300 - 315 van 2570 nieuws bekijken

  • : les acteurs locaux de la commune annexe priorisent les initiatives de développement

    Lumière sur Lubumbashi : Vers une énergie éssentielle pour le développement local

    Paola VANGU TSAKALA | 06/05/2024

    À Lubumbashi, notre programme "Participation Citoyenne et Gouvernance Locale" a organisé une réunion du 20 au 21 mars 2024 avec les acteurs locaux pour examiner la situation et le fonctionnement de six quartiers de la Commune annexe. L'objectif? Identifier les besoins des communautés pour le développement et de déterminer au moins trois priorités en matière d'initiatives de développement local. Il est ressorti de ces séances que la fourniture d'une énergie électrique de qualité représente le besoin le plus urgent et fondamental, essentiel pour stimuler les autres activités et secteurs du développement local.

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    DR Congo COD22019

  • Les comités des parents formés pour une gestion scolaire optimale

    En RDC, les comités des parents sont formés pour une gestion scolaire optimale

    Paola VANGU TSAKALA | 06/05/2024

    Du 18 au 20 mars 2024 au Kasaï oriental, sept comités des parents d’élèves (COPA) de centres de rattrapage scolaires (CRS), ont été redynamisés et les capacités de 77 acteurs éducatifs (7 directeurs, 42 membres des COPA et 28 inspecteurs sociaux) ont été renforcés sur leurs rôles et responsabilités dans la gestion scolaire. L’atelier a été animé par l’Inspecteur Provincial des Affaires Sociales du Kasaï Oriental.

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    DR Congo COD22013

  • Promotion de la discipline positive en milieu scolaire

    En RDC, la discipline positive en milieu scolaire mise en avant!

    Paola VANGU TSAKALA | 06/05/2024

    Une centaine d'inspecteurs de la sous-division éducationnelle KasaiOriental1 ont participé à un atelier de renforcement des capacités, organisé par notre coordination Korlom en collaboration avec le Ministère de l'EPST Kasaï Oriental 1. Les participants ont durant 2 jours, réfléchi sur la discipline en milieu scolaire pour un développement intégral et la prévention sur la violence et une participation active à l'apprentissage.

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    DR Congo COD22013

  • Lancement du Cadre de Concertation

    Unis pour l'éducation, l'entreprenariat et l'emploi à Mbuji-Mayi

    Paola VANGU TSAKALA | 06/05/2024

    Un cadre de concertation des acteurs de l’écosystème « Formation, Entreprenariat et Emploi » a été mis en place à l’occasion d’une rencontre tenue le 7 mars 2024, à Mbuji-Mayi. La rencontre a été l’occasion de présenter et de discuter du cadre organique, institutionnel et légal du cadre de concertation « Formation, Entreprenariat et Emploi ». Ladite rencontre a permis de créer une vision partagée des acteurs de l’écosystème, à travers la mise en place dudit cadre opérationnel chargé de fédérer les initiatives qui s’activent dans l’accompagnement et l’insertion socio-économique des jeunes.

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    DR Congo COD22012

  • Clôture de la 1ère phase du programme Demoday avec l’ONG CLEJUPS

    Le projet KinEmploi soutient l'innovation féminine

    Paola VANGU TSAKALA | 06/05/2024

    Plus de 30 sur 70 jeunes femmes participantes au programme de 6 mois de l'ONG CLEJUPS ont reçu une subvention.La 1ère phase s'est conclue le 6 mars 2024 avec une présentation de quelques projets innovants développés par ces jeunes femmes devant les autorités communales du district de la Tshangu.  Il a été question pendant cet accompagnement de 6 mois de réaliser des formations, du réseautage, du coaching individuel et collectif. Notre programme KinEmploi est une opportunité pour les jeunes porteurs de projets créatifs Kinois de développer leurs projets et de bénéficier d'un soutien personnalisé et professionnalisant.

