariats et de nouvelles solutions innovantes aux défis les plus urgents dans le monde.  Sous le thème principal des « Femmes et filles à l’avant-garde du développement durable : protéger, autonomiser, investir », le programme des JED 2018 s’articulera autour de trois grands thèmes, devenus prioritaires dans le contexte mondial actuel : « Garantir l’intégrité physique et psychologique des femmes et filles », « Promouvoir les droits économiques et sociaux, ainsi que l’autonomisation, des femmes et filles » et « Renforcer la voix et la participation sociale des femmes et filles ». Cette année, le programme comprendra plus de 120 sessions et plus de 90 stands. Enabel sera présente avec un stand où sera exposé le projet de développement des filières du safran et du palmier-dattier dans les régions Souss-Massa et Drâa-Tafilalet (Filière safran) mené au Maroc. Sous le titre « Women, key players in the blooming saffron value chain of Morocco», nous vous présenterons de façon interactive les activités menées pour l’autonomisation sociale et économique des femmes rurales marocaines au travers de leur participation au sein des coopératives et organes de décision. Pour nous retrouver sur le site web des JED, cliquez sur le lien suivant :

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