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Article by:Anu VirtanenIn 2004, entrepreneurship and start-up support programs in Palestine began by targeting the students at universities, particularly those in the IT sector. The first programs focused on promoting the idea of entrepreneurship and encouraging Palestinians to take this path. IT centers of excellence began to incubate start-ups through provision of space and guidance. Later on, while the start-up ecosystem developed, the incubators started to provide the entire cycle of incubation, including systematic advisory services and coaching, as well as business advice. Moreover, the business incubators began to be more open and encouraging to other business sectors outside the arena of IT. This probably plays a role in the decisions of many women to translate their ideas into businesses and join the incubators. Albeit men are still way more likely than women to become entrepreneurs, the number of female entrepreneurs is growing, particularly in Palestine. According to a World Bank study*1 published last year, 23 percent of start-ups in Gaza and the West Bank have female founders, while in similar ecosystems the numbers are lower – in Beirut, for instance, 19 percent of the start-up entrepreneurs are women and in Dar es Salaam, 15 percent. *2 Let’s ask Palestinian women why they chose the path of starting their own business. Laughter yoga ambassador runs growing business without stress While working for several years in the field of women’s empowerment in the MENA region, Palestinian Dr. Manal Dandis from Hebron heard countless stories of women who were under stress. The working environment slowly began to have a negative effect on Dr. Dandis as well. She recalls how she found laughter yoga: “I was searching online for a method to reduce stress, and laughter yoga attracted my attention. I read about the benefits: the yoga breathing sequence combined with laughter brings oxygen to one’s body and releases stress. According to the studies, fake laughter provides the same physiological and psychological benefits as spontaneous laughter. I started to practice it and felt the benefits immediately.” When Dr. Dandis wanted to share her experience with others suffering from stress, she found out that there were no laughter yoga teachers in Palestine. So she decided to become one herself and packed her luggage in order to travel to India to study with Dr. Madan Kataria, the originator of the concept. Dr. Dandis is now a certified laughter-yoga teacher and the official laughter-yoga ambassador to the Middle East. She gives classes in gyms, sport clubs, study centers, chambers of commerce, and children’s centers. While targeting mainly the most vulnerable people, such as disabled children and families living in poverty, she also teaches in work teams and school classes. She has so much work that she is able to employ yoga teachers and grow her business. For this she is receiving support from the EU funded Business Start-up Incubator Support (BSIS) project, implemented by Enabel (the Belgian development agency) at the Business Incubator Unit of the Palestine Polytechnic University in Hebron.Dr. Dandis’ business idea follows the mission of the laughter-yoga concept: health, happiness, and world peace. She believes in these values, and she is convinced that given the great market potential, her business will continue to grow. “I have already overcome many obstacles. By showing the scientific research that has been carried out on laughter yoga, I have convinced people that it is neither a religious nor a political endeavor. It is a method to release stress, and this is what we need. My dream is that all Palestinians would practice laughter yoga,” she concludes while laughing.A passion for fashion resulted in a career changeFashion designer Manar El-Banna presents sketches and photos of dresses that are ready for purchase in her showroom in Gaza City. It’s difficult to believe that she only started her career as a fashion designer about five years ago. “I studied architecture, which obviously requires some similar skills, but fashion was only a hobby for me before. I sewed baby clothes for 12 years until I started to think that it could be my main job,” she reveals.“I receive professional support on how to teach laughter yoga from my mentor, Dr. Kataria, and the BSIS program facilitates the technical aspects of the management of my business. Moreover, I enjoy the positive energy around me in the office where I meet other start-up entrepreneurs, create new ideas, and seek for synergies.”Dr. Manal DandisEl-Banna changed her career and followed her passion by establishing Mix Fashion in 2013. Since then, she and her growing number of staff members have been designing and sewing multi-usage dresses, some of which are made from recycled materials. Due to the restrictions imposed on imported goods, textiles are costly in Gaza. Therefore, many women prefer to own multi-usage clothes or recycle their old clothes.