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    DR Congo COD22022

  • Formation sur l’hygiène et la propreté en milieu scolaire

    Formation pour un environnement scolaire sain à Mbuji-Mayi

    Paola VANGU TSAKALA | 06/05/2024

    Les inspecteurs du Ministère de l’Enseignement Primaire Secondaire et Technique (EPST), de la Division des Affaires Sociales, les enseignants et le Comité des Parents, soit près de 175 participants, ont participé à la formation sur l’hygiène et la propreté en milieu scolaire, organisée du 4 au 6 mars 2024 à Mbuji-Mayi. Avec l’accompagnement de notre programme "Education de Base", l’activité était organisée sous la supervision de l’Inspecteur Principal Provincial, du Proved et du Chef de Division des Affaires Sociales.

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    DR Congo COD22013

  • Dans les bas-fonds potentiels d’aménagement, Enabel au Burkina Faso innove et adopte une démarche inclusive et participative

    L'engagement de la collaboration Belgique-Burkina Faso pour la sécurité alimentaire

    Abel YAMEOGO | 06/05/2024

    Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du programme de coopération bilatérale belgo-burkinabé, il est prévu d’aménager d’au moins 60 ha de bas-fonds pour la production du riz et 15 ha de périmètres maraîchers destiné principalement à la pomme de terre. Ces actions qui sont au profit des jeunes, des femmes, des Personnes Déplacées Internes (PDI) et d’autres personnes vulnérables ont pour but de contribuer à l’atteinte de la sécurité alimentaire conformément à la vision stratégique de l’offensive agropastorale et halieutique.Pour se faire, une démarche inclusive et participative impliquant les autorités et les parties prenantes du territoire a été entreprise par Enabel afin de s’assurer des garanties méthodologiques et organisationnelles de la réalisation future des aménagements hydroagricoles. Les infrastructures sont prévues s’ériger sur des sites bénéficiant d’une sécurisation foncière avec la pleine implication des acteurs, desquels une appropriation totale de l’action prévue est requise.Ainsi, un atelier s’est tenu le 15 avril 2024 avec l’ensemble des acteurs du territoire avec pour objectif de disposer d’une part d’une liste de sites potentiellement sécurisés et aménageables dans la région du Centre-Est et dans la province du Ganzourgou ; d’autre part la rencontre devrait permettre la mise en place d’un comité technique et volontaire pour la vérification et le suivi des futurs aménagements. Comme résultat, 14 sites potentiels ont été retenus sur base de critères socioéconomiques et biophysiques ; un comité pluridisciplinaire composé de 6 membres sélectionnés au niveau des communes des sites identifiés a été établi et s’est même mobilisé du 22 au 26 avril pour visiter l’ensemble des sites choisis lors de l’atelier. De Garango à Tenkodogo dans la province du Bougou, en passant par Andemtenga, Kando, Dialgaye, Koupéla dans la province du Kouritenga jusqu’à Mogtédo et Zorgho dans la province du Ganzourgou, propriétaires terriens, chefs de villages et leaders communautaires se sont mobilisés autour de chaque comité pour une visite guidée des sites. Questions réponses, observations, appréciations, mesure de la motivation de la communauté ont ponctué ces tournées.Ce travail conjoint en collaboration avec les Directions Régionales du Centre-Est et du Plateau Central a permis de consolider le consensus, d’anticiper sur la gestion foncière et l’intermédiation sociale. Il a aussi permis d’identifier les synergies et les complémentarités entre les acteurs déjà présents sur le terrain et travaillant sur la même thématique.

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    Burkina Faso BFA23004

  • Nyakabungo Bakyara Tukwatanize group in Uganda is saving to meet their health needs

    Nyakabungo Bakyara Tukwatanize group in Uganda is saving to meet their health needs

