El Programa SISTEC trabajó conjuntamente con el Seguro Integral de Salud – SIS en la creación de un Banco de Fotos, con el objetivo de brindar
material actualizado, variado y visualmente representativo para ser utilizado
en los diferentes materiales informativos y promocionales del SIS. ...
A finales del 2015, en el marco del Programa SISTEC, se
implementaron 9 módulos de atención para los y las aseguradas del Seguro
Integral de Salud – SIS, en hospitales de gran afluencia del país. El objetivo
de estas oficinas es brindar orientación a los usuarios y usuarias del SIS
sobre sus derechos...
El Taller de Intercambio de Experiencias y
Fortalecimiento de Capacidades para la Elaboración de Campañas Informativas y
Afiliación del SIS permitió fortalecer el trabajo de los
profesionales de atención al asegurado y el personal de apoyo a ese personal en
la realización de campañas informativas...
The Belgian Fund for Food
Security (BFFS) finances integrated programmes to structurally improve food
security. Maisha bora (meaning 'Good life' in Swahili) is a five-year programme
(2015-2019) aimed at improving food security in Longido and Simanjiro districts in
the north of Tanzania. Fifteen...
Uno de los proyectos integrales de riego comunitario (PIRC) del Programa de Apoyo al Riego Comunitario es el Sistema de Microriego ubicado en la comunidad de Katiopampa del municipio de Yamparáez (departamento de Chuquisaca). Gracias a este proyecto y a la presencia de un profesional de Acompañamiento...
After 20 months of operations (out of 48), the
CDPR has achieved the following (intermediary) results:
1. The first
Law on Public Investment of Vietnam was prepared with the support of the
CDPR. The Public Investment Law (PIL) became effective in January 2015. The
CDPR supported many consultation...
En Bolivia donde el uso del riego data de los tiempos precolombinos, se ha experimentado con el programa PARC que la sostenibilidad de los servicios de riego tecnificados depende, en gran medida, de un buen acompañamiento a los regantes. La ejecución de los Proyectos Integrales de Riego Comunitario...
pastoral reste une préoccupation dans l'élevage
au Niger. Afin de prévenir et de limiter les conflits autour de la gestion des
ressources naturelles et l’utilisation des aménagements pastoraux, le projet
PAAPSSP a développé une démarche d’ingénierie sociale.Mais cette démarche de
This video explains how the Belgian-Rwandan cooperation introduced
'training on site', teaching students in technical and vocational
education and training (TVET) how to build schools.The video was shown during the international knowledge-sharing TVET symposium, which was organised by PAFP in October...
Bridging the gap: from traditional to competency-based training.A new teaching and assessment approach in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Rwanda.This video was shown during the international knowledge-sharing TVET symposium, which was organised by PAFP in October 2015, in collaboration...
Wood is a major natural resource for Rwanda. Timber is
used for building schools and houses and throughout the country wood is used
for cooking. In Rwanda, traditionally trees are felled with the machete, which
implies the trunk is cut at man’s height and much timber is wasted.
With ...
Tuesday, 8 December 2015, Dar es Salaam - The project, commonly known as the Maji Yetu ("Our water") project, handed over the constructed infrastructures and operations to the respective beneficiaries in the presence of H.E. Paul Cartier, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium, EU Head of Cooperation...
Leadership and management weaknesses in the health sector were at the basis of the ICB project, aimed at improving health sector performance. The goal was to initiate improved practices in district health services in the Rwenzori and West Nile regions.Extensive technical and financial support ...