“I started with abayas and continued making wedding dresses and other costumes with the idea that the customer could wear the same attire on several occasions. Regardless of the purpose, all my clothes are tailor-made,” the designer explains. While pleasing customers is an obvious goal of every business owner, under the difficult situation that Gaza is facing, the social impact of entrepreneurship is equally important for El-Banna. Her business contributes to improving the lives of several Gazan families since Mixed Fashion employs five full-time employees along with several part-time workers. Employing women requires taking cultural aspects in to consideration. She explains: “Some of my part-time employees work from home, which allows these women to continue to take care of their families while they earn some extra income at the same time.”El-Banna’s passion and vision led her to choose a career in fashion design, but in order to make her business successful she needed professional business advice. “The biggest advantage of joining the Business and Tech Incubator at the Islamic University of Gaza is that it enabled me to move from my old office to the showroom here in the center of Gaza City. The seed fund I received made this possible,” notes El-Banna.The designer says that they call the BSIS program bassees, which means “hope” in Arabic. “Hope is what the project and entrepreneurship have given me,” El-Banna concludes.Satisfaction through entrepreneurshipJerusalemite Suzan Ghosheh Shurafa has done something unusual with her life. She used to hold a good position in an international organization, but she felt that her creativity and energy were restricted. She explains the reasons behind her decision: “As a psychotherapist, I needed to be in the field, not in the office waiting for a fund or a new project. I was sitting in meetings, writing papers, and doing deskwork while I saw that there was a lot of work to do in the field.”Ghosheh Shurafa opened up to her friend Asmahan Alayan who is an experienced businesswoman who was dealing with start-ups. Encouraged by these discussions, Ghosheh Shurafa became convinced that she should start a business on her own. She partnered with Suad Mitwalli whom she met in a psychodrama high-diploma course. Previously both of them had completed a BA in psychology from Birzeit University. In addition, Mitwalli holds a diploma in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy. These two women, who have a lot of experience in counseling and trauma therapy, especially with women, decided to establish Nisma Al-Quds, which means “fresh air Jerusalem.”“My own business is my dream come true! I don’t want to sit at home; I want to do something I love.” Suzan Ghosheh Shurafa“We started to use nature as a therapeutic technique by organizing walks and talks in nature and breathing activities for women in the villages and raising awareness about mental health. We have traditionally labeled mental health as a concern only for those persons who have been marginalized because of their psychopathology. I have a passion to change this,” Ghosheh Shurafa states.She emphasizes that mental health issues do not occur only in the refugee camps or within other vulnerable groups but also among women who work and live regular lives in the cities. Since Nisma Al-Quds joined the Jerusalem business incubator, partnering with Palestine Education for Employment and operating on the premises of Al-Quds University, they started to strengthen their marketing and awareness-raising activities. In addition to traditional psychotherapy, they continue to introduce new therapy methods, such as group therapy and psychodrama.*1 Press Release, “New World Bank Report Highlights What It Takes to Build a Robust Palestinian Start-up Ecosystem,” The World Bank, July 2018, available at*2 Tech Startup Ecosystem in West Bank and Gaza, Findings and Recommendations, The World Bank, 2018, available at Virtanen is a Finnish communications consultant who works for several EU entities globally, including the EU-funded Business Start-up Incubators Support (BSIS) program, which supports entrepreneurs in Palestine through partnering with business incubators located in East Jerusalem, Ramallah, Hebron, Bethlehem, and Gaza. The program encourages entrepreneurs to change their ideas into businesses and, consequently, contributes to private-sector development and the improvement of lives in Palestine. The program is implemented by Enabel (the Belgian development agency).