    John CANDIGA | 06/05/2024

    In 1994, community members of Nyakabungo came together to form a Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) with the sole aim of supporting their children in school. Group members would collect money for one parent at a time to support the education of his or her children. As families became more stable to solely support their children in school, the group transitioned to saving for burials. Members who lost a close relative would be supported to manage the financial burden during the funeral.In 2023, the group now, Nyakabungo Bakyara Tukwatanize was among those that received financial education and savings for health training by Enabel trained ambassadors under the Decent Work and Social Protection Project. With a membership of 34 (31 female, and 3 male), the group was empowered with financial management and savings knowledge. After the training, 18 members (16 female, and 2 male) embraced the idea of saving for health. With a minimum of UGX1,000 to a maximum of UGX 5,000 (0.2€ - 0.5€) per member per week, the group saved UGX 93,000 (22€) for health between October and early December 2023.The chairperson, Emily Kyenserikora said that many mothers in the community, including herself have had challenges such as delays in accessing health services and the inability to meet urgent medical bills. “I have used my past challenging moments to motivate myself and encourage others to save for health”, added the chairperson of the group.Another group member said that she has a kidney disease, which requires her to have frequent medical checks at a health facility, her inspiration to save is the fact that when it is time for these medical visits, she will have her savings ready to meet the costs; transport and buying medicine.Her story is quite similar to that of another group member, Gloria, who has diabetes which requires regular medical attention. Gloria said that borrowing money from friends and neighbors has been a challenge because they either do not have it or require something valuable as collateral. Her health savings are now a safe space to run to when she needs to access medical services.As part of their future saving for health plans, Emily Kyenserikora said that the Nyakabungo Bakyara Tukwatanize Village Savings and Loans Association members intend to do community mobilization and awareness raising on saving for health so that other community members can become part of their VSLA health savings and benefits. They also plan to encourage actively saving members to increase their weekly premiums so that they can have enough money at their disposal to meet all loan requests at any given time, throughout the year.

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    Oeganda UGA21003

  • Burial group in Uganda turned into Saving for Health Group

    Burial group in Uganda turned into saving for health group

    John CANDIGA | 06/05/2024

    Nyakeera Tuyambangane group in Kabende Sub-County, Kabarole district started in 2022 with the main aim of saving for burials. The group of 20 members (19 female and 1 male) meets weekly for their savings.Through the savings for health training that the group received from the Enabel-trained ambassador, the group members were inspired to start saving for health instead of saving for burials. The group chairperson, Lydia Ngambeki said that the training enlightened members to realize that saving a life through their health funds is much more important than giving a decent send-off.As a result, 13 members of the 20 Village Savings and Loans Association members, started saving for health on the 19th of October 2023. By December 2023, the group’s savings for health account had UGX 153,000 (36€). Within the same duration, 3 members of the group had already borrowed UGX 126,000 (30€) from the savings, including a mother who was accessing maternity services at Kabende Health Center III, located about 12km away.The group chairperson, Lydia Ngambeki said that members would worry so much when they or one of the family members was sick, but they are now confident. “From the experience of the 3 members who borrowed to seek medical attention, I realized that people are now confident of the readily available support they can get from the group’s health savings”, said the group chairperson.Among the group’s savings for health plans, is to increase savings in the harvest seasons since most of the members are farmers who get income from produce sales. The chairperson said that they are also excited to talk to other people in the community to join the group and embrace saving for health because they have already seen the benefits during health emergencies.

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    Oeganda UGA21003

  • Expectant mothers in Uganda are saving their way into a Safe Delivery

    Expectant mothers in Uganda are saving their way into a safe delivery

    John CANDIGA | 06/05/2024

    Kabahwezi Margaret is an expectant mother who is saving for safe delivery when her time is due in January 2024. The 25-year-old and mother of 5 is saving with Basambo United Village Savings and Loans Association. She gets her income by selling fish and cocoa, which her husband helps her to harvest.Margaret said that her motivation to start saving for health is to prepare herself for safe delivery by timely accessing the health facility and being able to acquire necessities during the time of delivery. “As an expectant mother, I want myself and the baby to be safe during the time of delivery”, said Margaret. She said that several women in the community have ended up in the hands of traditional birth attendants due to delays in accessing the facility, which is usually attributed to inadequate resources to get a reliable and quicker means of transport.Margaret has so far saved 20,000 Uganda shillings (5€) and her future saving plan is to ensure that after giving birth, she increases are savings for health premiums from 2,000 to 5,000 Uganda shillings (0.2€ - 0.5€) per week to cover her 3 children as well. She said she also got financial management and budgeting knowledge from the training delivered by the ambassadors on saving for health. She therefore intends to use that knowledge to boost her savings by investing more resources in her business.Another expectant mother, Kobusingye Lydia, 33 from Bweramule Sub County, Ntoroko district is also saving for a safe delivery. Lydia said that she realized that it won’t be easy to trek the 7km distance to Bweramule Health Center III when she is ready to give birth. She recalls how many mothers get stuck accessing antenatal services and maternity services during their time of giving birth. She said she already borrowed from her Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) group, savings for health account. “I have already cumulatively borrowed up to UGX 15,000 (4€) for some of my antenatal visits especially when it finds me without cash at hand, and I have always ensured that whatever amount I have picked is paid back before my next visit”, added Lydia.The chairperson of Rukoora Women and Men VSLA group, Mr. Mugume Steven said that Lydia has already saved 36,000 Uganda shillings (9€) for health. “We will support her to achieve her saving purpose, a safe delivery”, said Mugume.

