On Monday, May 30th 2016, the first scientific
conference on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in the
Gaza strip took place. This conference, jointly organised by the Belgian
Development Agency (BTC) and the Gaza Community College for Tourism and Applied
Studies was titled ‘...
En el contexto de la inclusión de
los enfoques de género e interculturalidad en las políticas públicas tanto por
parte del Estado Peruano, de la Cooperación Belga al Desarrollo y de la CTB, se ha desarrollado y publicado
un Plan de Transversalización de los enfoques de genero e interculturalidad
Ensuring safe and equitable
access to education for all Palestinian children is a major goal of the
education sector. In previous years, Palestine made remarkable progress in improving
access to education – especially in the lower grade levels. In spite of this, there
are still severe access challenges...
Le 18 mai 2016 les habitants de Batal, village à 5 Km de
Bambey, ont accueilli les autorités administratives de la région, l’équipe du
projet BARVAFOR et les partenaires dans le cadre d’une visite des réalisations dans le village.
Le périmètre maraîcher de Batal est alimenté par...
Lors de la onzième édition
du Salon International de l'Agriculture au Maroc (SIAM 2016), le fondateur et
vice-président de la coopérative Toumour-Tinzouline a reçu le prix du mérite
agricole de production des dattes. Ce prix récompense l’engagement de monsieur
TAHRAMI dans la production de dattes...
BTC has supported the beekeeping sector in Tanzania since 2007 through
2 projects: (i) Beekeeping Improvement Project (2007 – 2010), and (ii) Beekeeping
Support Project in Kigoma Region (BSPK). BSPK started in May 2012 and will run
up to June 2016. The Specific Objective of BSPK is to pilot a replicable...
Zengo Mikomanwa, Programme Officer for Heifer International,
introduces the livestock-component of the Maisha Bora programme to the village
committee members in Magadini village.
From 12th until 29th of
April local partners of the Maisha Bora programme organized the first village
Wisam is teaching carpentry at the Vocational and Technical College (VTC) of Halhul near the city of Hebron. Currently he has 30 students and all of them are part of the Work Based Learning (WBL) initiative of the Belgian Development Agency (BTC). The students are working in 25 different companies...
In February 2016, the Belgian Development Agency
(BTC), the EU and GIZ jointly organised
a week-long event to promote technical and
vocational education and training (TVET) in Gaza. On the last day of the week BTC organised a
Career Day to bring TVET graduates in direct
contact with the...
On May 10th the Belgian Vice Prime Minister and Minister
of Foreign Affairs, Didier Reynders, has visited the Gaza strip as part of his
visit to the Palestinian Territory. During this visit he has inaugurated the rehabilitation
of the Subhi Aby Karsh Primary School in Shajaiya. The rehabilitation...
Many companies from different sectors, ranging from tourism over
fashion design to carpentry have difficulties finding skilled employees. Youngsters
with technical skills are in high demand in the whole country, but sometimes it
is difficult for them to get into contact with the right companies. ...
El día miércoles 27 de
abril del 2016 se realizó el evento “Capitalizando
la Equidad”, actividad que congregó
a 9 cooperaciones internacionales comprometidas con el desarrollo de la
igualdad de género en proyectos de desarrollo. Este evento fue un espacio de
intercambio de experiencias en la implementación...
El lunes 25 de abril del 2016
se realizó el “Lanzamiento oficial del
Proyecto de Identificación, Registro y Valorización del Patrimonio Cultural en
la Cuenca del Lago Titicaca, Bolivia” – Proyecto del Lago - en instalaciones
del Ministerio de Culturas y Turismo, “Palacio Chico”.
Este evento contó...
Malgré des progrès
sanitaires indéniables, les problèmes de santé continue de freiner le
développement du Niger. En effet, le fonctionnement du système de santé connaît de nombreux défis
qui entravent sa performance et en conséquence, l’accès aux soins par les
Ce mois-ci, le programme ARIMEL (Appui au
Renforcement Institutionnel du Ministère de l’Elevage) sera clôturé. Durant ces
5 dernières années, la CTB a mis en œuvre au Niger l’un de plus importants
programmes de renforcement institutionnel. Ce
programme, au coût de 3 millions d’euros a été ...