On 23-24 May 2019 the VET Toolbox hosted a hackathon in Brussels. A two-day out-of-the-box event bringing together (un)usual suspects to tackle challenges on inclusion and public-private collaboration in vocational education and training.Want to know more? Visit
From 18 to 19 June 2019 the VET Toolbox had the pleasure of taking part in the 12th European Development Days (EDD) with the central theme: "Addressing inequalities: building a world which leaves no one behind”.For two days, the VET Toolbox team answered questions from many private and public sector stakeholders from around the world as well as from the Belgian Government and the European institutions. With the title "Relevant skills for all", the VET Toolbox stand discussed issues of inclusion of vulnerable groups in VET with participants and explored ways to develop effective and sustainable public-private partnerships to strengthen VET systems.The VET Toolbox stand had also the honor to receive the Belgian Minister of Development Cooperation Alexander De Croo, the Managing Director of the Belgian Development Agency -Enabel- Jean Van Wetter and, last but not least , the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labor Mobility, Marianne Thyssen who said "I strongly believe in the importance of VET - Vocational skills in combination with more all-round 'life skills' make a great future-proof match".Organised by the European Commission, the EDD bring the development community together each year to share ideas and experiences in ways that inspire new partnerships and innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.
Around 140 stakeholders from 31 African countries composed by officials from public and private sectors (Min.Education, Chambers), next to directors of public/private Vocational training centers, participated in the second regional workshop organized by IIEP-Pôle de Dakar, LuxDev and IFEF in Nairobi on 18-20 June 2019, entitled “Improving quality management in TVET systems for the successful training-to-employment transition of Africa’s youth”.Important topics such as Public Private Partnerships, how to mobilize the private sector with CNQ, daily management of Vocational training centers, renewed apprenticeship, key performance indicators, job insertion, statistics and surveys were on the programme of this 3 days workshop and lead to recommendations which PEFOP, IFEF, LuxDev will take up from here.Following the success of the first Regional Workshop on Public-Private Partnerships in Vocational Training in Africa held in Dakar, March 2018, this second edition counted on the support of the European Commission's Support Facility the VET Toolbox. Besides, donor representation through AFD, UNESCO-UNEVOC, Enabel and GIZ were also presents and the Moroccan delegation exposed about the British Council support to their operational Public-private partnerships.
The British Council and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH jointly working with the Fair River International Association for Development (FARIAD) and the National Vocational Training Institute (NVTI) have successfully completed another EU VET Toolbox Project in Ghana.The project supported FARIAD, a Ghanaian NGO and private TVET provider, and NVTI to develop stronger VET and industry partnerships, provided skills to develop workplace relevant curriculum and offered training in Career Guidance and Counselling based on FARIAD’s support request.The short-term project was funded under the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Toolbox Project, an EU- and BMZ-financed technical cooperation facility set up to promote demand driven Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET).Using three short-term specialists, initial consultations led to tailored training programmes being delivered in each of the three areas, VET & Industry PPPs, Curriculum Development as well as Career Guidance and Counselling. The training will assist VET providers to make the skills of their students more relevant to labour market needs, which will ideally lead to increased job opportunities for youth and improved enterprise productivity.On Friday, 12th April 2019, a VET Toolbox briefing workshop at British Council was held to discuss project activities and reflect on findings from the consultations and interventions. It showcased the work of Toolbox more broadly and provided advice on how other organisations in Ghana might benefit from the support Toolbox offers.The Vocational Education and Training (VET) Toolbox Project has been launched in Ghana in September 2018 as one of the first countries to participate in this project with a call by Mr. Robin Cordes, Deputy Head of Development Cooperation, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, for renewed partnership to curb youth unemployment. The initiative is co-funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented through a partnership of European agencies namely British Council, GIZ, Enabel and LuxDev. The project operates mainly in African and Asian countries.According to requests from partner countries the project fields short-term experts to support industry led VET solutions. Public and private institutions working on VET and employment promotion from Ghana can electronically submit a request for support to the VET Toolbox. The VET Toolbox Coordination Hub assesses the request and, if the request is eligible, defines the support intervention in dialogue with the requesting institution. Then the short-term expertise is selected and fielded to work with the requesting institution/s in Ghana.To date, the VET Toolbox has received four support requests in Ghana. The request from the National Board for Professional and Technician Examinations (NABPTEX) was already completed in September 2018; further requests were received from the Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET), the National Vocational Training Institute (NVTI) and FARIAD.