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    Oeganda UGA21003

  • A VSLA group in Uganda is saving for health to purchase a motorcycle ambulance

    A Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) group in Uganda is saving for health to purchase a motorcycle ambulance

    John CANDIGA | 04/05/2024

    Rukoora Women and Men FAL (Functional Adult Literacy) is among the Village Savings and Loans Association groups that were trained in financial education and savings for health Enabel. The group is located in Bweramule Sub-County, Bugando parish, Ngeenge village in Ntoroko district.  The nearest health facility, Bweramule Health Center III, is 7 km away. Community members can only access the facility using ‘boda-boda’, the only reliable transport means that can navigate the swampy and poor road terrain in an area that is also prone to frequent floods.The group which comprises of 27 members (10 males and 16 females) started saving for health on 25th September, and by December 2023 they had saved a total of UGX 936,000 (223€) in their savings for health account. The group chairperson, Mugume Steven said that they plan to save up to UGX10,000,000 (2,380€) and acquire a motorcycle ambulance to facilitate easy access to the health facility by the group members and the rest of the community. “group members who are saving for health will use the ambulance for free, meanwhile the rest of the community will be charged a small fee”, said Steven. The fee will help generate income for the group but also help to cater for the costs of maintenance.To have this plan achieved quickly, the group engaged in income-generating activities such as outside catering services, and hiring out equipment like tents and chairs that they acquired from the group's previous general savings’ profits.Karungi Everet, a member of Rukoora Women and Men Functional Adult Literacy Village Savings and Loans Association group had saved UGX 20,000 (5€) in her savings for health account. In the previous month, she borrowed up to UGX 60,000 Uganda shillings (14€) to get medication for herself and her child. By December 2023, Everet fully paid back the amount she borrowed from the group. “The distance to our nearest health facility and the nature of the roads is challenging. In situations where a community member does not get timely support to access the facilities, some cases of illness can become fatal. I was lucky that the group savings helped me to quickly access treatment”, added Everet.

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    Oeganda UGA21003

  • VSLA members in Uganda are Saving for Health to avoid high interest rates on loans

    Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) members in Uganda are Saving for Health to avoid high interest rates on loans

    John CANDIGA | 04/05/2024

    Bugoye Tukulakulane Village Savings and Loans Association group in Bugoye trading center, Kasese district brings together small business operators in the area every week to save their earnings for future needs such as expanding their business or meeting personal needs. The 32 group members are all engaged in activities such as chapati selling, operating roadside grocery stalls, retail shops, and saloons among other enterprises. In August 2023, the group received the 7-module training on saving for health by the Enabel trained ambassador, Tinka Tadeo, and all 32 members started saving for health alongside their regular weekly savings. From October 2023 to December 2023, the group was able to save up to UGX 200,000 (48€) specifically for health.Kibaba Joakim, the group chairperson said that group members used to incur high-interest rates of between 10% - 20% per month, depending on the agreed repayment period when they borrowed from money lenders. This they said was coupled with frequent and disturbing reminders. “The training on saving for health by Tinka in September 2023 came in timely, members were able to budget their earnings well and ensure that within whatever they have earned in the week, a portion is saved for health”, said Joakim.The group has 2 expectant mothers who the chairperson said are saving to ensure that they have a smooth process when giving birth. The expectant mothers saved UGX 60,000 (14€) and intend to use their health savings for routine antenatal visits and to easily access the health facility when it is time to give birth. “As a group chairperson, I ensure that actively saving members who are seeking medical support receive it timely. It is their money; therefore, they should get it quickly when they most need it for the purpose for which it was saved”, said Joakim.Tukulakulane Village Savings and Loans Association intends to encourage more members to join the group and begin saving for health, an initiative that they believe will help members meet their health needs with limited challenges.

