2490 - 2505 van 2580 nieuws bekijken

  • Racha: a success story of Work Based Learning in Gaza

    Racha: a success story of Work Based Learning in Gaza

    Eva MORRE | 20/06/2016

    Racha is 33 years old, and mother of two daughters. She currently follows a training in beauty at the Polytechnic College Al Mustaqbal in Gaza City. She is no exception. Most of her classmates have her age and succeeded the tawjih exam a long time ago. Some even have bachelor degrees in different subjects. Still they choose to follow an extra formation. Some do so because they cannot find a job, others because they want to change profession.“I am very happy to be able to gain work experience in a beauty salon close to my home. This allows me to combine my education with my private life.”The training will take six months. During the first months they will learn the basic skills in the training centre, afterwards they will pursue their training in beauty salons in the region. Racha has high hopes. She came to the college because of its good reputation and because of the Work Based Learning scheme that gives her the opportunity  to do an internship in the private sector. She is very pleased to be able to gain work experience in a beauty salon close to her home. This allows her to combine her education with her private life. After she will finish the training course, she hopes to be able to open her own beauty salon. 

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    Palestina PZA1202911


    Fortaleciendo la red de salud en 14 municipios

    Agar TAMAYO | 17/06/2016

    En el marco del Programa de Fortalecimiento de Redes de Salud (FOREDES), en fecha 14 de junio de 2016 se realizó la firma de un convenio entre el Ministerio de Salud, la Agencia Belga de Desarrollo y 14 autoridades representantes de los municipios ubicados en los departamentos de Cochabamba, Potosí, La Paz y Chuquisaca.La firma de este convenio tiene el objetivo de equipar 14 establecimientos de salud de primer nivel con 547 equipos médicos y mejorar la salud y la calidad de vida de más de 214.770 habitantes entre hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas.En el convenio también se garantiza la ampliación de un Centro de Salud en Tiahuanaco, con una inversión de más de un millón de bolivianos.Octavio Quispe, alcalde del Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de Tiahuanacu en representación de los 14 municipios beneficiados, agradeció al Ministerio de Salud, a la Agencia Belga de Desarrollo y el Programa FOREDES por el apoyo en el fortalecimiento integral de las redes de salud.   Los 14 municipios beneficiarios son: 1) Tacapari, 2) Tacopaya, 3) Bolivar (Cochabamba); 4) Sacaca, 5) Caripuyo, 6) Arampampa, 7) San Pedro de Buena Vista (Potosí), 8) Tiahuanaco, 9) Batallas, 10) Puerto Acosta y 11) Copacabana (La Paz); 12) Azurduy, 13) Tarvita y 14) Sopachuy (Chuquisaca).

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    Bolivia BOL0903011

  • Digitalizing education: 6 policy papers on the use of ICT in education

    Digitalizing education: six policy papers on the use of ICT in education

    Eva MORRE | 15/06/2016

    Digital technologies have spread rapidly in much of the world and the use of ICT has become more important in everyone’s daily life. Digital technologies also have the potential to boost improved service delivery in education. Using ICT in Palestinian classrooms has become an important tool to enhance student-centered learning. Furthermore, it allows students to acquire 21st century skills.From 2011 till 2015, the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education and the Belgian Development Cooperation have implemented an E-learning project in 300 pilot schools to introduce the use of ICT in the classroom.   One project component focused on providing upstream policy-advice based on a large Action Research to learn from the pilots supported by the project. The Action Research was conducted in 2014-15 by a consortium of the Open University of Cyprus and the Al-Quds Open University.   The Action research resulted in the following 6 Policy Papers with clear policy recommendations on all aspects of ICT in schools and digitalizing education.         Policy Paper #0 on Information and Communication Technology in Education (ICTE)Policy Paper #1 on School-led Initiatives (SLI)Policy Paper #2 on Digital Educational Resources (DER)Policy Paper #3 on mobile Learning (m-L)Policy Paper #4 on Teacher Professional Learning (TPL)Policy Paper #5 on 21st Century Skills (21CS)