Une formation des formateurs a été dispensée du 24 au 28 Juin 2019 au Complexe scolaire Théophile Verbist de Gemena (établissement appuyé par le projet EDUMOSU).Cette formation est intervenue dans le cadre du partenariat avec la Fondation STMicroelectronics via le programme Digital Unify servant à divulguer la technologie numérique par l'accès gratuit une formation de base à ceux qui n’ont aucune connaissance de l’outil informatique et de l’internet.L’objectif de la Fondation est d’enseigner ce cours à un grand nombre de personnes pour combler le fossé numérique grâce à des formateurs de STMicroelectronics, tel que de M. Arnaud Arakaza, venu du Burundi, ainsi que des formateurs externes du milieu. Cette formation est dispensée à dix (10) enseignants des cours informatiques des 2 centres informatiques, qui ont été mis en place et équipés grâce à l’appui du projet EDUMOSU. Les cours prévus seront à chaque fois des modules de 20 heures répartis en 10 leçons pour 20 étudiants. Des attestations de participation sur le modèle officiel ont été remises à ceux qui auront participé régulièrement et ont réussi le post-test. Les témoignages des participants futurs formateurs démontrent déjà un net engouement pour ce partenariat avec la Fondation STMicroelectronics.
Dans le cadre du Projet de développement des filières du safran et du palmier pattier dans les régions de Souss-Massa et Drâa-Tafilalet (PDFSD), l’Office Régional de Mise en Valeur Agricole de Ouarzazate (ORMVAO) a organisé un atelier de capitalisation sur les expériences de commercialisation et de promotion des produits agricoles, le mercredi 26 juin 2019 à Ouarzazate. Durant l’atelier, l’ORMVAO et ses partenaires, l’ONCA et Enabel-Agence de développement, ont présenté aux acteurs locaux, régionaux et nationaux la démarche d’intervention du projet et l’expérience acquise en matière de marketing. L’évènement a également été l’occasion de présenter un panel d’initiatives commerciales pertinentes qui ont été mises en place dans d’autres filières par des organisations telles que l’ADA, l’association Migrations & Développement, AGRISUD, l’INDH, ONUDI et BETNOUN CONSULTING. Pour conclure, l’activité s’est terminée par une synthèse des échanges de la journée et le partage des recommandations des différentes parties prenantes.
Dans le cadre du Projet de Développement des Filières du Safran et du Palmier Dattier dans les régions Souss-Massa et Drâa-Tafilalet (PDFSD), Enabel-Agence belge de développement et ses partenaires, l’Office Régional de Mise en Valeur Agricole de Ouarzazate (ORMVAO) et l’Office National du Conseil Agricole (ONCA), ont organisé des animations commerciales entre le 26 avril et le 30 juin 2019 dans les magasins Asswak Assalam, Label’Vie, et Marjane de plusieurs grandes villes du royaume (Tanger, Tétouan, Al Hoceima, Nador, Berkane, Taza, Larache, Rabat, Temara, Mohammedia, Casablanca, El Jadida, Marrakech et Agadir). Les producteurs représentants des Groupements d’Intérêt Économique (GIE) ont bénéficié d’un coaching pour mener à bien l’opération (aspects organisationnels, argumentaire et techniques de vente). Accompagnés d’animateurs commerciaux professionnels, ils sont allés à la rencontre des consommateurs urbains pour promouvoir les modes de production naturels, la qualité et les vertus nutritionnelles des dattes des oasis de Drâa-Zagora et du safran de Taliouine. Cette approche marketing, qui a stratégiquement été lancée à l’approche du mois de Ramadan, a rencontré un franc succès auprès des clients des grandes et moyennes surfaces.
Une journée portes ouvertes sur les oasis de Drâa a été organisée le 09 février 2019, dans le cadre des recommandations pour l’orientation stratégique du PDFSD sur le positionnement de douze variétés de dattes de la zone de l’ORMVAO. La stratégie de promotion des dattes repose sur la communication autour du système de production oasien et du processus qualité assuré par les unités de stockage et de valorisation, lesquelles sont gérées par des Groupements d’Intérêt Economique (GIE). Ainsi, les commerçants professionnels de dattes (grandes et moyennes surfaces et grossistes) et les représentants des administrations concernées (collectivités, ministère et chambres de l’agriculture, directions régionales, provinces, office régionaux de Ouarzazate et de Tafilalet, etc.) se sont rendus sur le terrain pour découvrir les modes de production naturels des oasis et visiter les unités de valorisation. Ils ont ainsi pu se rendre compte que le regroupement des petits producteurs en coopératives et GIE permet de garantir la qualité des dattes de la vallée de Drâa grâce aux bonnes pratiques techniques et sanitaires et ainsi d’améliorer les conditions de vie des agriculteurs.
