Viewing 1 to 15 of 163 news

  • Success of the Youth-Led Policy Dialogue on Greening Palestine from a Youth Perspective

    Success of the Youth-Led Policy Dialogue on Greening Palestine from a Youth Perspective

    Arwa ALSHAWWA | 24/02/2025

    Ramallah, November 26-27, 2024Palestinian youth took center stage in shaping a sustainable future at the recent two-day event, "Greening Palestine from a Youth Perspective," held in collaboration with the South Hebron Chamber of Commerce & Industry, North Hebron Chamber of Commerce & Industry, and Sharek Youth Forum. Organized under the EU-funded Youth Economic Empowerment in Palestine (YEP) project, the event brought together young leaders, experts, and policy decision-makers to drive forward a vision for a greener Palestine.The first day, November 26, featured a dynamic technical workshop where youth and experts collaborated to develop actionable recommendations for advancing green policies. The following day, November 27, saw a high-level policy dialogue with key stakeholders, including government representatives, to discuss the youth-led proposals and chart a path toward a sustainable green economy. The energy, passion, and innovative ideas shared throughout the event were truly inspiring. This dialogue marks a significant step forward in empowering Palestinian youth as leaders in the green economy and advancing sustainable development in the region. Together, we are building a greener, more resilient future for Palestine.

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    Palestine PSE21002

  • Enabel in Palestine rolled up their sleeves for a clean-up activity along Bethlehem roadside

    Enabel in Palestine rolled up their sleeves for a clean-up activity along Bethlehem roadside

    Ahed JARAYSEH | 23/09/2022

    Celebrating World Clean-up Day, Enabel in Palestine, the Ministry of Local Government, the Environment Quality Authority, the Belgian Consulate and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) joined the World Cleanup Day through an energetic community Clean-up Day in Irtas village, southwest to Bethlehem city. More than 100 participants contributed actively, from government institutions, local councils, volunteers, development actors, and World Cleanup day representatives to collect garbage and solid waste along the roadside at Solomon's Pools. Degradation of the environment, climate change and a mounting solid waste crisis are worldwide challenges, strongly affecting Palestine as well. Improper waste disposal mechanisms have a damaging and long-lasting impact on human health and well-being. Our joint cleanup day initiative was meant to raise awareness, and trigger positive actions and solutions to promote a green and sustainable Palestine. Through our new Portfolio, we will contribute to addressing those challenges, with a specific focus on the environment, climate adaptation and mitigation measures, and a green and circular economy. We all have a responsibility and an urgent role to play!

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    Palestine PZA1303311

  • SYP Partners participates in an exchange training in Belgium

    The Skilled Young Palestine project partners participates in an exchange training in Belgium

    Ahed JARAYSEH | 01/07/2022

    From May 12 to May 21st, our Belgian counterparts of the Global Citizenship Education Programme of Enabel “Kruit” organised an exchange between youth workers, trainers and coaches from Palestine and Flanders on education and empowerment of youngsters in vulnerable contexts. This cooperation is linked to the ongoing Skilled Young Palestine (SYP) project with five innovation hubs (PARC, Station J, Maan Development Centre, Youth Without Borders and Al Quds Open University). During the 10 days visit, the participants exchanged and learned about the various tools and practices used to empower vulnerable youth in Palestine and Belgium. The delegation of Palestine arrived in Belgium on May 11th  but unfortunately, the participants that were supposed to join from the Gaza Strip did not receive a visa. A lot of interesting visits and exchanges took place.Some of the visits included:Encora: the biggest centre for adult education in Antwerp. Stedelijk Lyceum Olympiade: secondary school with a strong focus on technical and vocational training where the delegation learned about active citizenship, school dropouts and employment in Antwerp. ESF-partners Formaat: non-profit organization that gives support to youth and youth trainers. Kras : youth work organization that sets up diverse leisure activities for children and young people in various districts of the city of Antwerp. Jes: youth organization that provides support to children and young people related to their leisure time, education, work, training and well-being.Shadi Thiab, trainer with Open Al Quds University described it as follows: “Global Citizenship Education is like a key, it opens the door to different opportunities”.

