Bekijken 2145 - 2160 van 2337 nieuws

  • Quick fruit projects as the first step towards an institutional revitalization of historic centers

    Quick fruit projects as the first step towards the revitalization of historic centers

    Eva MORRE | 24-11-2016

    Preservation and restoration of cultural heritage is one of the crucial dimensions of state- and nation-building. In a context of occupation, separation, fragmentation, and limited national planning power, the Palestinian identity is often the only handhold for Palestinian citizens. However, the ...

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    Palestina PZA1203011

  • Supporting young entrepreneurs

    Supporting young entrepreneurs

    Eva MORRE | 16-11-2016

    The Business Startups Incubators Support project (BSIS) supports young Palestinian entrepreneurs to develop their ideas into viable businesses. Recently BSIS has organised a number of awareness sessions and bootcamps to promote entrepreneurship around the country. Sessions have been organised on...

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    Palestina PZA120281T

  • The BSIS website is now online !

    The BSIS website is now online !

    Eva MORRE | 16-11-2016

    BSIS – Business Start-up Incubators Support – supports the development of a dynamic and vibrant private sector through supporting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Helping young entrepreneurs means giving them access to finance for their innovative ideas and projects. But it also means...

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    Palestina PZA120281T