L’Office Régional de Mise en Valeur Agricole de Ouarzazate (ORMVAO), en partenariat avec Enabel-Agence belge de développement et l’Office National du Conseil Agricole (ONCA), a organisé une deuxième journée de rencontres commerciales entre les Groupements d’Intérêt Économique (GIE) Dattes, les GIE Safran et les professionnels des circuits commerciaux sur le thème : « la promotion des dattes marocaines pour un développement rural durable des oasis ». Cette rencontre s’inscrit dans le cadre de la mise en place d’une stratégie marketing pour promouvoir les dattes marocaines et permettre aux opérateurs économiques de la zone, particulièrement les coopératives et GIE, d’accéder au marché national. L’objectif principal de la journée était de renforcer le dialogue entre les professionnels de la filière du palmier dattier. Ainsi, en amont de la filière, les GIE ont pu mettre en avant les points forts de leur mode de production, leur processus qualité et être à l’écoute des exigences du marché. En aval, les acheteurs professionnels ont reçu des informations précises sur les différentes variétés de dattes marocaines et leur appréciation commerciale.
Le Programme Santé soutien l'action du Ministère de la Santé via le Programme d'Appui aux Divisions Provinciales de la santé (PADP).Le PADP a pour ce faire apporté son appui au Centre Provincial de Transfusion Sanguine (CPTS) de Gemena dans le #SudUbangi notamment dans : - Le réaménagement des quelques locaux du laboratoire provincial devant servir de salle de collecte et bureau de la coordination du CPTS;- La dotation en mobiliers & fournitures pour l'installation du bureau;- L'appui au renforcement de capacité des prestataires de trois zone de santé (Gemena, Bwamanda et Tandala) à Budjala sur la question de la chaîne de transfusion sécurisée;- L'appui à la cérémonie de lancement officiel des activités du CPTS de Gemena.Le programme a aussi appuyé financièrement l’installation de frigos solaires pour des zones de santé dans la #Tshopo, destinés à la conservation du sang prélevé à des fins de transfusion.Toutes ces actions sont mise en oeuvre afin que les CPTS disposent de moyens adaptés qui garantissent la disponibilité d'un sang sain et sécurisé.
Les femmes représentent encore trop souvent un groupe discriminé et défavorisé par rapport aux hommes.C’est dans ce cadre que l’orientation relative à la coopération au développement adopte comme principe de base l'intégration de la dimension du genre de façon transversale et directe dans toutes les interventions.Le nouveau contrat de gestion d’Enabel s’engage à respecter les lois et conventions en matière de genre, de diversité et d’égalité des chances.Dans ce contexte le ProgEau accentue ses actions sur l’intégration de la dimension genre afin d’assurer le renforcement de l’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes, et l’autonomisation des femmes. Le ProgEau privilégie une approche participative visant l’autonomie et l’autodétermination des populations et volontairement pour les femmes. Permettre aux femmes d’améliorer leur situation, c’est permettre l’amélioration de la situation des familles, de la communauté et de valoriser l’égalité et les valeurs que les femmes apportent.Au foyer, la gestion de l’eau, ce sont les femmes qui s’en occupent : elles vont aux bornes fontaines et utilisent l’eau dans la vie quotidienne.Dans les ProgEau, les femmes nécessairement se doivent d’être présentes dans les comités de gestion des ASUREP (Associations des Usagers des Réseaux d’Eau Potable). Et depuis le mois de mai 2019, le ProgEau supervise et accompagne le processus des élections des membres délégués des ASUREP des quartiers au Maniema et au Sud Kivu.Les femmes sont venues volontairement et activement participer au processus d’élection afin de s’impliquer dans le rôle décisionnel. A ce jour 30 % sont attendues mais c’est déjà au-delà, au Maniema que nous retrouvons les femmes dans le comité de gestion.Ce n’est que tous unis pour le même défi d’amélioration de la communauté que hommes et femmes actifs inscriront le changement dans la gestion ; Plus de redevabilité, plus de transparence.