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    Palestine PZA1804411

  • YEP conducted its first Steering Committee meeting

    The Youth Economic Empowerment Project conducted its first Steering Committee meeting

    Ahed JARAYSEH | 01/07/2022

    On the 10th of May, the first Steering Committee of the Youth Economic Empowerment Project (YEP) took place. The project is part of the larger EU program on Youth Empowerment that is supporting the economic empowerment and promoting the socio-economic engagement of young Palestinians.The Steering Committee was attended by youth representatives from Gaza and the West Bank, the European Union and governmental counterparts from the national TVET Commission, the Higher Youth Council and the Ministries of Entrepreneurship & Empowerment, Higher Education and Labour.During this first meeting, the European Training Foundation provided insight in the main challenges in youth economic empowerment in Palestine from their research and presented some concrete recommendations. These recommendations served as the basis for developing the three main lines of action under the YEP project: (1) Strengthen public employment services; (2) Promote up- and re-skilling initiatives, and (3) Strengthen the entrepreneurship eco-system. Enabel provided all partners with the state of play on the activities, partner management and the intermediary results of a baseline and a targeting strategy on vulnerability. The project aims to reach over 1000 vulnerable young people in the entire Territory of Palestine.

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    Palestine PSE21002

  • The SAWA project launched a networking event

    The SAWA project launched a networking event "Together we continue"

    Ahed JARAYSEH | 01/07/2022

    The SAWA project launched a networking event "Together we continue" joining Gaza's stakeholders with the SAWA project entrepreneurs. The 50 entrepreneurship projects supported by the SAWA project had the chance to facilitate their access to finance and legal support through networking with key stakeholders and partners, including the EU representative, Microfinance institutions ASALA and Faten, Bank of Palestine, chambers of commerce and federation of industries.The event included stand-up talks by key actors like Banks, Monetary Authority, Chambers, the Industrial federation, and others. And gave the SAWA entrepreneurs the ability to demonstrate, interact, network, and create a business to businesses channels with the attendees. The 50 entrepreneurs were supported by the SAWA project with business development packages including financial and non-financial support composed of seed funding, business management training, technical training, and ongoing mentorship sessions.

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    Palestine PZA170391T

  • LGRDP participation and support to the Green Building conference and exhibition

    LGRDP participation and support to the Green Building conference and exhibition

    Ahed JARAYSEH | 01/07/2022

    Enabel, through the Local Government Reform and Development Program, supported the Green Building Conference and Exhibition organized by the Palestine Green Building Council under the patronage of the Environmental Quality Authority. The conference took place over two days, with wide participation from local and international institutions. The conference presented worldwide solutions and green practices, the Palestinian readiness to regulate and enhance green building laws and legislations, the green buildings' global classifications, and the local and international funding opportunities. As part of the conference sessions, Enabel's Local Government Expert presented Enabel's future approach and opportunities in "Green Finance and Incentives", the LGRDP programme objectives addressing environmental and climate change challenges, and the promotion of green practices at the local level. All these interventions demonstrate the alignment of the programme with the Palestinian National Agenda, in addition to Enabel's role in allowing the appropriate environment for the transition towards green building and green practices at the national level through the support and development of regulations and laws through Local Authorities and the private sector.

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    Palestine PZA1303311

  • Belgium and the European Union inaugurate 15 rehabilitated schools in East Jerusalem

    Belgium and the European Union inaugurate 15 rehabilitated schools in East Jerusalem

    Ahed JARAYSEH | 01/07/2022

    Belgium and the European Union celebrated the inauguration of 15 schools in Jerusalem, which have been rehabilitated and extended by Enabel. The celebration was attended by the Ministry of Education, the Jerusalem Directorate of Education, the schools’ principals and students, and representatives of the communities and civil society organizations. The completion of the school retrofitting and expansion works were implemented by Enabel as part of the "Resilience of Schools of East Jerusalem" project, co-funded by Belgium and the European Union, in synergy with another EU-funded project: "Ta’lim Lil’Jami’a: Inclusive Education Intervention for East Jerusalem children", implemented by the NGO Terre des Hommes - Italy.“We are privileged to participate in this great event that will pave the road for 16 enhanced schools that will provide excellent learning opportunities and allow Palestinian children in Jerusalem to access quality inclusive education, innovation and technology.” Said EU Deputy Representative Maria Velasco"Under the new bilateral portfolio, that will be implemented by Enabel, we allocated about 17.5 million EUR budget, for improving inclusive access to quality education through constructing, retrofitting, and extending schools, supporting teacher training and Science, Technology, Engineering (Art) and Mathematics (or STE(A)M) initiatives and contribute to the well-being of students,” said Consul General of Belgium, Wilfried Pfeffer.“Enabel has adopted a holistic approach for improving both the physical school environment and well-being in the schools, as well as the creation of adjacent public spaces using participatory methods that enhance ownership and motivation of students and the wider local community. Said Enabel Resident Representative, Christelle Jocquet.