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    Oeganda UGA21003

  • In Uganda, Betty and Susan have found security in Saving for Health

    In Uganda, Betty and Susan have found security in saving for health

    John CANDIGA | 04/05/2024

    Susan and Betty are both members of the St. Monica Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) group in Bugoye Sub County, Kasese district. Like many other people, emergency health needs have made them accumulate debts that they did not have a clear payment plan for. Before starting to save for health, Betty said that she had to borrow UGX 100,000 (24€) for a health emergency in July and put her saloon as collateral security. Luckily enough, I was able to have it cleared timely within a month with an amount of UGX 113,000 (27€). Experiences like high interest of over 10% per month, risk of losing collateral assets, and the tedious processes of acquiring the loans gave them the inspiration to start saving for health on 20th October 2023 after a financial and saving for health training for their VSLA by the Enabel-trained Ambassador, Tinka Tadeo in September 2023.Susan said that she loves her life and therefore wants to ensure that she is prepared for any health emergencies through her health savings. “The group ensures that members who are already saving for health get interest-free loans whenever they want to seek medication; that to me is security for me and my family in case I find myself in a situation that requires me to access medication or pay for a medical bill”, said Susan.Betty on the other said that she has high blood pressure and diabetes, conditions that sometimes require her to have frequent visits to the health facility for checkups and medication. As a result, she does not want this to find her without enough money to meet the costs that come along with the medical visits. “If it wasn’t for our group’s saving for health pool, timely meeting these costs would have been a challenge, and I would worry so much about the high interest rates every time I borrow money. My group savings are now available to rescue me from that and I can easily access them through the chairperson and secretary”, said Betty. In the previous month, November 2023, she borrowed UGX 20,000 (5€) to buy medicine from a clinic because she could not find it at Bugoye Health Centre III, the closest government health facility.The training by the ambassador on modules such as; personal financial management, budgeting, investment, planning for old age, debt management, savings management, and saving for health inspired them to embrace the idea of saving for health in their group. Betty who gets her income through the sale of farm produce ensures that she sets aside part of her profits for the weekly VSLA general savings as well as, saving for health. She saves between UGX 1,000 - 2,000 (0.2€ - 0.5€) weekly for health and has a cumulative total of UGX 28,000 (7€).Meanwhile, Susan runs a mini saloon in Bugoye trading center which gives her an average monthly income of UGX 120,000 (29€). It is through this venture that she gets money for her weekly savings at their group.  She saves UGX 2,000 (0.5€) weekly for health and plans to increase her savings premium to 5,000 (1.2€) in 2024 to have enough savings for her two children and niece.They have both continued to share the savings for health knowledge among their circle of friends to encourage them to embrace the idea. “I have friends who have had their own experiences with unplanned medical expenses, and when I told them about saving for health, about 3 of them have already been positive and shown interest in joining. In our next saving cycle, I am sure the number of people saving for health will increase because members are getting to see the benefits for themselves”, said Betty.