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    Palestina PZA1503511


    Estudiantes de Villa Rica y Palcazú se capacitan en genero e interculturalidad

    Sonia VIDALóN | 14/06/2016

    Con la finalidad de sensibilizar sobre el tema de género e interculturalidad entre los y las estudiantes de las instituciones educativas piloto, Nuestra Señora del Rosario y el Colegio Nacional de Iscozación, en los distritos de Villa Rica y Palcazú, se desarrollaron talleres de capacitación con las brigadas y Comisiones Ambientales Escolares (CAEs). En el taller desarrollado en la Institución educativa Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Villa Rica, participaron cerca de 35 estudiantes integrantes de las brigadas ambientales de ecoeficiencia, salud y gestión del riesgo, quienes aprendieron temas de género e interculturalidad, así como la importancia de implementar sus actividades considerando la participación de varones y mujeres, así como la cultura, en las actividades sociales y de educación ambiental.Por otro lado, con la CAEs del Colegio Nacional de Iscozacín en el distrito de Palcazú, los y las estudiantes aprendieron a elaborar en forma participativa funciones con enfoque ambiental, género e interculturalidad. Como producto de este taller los participantes de las brigadas elaborarán su reglamento de funciones considerando estos aspectos. Es importante mencionar que estas actividades se desarrollan como parte del plan de fortalecimiento de los Comités Ambientales Escolares (CAEs) que el PRODERN viene desarrollando en las instituciones educativas piloto, como parte de sus actividades en educación ambiental.

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    Peru PER1001811

  • The success story of Deir al Balah

    The success story of Deir al Balah

    Eva MORRE | 13/06/2016

    The Palestinian Technical College in Deir Al Balah has more than 1500 students, and already 2500 youth that graduated from their 23 different degrees. Despite the high youth unemployment in the Gaza Strip, there are some degrees like hotel management and TV media where almost all (95+%) graduates have found a job. One of the secrets of the success of the school is its awareness of the importance of cooperation with the private sector. So far each student could follow an internship in the private sector for a couple of days, but the school has realised this is not enough to prepare them for the labour market. Therefore, since this year, the college has implemented a Work Based Learning (WBL) scheme, funded by the Belgian state and implemented by the Belgian Development Agency. The WBL scheme allows students to combine theoretical classes in the college with practical skills in the private sector. The first degrees where the scheme has been implemented are the degrees in photography and media programme producing. The students enrolled in this scheme are combining theoretical classes with a half-time internship in the private broadcasting radio station of Fursan Al Irada. More than 50 students applied for the scheme. Based on the grades of the students as well as their motivation, 15 students were selected, 10 male and 5 female students. As places are limited and the demand is high, the selected students were requested to sign a commitment statement with the school to decrease the chances of drop-outs. “The students retain more details when explaining them the theory, because they can directly understand the practical use of the courses”To support the students throughout this new scheme, the technical college has recruited a supervisor, especially for this WBL initiative. Together with the teacher and the coach from the radio station, she follows up on the progress of the students. The teacher himself went to visit the students twice during their first month of internship. The biggest difference is that they have more advanced skills than in a regular programme. He has noted that they retain more details when explaining them the theory, because they can directly understand the practical use of the courses. Furthermore, he doesn’t have to teach them everything anymore, and can now focus on those skills they do not acquire inside the private radio station. Thus, the cooperation with the private sector has made his teaching easier.

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    Palestina PZA1202911

  • BTC Uganda and the Flemish Employment Service partner up: “We want to assist the Skilling Uganda project in becoming a success”

    BTC Uganda and the Flemish Employment Service partner up: “We want to assist the Skilling Uganda project in becoming a success”