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    Palestine PZA170421T

  • 10 years LGRDP in the eyes of the local actors and communities

    Palestine: 10 years LGRDP in the eyes of the local actors and communities

    Ahed JARAYSEH | 20/05/2022

    In an overall challenging socio-, economic and political context, local governance is a driving force for promoting both state-building and local economic development in Palestine. Since launching the "Local Government Reform and Development Program (LGRDP)", Belgium has invested to facilitate and strengthen collaboration mechanisms between local government units, with a particular focus on the smaller local authorities. The collaboration between villages through Joint Service Councils has enabled small local governments to join forces and deliver better quality services to their citizens, engage better with civil society and the private sector, and promote local economic development.  In some cases, responding to local dynamics also evolves toward the development of new municipalities. This cooperation between local authorities is instrumental in enabling citizens to thrive in a rapidly urbanizing Palestine. This video showcases the 10 years of LGRDP through the eyes of the local actors and communities. 

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    Palestine PZA1303311

  • LGRDP conducted its quarterly Experience Exchange Platform - ARD Laboratory Meetings

    In Palestine, LGRDP conducted its quarterly Experience Exchange Platform - ARD Laboratory Meetings

    Ahed JARAYSEH | 20/05/2022

    Enabel held its quarterly meeting "Exchange of Experience Platform (ARD Laboratory)". This meeting “Green Projects Opportunities and Challenges - Experiences and Success Stories” was attended by Enabel, Ministry of Local Government (MoLG), Environmental Quality Authority, Association of Palestinian Local Authorities, Municipal Development and Lending Fund (MDLF), and the local authorities partnering in the Local Government Reform and Development programme to review the experiences and success stories of green projects, and to include environmental challenges in the future activities and interventions of the clusters plans. The meeting began with a presentation by Enabel on the outcomes of environmental plans organised by Enabel for Environmental Interventions in partner clusters, followed by a presentation on the logical framework development approach, in addition to the experience of Asira Al - Shamaliyah Municipality in waste separation and the compost project, and the experience of the Qabalan municipality in the solar system project, implemented through UNDP. The Exchange of Experience Platform (ARD Laboratory) is an initiative holding regular meetings to share success stories and lessons learned among partner clusters. It also allows the programme partners to share the national-level plans and strategies to achieve integration, focusing on the Local Government Reform and Development programme objectives on the environment and green economy and increasing communication and networking among the programme partners to enhance sustainability opportunities in the activities implemented.

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    Palestine PZA1303311

  • The launching of the EU-funded Youth Economic Empowerment Project

    In Palestine, launch of the EU-funded Youth Economic Empowerment Project !

    Ahed JARAYSEH | 20/05/2022

    From 2022 to 2024, Enabel will implement the "Youth Economic Empowerment Project in Palestine (YEP)", as part of the European Union’s larger program on Youth Empowerment. The 5 million euro project aims to enhance Palestinian young people's employability and economic empowerment” through the 2 specific objectives: SO1: Young women and men are better equipped to access inclusive and decent employment opportunities, and SO2: The resilience of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is enhanced.  In the frame of the project and the European Year of the Youth, a launching event was organised on March 17th.  Enabel, together with EU, UNFPA and Sharek Youth Forum organised a day of inspiring activities for young Palestinians in the Youth Village in Kufr Nimeh near Ramallah, including a stand-up comedy and traditional music performance. The event was attended by Palestinian Authority officials, representatives of civil society organisations and the international community. Christelle Jocquet, Resident Representative of Enabel in Palestine, shared her view on the program: “Enabel is happy to be part of this important initiative to Empower Palestinian youth, including young women, to become active citizens with better socio-economic opportunities by providing them with skills and entrepreneurial mindset necessary to find sustainable employment and promote the engagement of youth as future leaders in the society. We believe that partnering with the EU and other local and international organizations is key to maximising results.”