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    Oeganda UGA21003

  • Tenu du Premier Comité de Pilotage du Programme Jeunesse Créative

    Lancement du Programme Jeunesse Créative au Musée National de la RDC

    Paola VANGU TSAKALA | 03/05/2024

    Sous la présidence du Ministère de la Culture, des Arts et du Patrimoine, le premier Comité de Pilotage du programme Jeunesse Créative d’Enabel a eu lieu le 2 mai 2024  au Musée National de la RDC en présence des représentants du Ministère de la Jeunesse, Initiation à la Nouvelle Citoyenneté et Cohésion Nationale, de Wallonie Bruxelles International, et des services techniques de chaque Ministère. Ce premier COPIL marque la fin de la période de démarrage de l’intervention et a pour objectif de présenter le cadre de suivi évaluation du projet ainsi que la planification opérationnelle, et poser les grands jalons stratégiques pour la suite. À travers son projet « Jeunesse Créative», Enabel, aux côtés de ses partenaires, souhaite mettre en oeuvre un ensemble d’activités ambitieuses au bénéfice de la jeunesse congolaise. Le projet se déploie dans les centres urbains de Kinshasa, Kisangani, Bukavu, Mbuji-Mayi et Lubumbashi ; ciblés en fonction des opportunités, besoins et acteurs présents localement. L’objectif spécifique de l’intervention est d’offrir aux jeunes de 12 à 35 ans, et prioritairement aux jeunes femmes, une perspective d’avenir en termes d’épanouissement socioculturel.   

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    DR Congo COD22023

  • Programme d’appui à la stabilisation de l'axe Ouagadougou - Kaya - Dori - Djibo (OKDD) : validation d’un plan régional de renforcement des capacités

    Burkina Faso : Atelier de Coordination pour le Programme OKDD (Ouagadougou - Kaya - Dori - Djibo) 

    Abel YAMEOGO | 03/05/2024

    Le mercredi 24 avril 2024 s’est tenu dans la salle de réunion du Conseil Régional à Kaya, dans la Région du Centre-Nord un atelier qui a rassemblé tous les opérateurs de mise en œuvre du programme OKDD (Enabel/GIZ, Expertise France, Labo Citoyenneté, OXFAM, AETS), la délégation de l'Union Européenne, les collectivités territoriales et l’ensemble des services techniques déconcentrés (Directions régionales) de l'Etat. Avec pour objectif principal la validation du rapport provisoire du plan de renforcement des capacités des collectivités territoriales et de deux études APS/APD sur les voiries à Kaya, cette rencontre a été une occasion pour le consortium Enabel-GIZ de témoigner une fois de plus, son engagement dans l’implémentation du programme.  L’atelier a été organisé par l’assistance technique du programme OKDD, confiée au Groupement de bureau d’études AETS/SES/AGEIM-IC. Le gouverneur de la région du Centre-nord, le colonel-major Blaise Ouédraogo a présidé les travaux avec à ses côtés la représentante de l’ambassadeur de l’Union européenne, Monica Liberati. Ce fut une opportunité pour les différents acteurs du programme OKDD de mieux se faire connaitre et d’exposer leurs actions sur le terrain, levant ainsi certaines équivoques. C’est ainsi qu’à l’instar des autres opérateurs de mise en œuvre que sont, Expertise France, Labo citoyennetés et OXFAM, le consortium Enabel-GIZ, a pu présenter ses objectifs, expliquer son mode d’intervention auprès des groupes cibles et montrer ses résultats et ses réalisations sur le terrain. L’intervention du consortium a été très bien appréciée par les participants et la Directrice Régionale de la jeunesse n’a pas manqué de prendre la parole pour remercier et féliciter le consortium Enabel/GIZ pour leurs actions et pour la bonne collaboration qu’ils ont avec leurs partenaires.  A l’endroit des différents opérateurs, le gouverneur a formulé plusieurs recommandations dont l’une d’elle est la prise en compte de l’éducation dans le volet culture du programme OKDD. Cette recommandation rejoint l’initiative du consortium Enabel - GIZ d’intégrer la question de la culture citoyenne dans ses actions en lien avec l’éducation ; dans cette ligne d’action, sont donc déjà menées des activités, réalisées directement avec les élèves et aussi avec le corps enseignant. Aussi, le gouverneur a émis le souhait de voir la communication se renforcer entre l’ensemble des opérateurs de mise en œuvre du programme OKDD et les services techniques de l’Etat ainsi que les collectivités territoriales. Pour lui, cette communication doit se matérialiser à travers des rencontres bilan régulières avec ensemble de ces acteur.Tout compte fait, cette rencontre des acteurs du programme a permis d’une part la validation du plan de renforcement des capacités des collectivités territoriales et de deux études d’avant-projet sommaire d’aménagement de voirie dans la commune de Kaya. D’autre part elle a aussi conforté et rassuré le consortium Enabel-GIZ de la bonne orientation qu’il s’est donné. 

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    Burkina Faso BFA22002