Regeneration of Historic Centers in Local Government Units (RHC)


Korte inhoud project

Belgium supports the Palestinian Ministry of Local Government (MoLG) to revitalize Palestinian historical centres through a project called Regeneration of Historical Centres (RHC). Regeneration implies two main concepts: preservation/restoration and development/revitalization of the urban and rural areas with a historic and cultural value that are currently affected by abandonment and physical and economic depletion. Preservation and restoration of cultural heritage is one of the crucial dimensions of state- and nation building. In an overall context of separation, fragmentation and limited national planning power, the Palestinian Territory is marked by a sharp deterioration of its architectural and cultural heritage. The deterioration is due to several factors: the lack of sovereignty in the Palestinian territory; destructions related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; the abandonment of buildings due to ignorance and lack of interest of local populations; urbanization processes and ineffective Palestinian laws for the protection of historic buildings. The program aims to go a step further than mere preservation or restoration by putting a lot of emphasis on revitalization. The aim is making the historic centres alive again through social, cultural and economic development. Moreover, the project includes other major aspects such as assessing and developing cultural heritage protection regulations, capacity building and raising community awareness towards preserving the cultural heritage.

Code PZA1203011
Startdatum 05 June 2013
Einddatum 05 December 2019
Fase Closed
Donor Belgium
Sector 15112 Decentralisation and support to subnational government
Budget 8 000 000.00 €

Algemene doelstelling

The general objective is to improve the social, cultural and economic development of Local Government Units and Municipalities in the Palestinian Territory.

Specifieke doelstellingen

A - To enhance LGs capacity to regenerate their HC


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