Les femmes représentent encore trop souvent un groupe discriminé et défavorisé par rapport aux hommes.C’est dans ce cadre que l’orientation relative à la coopération au développement adopte comme principe de base l'intégration de la dimension du genre de façon transversale et directe dans toutes les interventions.Le nouveau contrat de gestion d’Enabel s’engage à respecter les lois et conventions en matière de genre, de diversité et d’égalité des chances.Dans ce contexte le ProgEau accentue ses actions sur l’intégration de la dimension genre afin d’assurer le renforcement de l’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes, et l’autonomisation des femmes. Le ProgEau privilégie une approche participative visant l’autonomie et l’autodétermination des populations et volontairement pour les femmes. Permettre aux femmes d’améliorer leur situation, c’est permettre l’amélioration de la situation des familles, de la communauté et de valoriser l’égalité et les valeurs que les femmes apportent.Au foyer, la gestion de l’eau, ce sont les femmes qui s’en occupent : elles vont aux bornes fontaines et utilisent l’eau dans la vie quotidienne.Dans les ProgEau, les femmes nécessairement se doivent d’être présentes dans les comités de gestion des ASUREP (Associations des Usagers des Réseaux d’Eau Potable). Et depuis le mois de mai 2019, le ProgEau supervise et accompagne le processus des élections des membres délégués des ASUREP des quartiers au Maniema et au Sud Kivu.Les femmes sont venues volontairement et activement participer au processus d’élection afin de s’impliquer dans le rôle décisionnel. A ce jour 30 % sont attendues mais c’est déjà au-delà, au Maniema que nous retrouvons les femmes dans le comité de gestion.Ce n’est que tous unis pour le même défi d’amélioration de la communauté que hommes et femmes actifs inscriront le changement dans la gestion ; Plus de redevabilité, plus de transparence.
National Instructors College Abilonino is a one of the vocational training institutions in Uganda located in the northern part of Uganda.Among the many vocational trainings offered at the college is a course in tailoring and garment design.The tailoring and garment department however was faced with several challenges that hindered smooth transfer of learning to the students.The workshop lay out was poor, they had no knowledge on decorative designing and yet they had the equipment, identifying fabrics and material types was a challenge, resource mobilization from products of the class was no existent but rather a pile of product was kept in the class to gather dust.That was until the Support to the Development of Human resources project facilitated a needs assessment exercise at the facility aimed at identifying the key skills gaps that then the project would support to bridge.These gaps and many others in various departments stood out and thus a training was then tailored and administrated to the staff of the tailoring and garments department.The situation has since been turned around in this department.A walk into the tailoring room and you see a symmetrical layout of the workshop. Machines of the same kind are placed in one space to ensure smooth transition from one stage of production to the other.“Each group working on a particular phase of a product are in one space,” Teddy Kitibwa, a senior lecturer in the department mentions.“We have also sold all our products. We use to have piles and piles of products and we didn’t know what to do with them. Now almost everything is gone.” Teddy adds.“You can imagine, we had equipment for graphic designing but we didn’t know how to use them. Thanks to the training, we now have the knowledge and we are now even teaching our students graphic designing on fabrics,” teddy says“We also now can easily identify which fabric is what, what fabric is suitable for what. This has greatly helped us make standard products that can be bought.” She adds.The resources collected from sales are being used to purchase more equipment, and support students in the class who may need any financial support. This motivates the students knowing in case of any problem, there is an emergency fund that can support them to complete their course.“We are really greatful for this training. The trainer was very knowledgeable and has helped us a lot to structure our department better. If only she would come again.” Teddy concludes
Projet ACFPT : "Une réponse à la formation et l'insertion professionnelle des jeunes au Burundi".