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    Palestine PSE21002

  • Hiking activity in Bartaa cluster natural reserve

    Palestine: Hiking activity in natural reserve "Mahmeyat Al-Amra"n

    Roula HANDAL | 12/01/2022

    Following the ARD Laboratory "Exchange of Experience Platform" objectives in promoting and supporting the exchange of visits between the ARD clusters, Bartaa clusters organized and hosted an environmental hike to its natural reserve "Mahmeyat Al-Amra" ARD clusters participated in addition to Enabel Team.During the event, participants were introduced to the importance of "Mahmeyat Al-Amra" culturally, environmentally, and economically and its unique biological diversity.The ARD Laboratory meetings and exchange visits are quarterly activities aiming to increase communication and networking, share success stories and lessons learned among partners, to enhance sustainability opportunities focusing on Enabel- LGRDP objectives on the environment and the green economy challenges.To know more about LGRDP programme and follow its recent news, please click here: LGRDP Programme

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    Palestine PZA1303311

  • SAWA… Together we achieve more

    Palestine: SAWA project, together we achieve more!

    Roula HANDAL | 12/01/2022

    SAWA Project organised a field tour for their project advisory committee members to visit several micro-businesses established by the project.The tour objective was to utilise the experience of the committee members towards giving advice and recommendations to the beneficiaries to enhance the sustainability and resilience of their micro-businesses.The tour was a value-adding to the SAWA project as it linked the supported beneficiaries with other actors, and it provided the SAWA team with valuable advice and recommendations. In addition, it gave the committee members a chance to exchange the experience and best practices followed by SAWA that can be replicated to their similar projects.

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    Palestine PZA170391T

  • Greener schools and increased environmental awareness

    RISE project iin Palestine: Greener schools and collective artworks

    Roula HANDAL | 12/01/2022

    Enabel in Palestine, through its Resilience in Schools of East Jerusalem (RiSE) project, has recently completed the rehabilitation works for 6 schools out of the 8 planned in East Jerusalem, with the remaining 2 nearing completion.The completed works included the rehabilitation of classrooms, creation of new kindergarten units and upgrading of existing ones and the creation of new classrooms.These schools also feature some collective artworks co-created with the students. In Al Wifaq school, students were asked to draw what they imagine when they look at the sky, and their drawings were used to cut the metal sheets of the canopy and the main gate (see picture). In Sheikh Saad Girls’ school, student’s drawings were used to create shapes with the ceramic tiles next to the water fountain.Enabel in Palestine also joined forces with "Terre des Hommes Italy" and the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability to create animation movies on 6 environmental topics. While focusing on climate change, green energy and maintenance of our biodiversity, we mobilize the youth to take actions to keep our planet clean. All the animation videos are available on our YouTube Channel under the playlist We Love Our Planet.

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    Palestine PZA170421T

  • Lama Musallam and Ghadir Asleem participated in the 2021 Palestinian Industries Exhibition

    Palestine: Lama and Ghadir participated in the 2021 Industries Exhibition

    Roula HANDAL | 12/01/2022

    Lama Musallam and Ghadir Asleem are trainees from Gaza Strip who participated in the “Design and Manufacture of Precious Medals” at the Palestinian Industries Exhibition 2021.Their participation came as a result of their talent in designing and producing high-quality silver and gold-plated copper crafts which was evident from the high volume of visitors to their booth during the three days of the exhibition.Lama and Ghadir aspire to complete their training to enter the labour market and has opened opportunities for them in the job market. They are participants at the "Design and Manufacture of Precious Medals" training implemented by the Palestinian Federation of Industries - The Palestinian Federation of Precious Metals - in partnership with Irada Center for Vocational and Technical Education as part of the Skilled Young Palestine programme implemented by the Palestinian Ministry of Labor and Enabel.

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    Palestine PZA1804411

  • Enabel supports the participation of MoLG in COP26

    In Palestine, Enabel has supported the participation of MoLG in COP26

    Roula HANDAL | 12/01/2022

    Enabel, under the Local Government Reform and Development Programme (LGRDP II), has supported two representatives from the Ministry of Local Government (MoLG) to participate in COP26 in Glasgow.LGRDP II is supporting the mainstreaming and integration of Climate Change at the local level to build the capacities of partners to support the Local Governments Units (LGUs) to achieve this objective.The UK hosted the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 31 October – 13 November 2021; the COP26 summit brought parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.Among the Palestinian delegation to COP26 the Palestinian Environmental Quality Authority (EQA), Enabel’s partner in the LGRDP II, has participated as the national focal point for Climate Change who recently has completed the National Determined Contributions (NDC) implementation plans for Palestine in cooperation with the NDC Partnership.At the NDC Partnership Pavilion, EQA facilitated a side event on “Success Story on NDC CEAP Initiative: the case of Palestine NDC implementation”.

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    Palestine PZA1303311