    Thea MATHUES | 08/06/2016

    Two employees of the Flemish Employment Service (VDAB) recently visited Uganda to share their expertise on vocational training. The visit is a scoping mission for the Support to the Implementation of the Skilling Uganda Strategy intervention supported by the Belgian government. VDAB will examine how they can best assist BTC in supporting five selected vocational training centres in becoming 'centres of excellence'. The scoping mission is the first in a new partnership between BTC and the Flemish Employment Service (VDAB). “We want to get a better understanding of the BTVET sector in Uganda. We met principals, trainers and students in different vocational training centres to get an idea of the current needs,” says Carlo De Smedt from the Flemish Employment Service. His colleague Bartelijne van den Boogert adds: “We want to see this BTC project become a success and have a positive impact on vocational training in Uganda.” The mission focused on five BTVET-institutions : Kasese Youth Polytechnic in Kasese, St. Josephs Virika Vocational Training Institute in Fort Portal, Millennium Business School in Hoima, St Simon-Peter Vocational Training Institute in Hoima and Kyema Uganda Technical College in Masindi. They are selected as pilot institutions for the intervention in West-Uganda, an area that is preparing for oil exploitation in the coming years. According to Mr. De Smedt one of the biggest challenges the project faces is seeing the bigger picture. “We should not assume that these five institutions share the same problems as every other Ugandan BTVET centre. We have to take regional differences into account.” New ideasVDAB has a lot of experience when it comes to the Flemish labour market, but can their expertise also be of value in a Ugandan context? Ms van den Boogert firmly believes so: “With our background in career guidance and as a service provider for BTVET we can bring a fresh set of eyes to the table. We will share our success stories and lessons learned and most of all show people that they can accomplish a lot, even on a micro level.” “Therefore we are also grateful that the VDAB colleagues participated in a training organized by the International Training Center of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO)”, says Eliot Arinaitwe, the coordinator of the SSU intervention. Together with colleagues from Namibia, the Netherlands, etc. the VDAB colleagues shared their first hand experiences in training for employment. “Making BTVET more relevant for the needs of the local labour market is key to the paradigm shift Skilling Uganda wishes to accomplish. The five selected institutions are not always aware of how to get this collaboration with the private sector going. Given their experience in Belgium, we hope that VDAB can share some first-hand ideas on how to broker these partnerships," Mr. Arinaitwe continued. Listen to your peers Ms van den Boogert acknowledges that working with the private sector is important but also stresses that the different training centres can learn a lot from each other: “I think it would be of great value to the selected institutions to go and visit one another. It will provide a good way to give constructive feedback and allow for learning opportunities. It can be very enriching to listen to peers, and most of all it is doesn’t have to be threatening since everyone is in the same boat. Those peer-to-peer moments are currently missing.” Now that this first Ugandan mission has come to an end, VDAB and SSU will have to think about the way forward. “We need to draft a strategic plan with all the partners involved,” says Mr. De Smedt. “Back in Belgium we will inform our colleagues about the details of our mission and work as ambassadors to promote the cooperation between us and BTC from within the VDAB.” In a later stage this could mean that VDAB experts with specific vocational skills will visit the different BTVET-institutions and try to transfer these skills upon the local trainers, where and if relevant. True motivation Asked about what she will definitely remember from this mission Ms. van den Boogert had but one word in mind: “dedication,” she said. “The principals and trainers at the vocational centres could easily be discouraged by the challenging circumstances they are working in. But instead of giving up, they stay committed to the cause of creating high quality vocational training. You have to admire people for that and we will do our best to further cultivate this intrinsic motivation.”

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    Oeganda UGA1402711

  • Unité de potabilisation à Sibassor, région de Kaolack

    Moins de maladies grâce à de l'eau potable pour 10.000 sénégalais

    Fodé Boubou KONATE | 06/06/2016

    Dans les régions de Kaolack, Fatick, Diourbel et Kafrine (le 'bassin arachidier'), il ne se pose plus un problème d'accès à l'eau, mais plutôt un problème d'accès à l'eau potable à cause de la salinité des eaux et du taux de fluor élevé. C'est pour cette raison que la coopération belge a installé des unités de potabilisation dans les régions sus-mentionnées.Le Projet d'amélioration des services d'Eau Potables et d'assainissement en milieu rural (PASEPAR) a effectué une enquête auprès d'une dizaine d'unités de potabilisation pour évaluer leur impact. Cette enquête nous conduit à Sibassor, commune située à une quinzaine de km de Kaolack. Cette unité permet à la population de Sibassor (plus de 10.000 habitants) d'avoir accès à une eau de qualité pour la consommation. L'unité est gérée par une association d'usagers de forage. Le litre d'eau est vendu à 5 FCFA, ce qui est tout à fait à la portée du ménage le plus démuni de la commune. Le gérant de l'association confirme également que des maladies comme l'arthrose, liées à l'excès de fluor dans l'eau, ont quasiment disparu dans leur localité.

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    Senegal SEN1203011

  • ITC-ILO Training on ‘management of training institutions’ encourages peer-to-peer learning and introduces lessons learned from around the globe.

