Viewing 2085 - 2100 of 2357 news

  • Skilling the Karamojong

    Skilling the Karamojong

    Hanna DEKERK | 31-03-2017

    Karamoja, a region with many challenges and opportunitiesIn Karamoja (Northern Uganda) much of the labor is sourced outside the district as employers experience a shortage of local skilled personnel. Nevertheless, Karamoja has untapped human potential in numerous sectors. The challenges in skill development...

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    Uganda UGA160331T

  • Entre-temps à Lubumbashi...

    Entre-temps à Lubumbashi...

    Julie CLAASSENS | 30-03-2017

    Les transformateurs de 80 et 50 tonnes sont arrivés! Ce n'était pas une sinécure vu les conditions des routes en RDC. Les transformateurs sont fabriqués à Ahmedaba, en Inde (photos de droite).Sur l'image de gauche vous voyez l'installation des nouveaux disjoncteurs de 220kV. Ce sont les instruments ...

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    DR Congo RDC1015211

  • Les génies de la route

    Les génies de la route!

    Julie CLAASSENS | 30-03-2017

    Voici un portrait des cantonniers qui travaillent à Masi-Manimba, dans la province du Kwilu. Sans eux, la route n'existerait pas...

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    DR Congo RDC1116111

  • Air Conditioning & Hairdressing: Two Success Stories from Gaza

    Air Conditioning & Hairdressing: Two Success Stories from Gaza

    Laure MOSTINCKX | 30-03-2017

    The Applied Future Polytechnic College in the Gaza Strip has completed two Work Based Learning initiatives and celebrated the graduation of 30 students in air conditioning and hairdressing in a high profile event attended by both Jehad Draidi and Said El-Haq, the director generals responsible for...

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    Palestine PZA1202911

  • Celebrating water

    Celebrating water

    Anke VANDEVELDE | 29-03-2017

    For the occasion of the World Water Day on the 22nd of March, BTC celebrated together with the Governor of Gaza Province, Mrs. Stella Pinto, and the communities of Tomanine and 7 de Abril the official inauguration of the BTC Water Supply and Sanitation Project.   The community festivities...

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    Mozambique MOZ1102411

  • Invest in good community health workers

    Thea MATHUES | 28-03-2017

    Sister Martina has been working in Saint-Francis Health Facility III, Arua district, for almost 10 years. A midwife by training she is very motivated to bring quality health care to her community. We spoke to her about the challenges the facility faces, her love for the job, and the changes she has ...

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    Uganda UGA1302611

  • La cité Karavia, un portrait.

    La cité Karavia, un portrait.

    Julie CLAASSENS | 21-03-2017

    A Lubumbashi, dans la cité Karavia, le projet PRELUB installe une nouvelle ligne basse tension afin d'améliorer la qualité et d'augmenter la quantité de la fourniture d'énergie éléctrique. Le film ci-dessus montre comment les habitants de la cité vivent actuellement, sans un courant stable et fiable...

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    DR Congo RDC1015211

  • L'avenir est féminin, aussi au Congo!

    L'avenir est féminin, aussi au Congo!

    Julie CLAASSENS | 21-03-2017

    Regardez Rachel et Eliane, qui suivent la formation en électrique à l'Institut Technique Industriel Vyombo. Après une petite réticence de sa mère, Rachel s'est décidée de suivre son coeur quand-même. Eliane est fille unique et ses parents la soutiennent 200%. L'Institut Vyombo est une des écoles...

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    DR Congo RDC1216911

  •  Fire safety management trainings to increase the safety of health facilities

    Fire safety management trainings to increase the safety of health facilities

    Alexis DE HERDE | 20-03-2017

    Through “Ubuzima Burambye” Health Programme, BTC Rwanda - in close partnership with the Ministry of Health - wants to strengthen the quality of primary health care and health services in Rwanda. One of the expected results of the programme is to set up a functional quality assurance system at...

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    Rwanda RWA1309211