Green Growth Strategy Facility (GGSF)

> Vietnam

EU Climate Fair

  • EU Climate Fair

At the request of the EU delegation and the Belgian Embassy in Hanoi, the Belgian development agency participated in the EU Climate fair on October 14 in close cooperation with the two projects  concerned : the Green Growth Strategy Facility (GGSF) and the program for integrated water resources management and urban development in relation to Climate Change in Vietnam (TSU (Technical Support Unit) and CC-projects in Binh Thuan, Ninh Thuan and Ha Tinh provinces.

A boot was set up at the fair, showing the objectives and activities of the projects. Colleagues from the projects in the provinces and from Hanoi were present at the boot and they provided the very useful explanations to the visitors. Information material was at the disposal of the public.

BTC organized a photo competition on the themes Water, Energy and Green lifestyle. The best twenty photos were selected and exposed during the event. The photographers (originating from two provinces and from Hanoi) were given a certificate and a cash price during a rewarding ceremony, in the presence of the EU embassador to Vietnam, Mr. Bruno Angelet, the First Secretary of the Belgian Embassy, Mrs. Anke Van Lancker, and the BTC Representative for Vietnam, Mrs. Krista Verstraelen.

The participation of BTC was judged as very interesting and successful by the visiting members of the public and by the organizing EU delegation. BTC was very happy to receive tremendous help and support from the colleagues of both projects.

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