    Technical & Vocational Education should partner up with private sector

    Thea MATHUES | 06/06/2016

    Unemployment, especially among young people, is very high in Uganda. The Ugandan Bureau of Statistics estimates that 64% of the unemployed are between the age of 18 and 30 years.  This is a huge challenge for the Ugandan government especially given the rapid growth of the population. One of the problems is that many youngsters do not have the skills employers are looking for. The Support to the Implementation of the Skilling Uganda Strategy intervention (SSU) tackles this challenge one step at a time. One of its objectives is to improve the quality of the Ugandan Business Technical Vocational Education and Training (BTVET). Knowledge sharing As part of its support to its BTVET partner institutes, SSU organised a training week on 'management of training institutions' in Fort Portal. The training analysed issues that managers of training centres face in a regional East-African context and provided a platform for knowledge sharing amongst participants. Other projects supporting BTVET also partnered up and supported participants, including BTC-TTE, World Bank, Irish Aid, AVSI, JICA and WHH.In total, over 50 managers of 16 different vocational training institutes participated. These 16 institutes are selected by the Ugandan government to serve as pilot centres of their ‘Skilling Uganda’ strategy. It is rare that all the primary stakeholders of so many different partner organisations are brought together in one learning event. Inspiring examples The training course on ‘Management of training institutions’ was organized by the International Training Centre (ITC) of the International Labour Organization (ILO). ITC usually holds its trainings at their global Training Campus in Turin (Italy), but offered to delocalize the training in Uganda to reach a maximum amount of participants. In total 53 people participated in the different sessions, with the overall objective to inspire the management to improve the functioning of vocational training centres. For this reason participants were introduced to different innovative ways of dealing with everyday management challenges as well as global best practises in modern demand-driven skills development such as public-private partnerships, work-based learning schemes, career guidance, etc.The participants worked in groups and tried to come up with strategies to achieve higher effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability for their own centre, aided by inspiring peer-to-peer examples. While a Namibian delegation explained how they created a change in skills development over the past decade by setting up a successful training-levy for the BTVET sector in their country, the Flemish Employment Service (VDAB) introduced best practices from a Flemish labour market context. Different Ugandan organisations also shared their best practises (Q-sourcing, UMI, UMA-HWK, DIT, etc.). Looking for partnerships According to ITC-ILO manager Alexis Hoyaux, trainings like this should reinforce stakeholders in the field: “Too often we tend to focus on the macro-level but real change can only come from the micro-level. We have to empower the people on the ground to take initiative and challenge the status-quo.” Mr. Hoyaux also stressed the importance of public-private-partnerships: “Private initiatives are forced to innovate. If they don’t, they do not survive. Public institutions or too often directed with a very top-down mentality, independent thinking is not stimulated. I think public schools can really benefit from private sector experience and strongly believe in the necessity of public-private-partnerships.” “If there is one thing I would like the participants of the training to take away from this experience it would be: take initiative! They should be active in seeking collaborations with the industry, they shouldn’t be afraid to come up with new ideas and they should inspire their staff and teachers to do the same.”

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    Oeganda UGA1402711

  • Gradueneur - The first TVET Boot Camp in the Palestinian Territory

    Gradueneur - The first TVET Boot Camp in the Palestinian Territory

    Eva MORRE | 06/06/2016

    The first boot camp for technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Palestine was launched in Gaza city on the 31st of May. This entrepreneurship boot camp for TVET graduates or Gradueneur is a joined initiative of the Belgian Development Agency and Islamic Relief in cooperation with the private sector. Representatives from the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and representatives from the private sector and the trade unions all attended the opening ceremony. During 3 days, 120 graduates of the construction and ICT sectors will be trained in life and entrepreneurship skills that will help them to take the first steps in their career. Before the start of the boot camp, the students were asked about their expectations, and based on their hopes and desires, they were divided in two groups. A first group of 60 students indicated that they would like to start their own company. Therefore, they received a three day training course on how to develop a business plan. The first day they had courses on the concept of being an entrepreneur. The second day there were sessions on how to translate their own idea into a sustainable business model, and on the third day they had to defend their ideas and their business plan in front of a professional jury. The jury – consisting of the private sector and business experts – has given them feedback and the 4 best ideas from each sector – ICT and construction – have won a start-up fund, financed by Islamic Relief.The other 60 students indicated that they prefer to work as an employee in a company. Therefore, a different trajectory was foreseen for them. On the first day, a career guidance session helped them to improve their CVs and apply for a job. The next day, different companies from the Gaza strip were invited to attend a career day, where they could get into contact with the students. The companies were given an incentive to recruit them, because during the first two months they only have to pay their employees 30% of their salaries, as the other 70% will be funded by Islamic Relief. At the end more than 25 graduates were hired during the career day. This boot camp was a first in the Palestinian Territory. As it turned out to be very successful, the idea might be exported to the West Bank as well. 

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    Palestina PZA1202911

  • Vidéo

    Vidéo "Valorisation autour des bassins de rétention burkinabé"

    Marcella PASOTTI | 31/05/2016

    Une vidéo avec les témoignages des participants au voyage d'étude au Burkina Faso en février 2016.

