Viewing 2160 - 2175 of 2357 news

  • Beautification: a Work Based Learning Success Story

    Beautification: a Work Based Learning Success Story

    Eva MORRE | 01-12-2016

    Since she was in 5th grade Ghada (seated) has always dreamed of opening her own beauty salon. In 1994, she successfully graduated from the Vocational Training Centre (VTC) in Khanyounis in the Gaza Strip. Now, 12 years later, she is the owner of 2 beauty salons with a total of 14 employees. ...

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    Palestine PZA1202911

  • Un impôt sur le bétail? Pas bête du tout!

    Un impôt sur le bétail? Pas bête du tout!

    Stephanie EECKMAN | 30-11-2016

    Le troupeau est aux éleveurs nigériens ce qu'un compte en banque est à la plupart d'entre nous. Il faut en prendre soin. Parmi les nombreuses mesures de soutien proposées aux éleveurs du Sahel nigérien, la CTB finance des programmes de vaccination du bétail et des points de vente sous le contrôle...

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    Niger NER1003011

  • Un dispositif pour prévenir les risque d'inondations

    Un dispositif pour prévenir les risques d'inondations

    Meriem HILALI | 29-11-2016

    Financé par la Coopération belge, le système d'annonce des crues dans le bassin du Loukkos au nord du royaume est désormais opérationnel. Le total des investissements de ce projet se chiffre à 2,3 millions de Dirhams. L'Agence de bassin hydraulique du Loukkos (ABHL) complète ainsi son réseau...

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    Morocco MOR1204211

  • Supporting young entrepreneurs

    Supporting young entrepreneurs

    Eva MORRE | 16-11-2016

    The Business Startups Incubators Support project (BSIS) supports young Palestinian entrepreneurs to develop their ideas into viable businesses. Recently BSIS has organised a number of awareness sessions and bootcamps to promote entrepreneurship around the country. Sessions have been organised on...

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    Palestine PZA120281T

  • The BSIS website is now online !

    The BSIS website is now online !

    Eva MORRE | 16-11-2016

    BSIS – Business Start-up Incubators Support – supports the development of a dynamic and vibrant private sector through supporting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Helping young entrepreneurs means giving them access to finance for their innovative ideas and projects. But it also means...

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    Palestine PZA120281T

  • Go Green – An evaluation Study of the Green Governmental Schools in Palestine

    Go Green – An evaluation Study of the Green Governmental Schools in Palestine

    Eva MORRE | 16-11-2016

    The School Construction, Rehabilitation and Equipment project of the Belgian Development Cooperation builds new schools in the Palestinian Territory. The focus lies on quality education through environment and child friendly school designs, while experimenting with innovative and eco-sustainable...

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    Palestine PZA1203211