Bekijken 1770 - 1785 van 2353 nieuws

  • Closing of the ECIB Work-Based Learning Program

    Closing of the ECIB Work-Based Learning Program

    Laura SCHILLEMANS | 02-07-2018

    Last week, Enabel celebrated the closing of the ECIB Work-based Learning Program in Palestine in two workshops held in Gaza and the West Bank.   The Enhancing Capacities for Institution Building (ECIB) Program, implemented by the Belgian Development Agency (Enabel) on behalf of the Belgian Development...

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    Palestina PZA1202911

  • Festival for children in Beit Leqya

    Festival for children in Beit Leqya

    Laura SCHILLEMANS | 02-07-2018

    The Joint Services Council for Planning and Development of Beit Leqya - Kharbatha Al-Misbah celebrated Eid Al Fitr with a festival for the children of the community.   Numerous activities were organized: a live show with clowns, a bubble show and the distribution of toys and gifts to...

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    Palestina PZA1303311

  • Lancement officiel du projet SANITA (villes propres) en Guinée

    Lancement officiel du projet SANITA (villes propres) en Guinée

    Guido COUCK | 29-06-2018

    Joachim Lamah, secrétaire général du ministère des finances, et Elizabeth Peri, conseillère politique de la délégation de l'UE à Conakry - Photo: Enabel/Colin DelfosseConakry, 22 juin 2018 - Cérémonie de lancement du projet SANITA - Villes propresLa croissance démographique rapide de Conakry et de ...

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    Guinee GIN170111T