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    Senegal SEN1002411

  • Focus on coordination: 8th ICT for Development International conference

    Focus on coordination: 8th international conference on ICT for Development

    Mathias LARDINOIS | 31/05/2016

    IntroductionFrom 16 to 19/05 2016 Maisha Bora was represented by its Programme Coordinator at the 8th annual ICT4D Conference: “From innovation to impact: Using Technology to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (http://www.ict4dconference.org/)” in Nairobi, Kenya. This conference was a good opportunity to have a direct view of various ICT tools and methodologies to implement development projects.The focus of the conference was on:ICT solutions that are having significant impact in development;Government ICT strategies, their alignment with the SDGs, progress towards their implementation, and challenges and experiences to date;The intersection between government ICT strategies and the goals and strategies of private sector businesses and civil society organizations operating in the same geographies;The structure of cross-sector partnerships and business models for ICT solution delivery that have shown promising results.The expected outputs of the conference were to:Examine the types of changes within development sectors that are critical to achieving the SDGs and the ICT strategies that have potential to enable those changes;Introduce and demonstrate up-and-coming ICT solutions that are relevant to challenges within development sectors and have already shown promising results;Provide training  for those wishing to obtain  hands-on experience with ICT solutions  or to strengthen their skills in developing strategies and plans for solution implementation;Discuss partnerships and business models for implementing scalable and sustainable ICT solutions that address development challenges.Speakers and participants came from NGOs, private ICT companies, UN agencies, Universities, as well as agencies such as, BTC, GIZ and SIDA (750 attendees in total).Objectives of the participation of Maisha Bora The first and main objective of the mission was to get information on ICT4D that could be applicable for our programme. It proved to be very successful, with many ideas identified. They have been selected both for direct use in the programme and for the information of the partner organisations in general, given that all have expressed interest to develop their experience and expertise in that area.The second objective was to develop the network of the programme, which also proved successful with very promising contacts with whom direct relations can be investigated, some interesting in terms of potential contracted service providers, and some sharing interests and / or objectives with Maisha Bora, thus interesting to keep informed and to follow.The third objective was to provide visibility of Maisha Bora in an international event linked to digitization and SDGs, which was also a success, through on one side the activation and dynamic use of our twitter account (@MaishaBoraTZA), and on the other side active participation in the discussions during the presentations and the social events, with practical sharing of experiences issued from Maisha Bora.Stay tuned for moreMore details will be provided through a case study to be published in the coming weeks. Stay tuned to our updates on open.btcctb (this site) and our twitter account (@MaishaBoraTZA) to be the first informed!Information: mathias.lardinois@btcctb.org

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    Tanzania TAN1403011

  • First TVET conference in the Gaza strip

    First TVET conference in the Gaza strip

    Eva MORRE | 31/05/2016

    On Monday, May 30th 2016, the first scientific conference on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in the Gaza strip took place. This conference, jointly organised by the Belgian Development Agency (BTC) and the Gaza Community College for Tourism and Applied Studies was titled ‘TVET in Gaza between Present and Future’. After the opening session, 14 different studies and scientific papers were presented. Thanks to an in-depth discussion between the conference members, 23 different recommendations have been formulated concerning the future of TVET in Gaza. The first group of recommendations focusses on the need to improve the society’s perception of TVET, especially among female students. Other suggestions stress the importance of more private-public partnerships, in order to maximise the relevance of TVET training for the local labour market. Another group of recommendations call for a national policy for the TVET sector. A fourth group of suggestions focusses on the need to modernize the curricula and the equipment as to keep track of the rapid developments in the field of technical and vocational education and training. Thanks to this first scientific conference on TVET and the above mentioned recommendations, the first stepping stone has been set for a more in depth debate about the future of TVET in the Palestinian Territory, and more specifically in the Gaza strip. 

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    Palestina PZA1202911

  • Primera capacitación sobre la inclusión transversal del género e interculturalidad en el Sector Salud - San Martín

    Primera capacitación sobre la inclusión transversal del género e interculturalidad en el Sector Salud - San Martín

    Felipe SERE | 30/05/2016

    En el contexto de la inclusión de los enfoques de género e interculturalidad en las políticas públicas tanto por parte del Estado Peruano, de la Cooperación Belga al Desarrollo y de la CTB, se ha desarrollado y publicado un Plan de Transversalización de los enfoques de genero e interculturalidad para las actividades y el funcionamiento del Programa SISTEC. En base a la metodología propuesta en este Plan, se diseñaron herramientas para capacitaciones sobre la integración de dichos enfoques transversales destinadas al personal de las Unidades Desconcentradas Regionales del SIS en regiones objetivo del Programa. En este marco, el día 26 de Mayo, se brindó la primera capacitación al personal de la UDR del SIS en la región San Martín. Se inició la capacitación con un auto-diagnóstico del conocimientos sobre los conceptos básicos de género, salud intercultural e discriminaciones basadas en género, en salud. En un segundo tiempo, se explicitaron los conceptos vinculados a los temas transversales del Programa, en el contexto específico del sector salud. La tercera parte del taller consistió en la actividad de roles e responsabilidades de género, según la metodología de la guía “Gender mainstreaming for health practicioners”, de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), adaptada al contexto peruano. Después de la retroalimentación y comentarios de los equipos, se resaltaron algunos puntos clave: el concepto de “triple jornada para mujeres”, la invisibilización de las responsabilidades “reproductivas” y sus consecuencias; la permeabilidad de categorías y la clasificación de ciertas categorías como exclusivamente femeninas en el imaginario colectivo. La cuarta parte del taller recopilo algunos de los puntos claves de la Matriz de Análisis de Género de la OMS, como por ejemplo, el impacto del acceso y del control sobre recursos en el ámbito del acceso a una salud de calidad. El dinamismo y la motivación de las personas presentes permitió que la capacitación sea un éxito y el personal del Programa SISTEC no tiene duda que las próximas capacitaciones en regiones recibirán también una excelente acogida.Alice Kuczkiewicz 

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    Peru PER1001711

  • Belgian Consul-General inaugurates Far’oun Secondary Girls school

    Belgian Consul-General inaugurates Far’oun Secondary Girls school

    Eva MORRE | 30/05/2016

    Ensuring safe and equitable access to education for all Palestinian children is a major goal of the education sector. In previous years, Palestine made remarkable progress in improving access to education – especially in the lower grade levels. In spite of this, there are still severe access challenges in some areas of the Palestinian Territory, due to a lack of schools or classroom shortage. This results often in overcrowded classrooms or unsuitable learning environments which negatively impacts on the quality of teaching and learning.   Since 2005, Belgium supports the Palestinian education system in overcoming these difficulties through the rehabilitation of schools and by building new schools. One of the instruments is the Joint Financing Arrangement – a basket fund to support the implementation of the Education Sector Plan in the Palestinian Territory. The fund is supported by Belgium, Finland, Germany, Ireland and Norway. On 23 May 2016, the Minister of Education, Dr. Sabri Saidam, and Consul-General of Belgium, Bruno Jans inaugurated the secondary school for girls in Far’oun. The construction of this new school in the eastern part of the West Bank was supported by the JFA and was completed last year. The school is now fully operational, and hosts more than 250 girls from six different grades. Thanks to this newly built school the pressure on the educational system in the Far’oun village has decreased considerably and allows the students to follow classes in a more stimulating learning environment. 

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    Palestina PZA1503511

  • Visite des réalisations dans le village de Batal (Diourbel)

    Visite des réalisations dans le village de Batal (Diourbel)

    Marcella PASOTTI | 25/05/2016

    Le 18 mai 2016 les habitants de Batal, village à 5 Km de Bambey, ont accueilli les autorités administratives de la région, l’équipe du projet BARVAFOR et les partenaires dans le cadre d’une visite des réalisations dans le village. Le périmètre maraîcher de Batal est alimenté par l’eau venant du forage rééquipé par le projet BARVAFOR en 2015.  En outre, le projet a aussi réalisé la cabine abritant le groupe électrogène et 30 bassins pour le stockage de l’eau. Les partenaires de mise en valeur actifs sur le site, notamment le Projet d’Appui aux Filières Agricoles (PAFA) et Caritas Thiès, interviennent en complémentarité pour exploiter au maximum le potentiel offert par le périmètre. PAFA a réalisé 30 autres bassins, la clôture du périmètre, et  a également approvisionné les exploitants en semences et matériel d’arrosage. Caritas Thiès est en train de construire un château d’eau et augmentera la superficie du périmètre de 1,5 ha. Ce périmètre a permis à beaucoup de jeunes émigrés dans les différentes villes du pays de retourner au village et d’y trouver une source de revenu. Actuellement il y a 60 jeunes actifs dans ce périmètre, nombre qui augmentera jusqu’à 90 une fois que l’extension du périmètre sera terminée. Pour plus de photos, veuillez visiter la galerie photo du projet. 

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    Senegal SEN1002411