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EU member state agencies, VET experts and private sector representatives were present to discuss how to improve VET reforms to enhance employability for all. More information on
About Aya KishkoAya Kishko is a 26-year-old architect from Gaza, Palestine. She is the founder of ‘Basata Up’, a startup where pallets are turned into furniture and antiques. After graduating from the Faculty of Architecture at IUG in 2015, she worked as a lecturer there. When she first started working on her startup, she was incubated by IUG’s Business and Technology Incubator ‘BTI’. The BTI offered Aya counseling, mentorship, and assistance in setting business and marketing plans; and will be helping her startup become officially registered. “If it were not for the guidance BTI offered me, Basata Up would have been just a dream,” she said. After her work at IUG, she started working as a designer at a furniture factory, where she designed bedrooms, chairs, and made interior designs for famous restaurants and figures in the Gaza Strip. Although she lived far from the factory, she said she loved going and seeing people working and wanted to have something similar one day. The BeginningIt was the factory that made the idea of ‘Basata Up’ bloom into existence. She saw the great number of pallets that were thrown everywhere and saw potential. “I always dreamed about becoming a doctor to save the world. I did not become a doctor, but I still found a way to save people’s dreams,” she looked with eyes full of aspiration. To her, those pallets could be recycled and be used for making different furniture and house antiques. It was a simple idea (Basata) to upcycle (Up). The costs of wood used at the factory were high, which meant expensive furniture. Aya said that she saw how poor people felt whenever they heard the prices, and that it always broke her heart to see someone’s house of dreams fall apart because they could not afford to furnish it. That was her main motive. She felt that she could give something equally good, if not better, at much cheaper prices. No more dreams had to fall apart for the lack of money. It is worth noting that Aya always participates in different humanitarian activities such as visiting orphanages and nursing homes. She said that doing these things were as important to her as Basata Up was. AwardsIn 2016 BTI launched the Business Startup Incubator Support (BSIS) project, funded by the European Union and implemented by Belgian Development Agency (Enabel).The project aims to facilitate the creation of MSMEs in Palestine. It will enhance the entrepreneur's skills to make their start-ups more competitive and financially sustainable.It will also enhance the capacity of organizations providing support services to start-ups in the pre-incubation and incubation phases, develop the capacity of incubator managers and small business advisers and facilitate access to MSMEs to finance with the aim to increase the number of viable and sustainable start-up businesses.Aya was one of the entrepreneurs who submitted to join the project. Her project was one of 12 entrepreneurial ideas which got seed fund through collaboration between BSIS and the Islamic Relief – Palestine Office. She got about $3,000 grant, and she informed them she wanted a workshop, not an office, because her work required certain equipment and space. One year later, she participated in Gaza Innovation Challenge 2017 and although she participated for the same reason, she was awarded second place. Everyone commended her work and praised her innovative ideas. She also won a Facebook competition called ‘She Leads the Way’, with 5K likes. The last competition she participated in was ‘Taawon’, and she will receive the grants the beginning of April. What distinguishes Basata Up from other existing workshops in Gaza is that it is run by an architect. Others are workers who have one idea that they keep implementing. However, Aya’s workshop brings new designs based on carefully studied data such as the place, its size and the clients’ budgets. Also, her love for the environment made her go forward with this environmentally friendly project, which makes use of natural wood and creates something beautiful and creative. She says that she would be very happy if others followed her footsteps since her higher purpose is to help people and change lives. Challenges The most challenging obstacle for her was being a female engineer working as a manager of a workshop, being responsible for the workers, and carrying out business deals with other merchants and traders. Another obstacle was the fact that the equipment she has in the workshop is very conventional. She had hoped to receive extra funds from the BTI to buy new equipment that would make the work easier and more productive. She had to pay for the rent and the workers’ wages from her own savings. Also, she cannot offer health insurance and one of her workers was recently injured on duty. Sometimes she has to work at night until late hours due to electricity cuts. Her parents’ support and the excellent quality of her work helped her prove herself and made her overcome whatever obstacles she faced; “My designs speak louder than words”, she said and pointed out that she hopes to start her own production line, have tens of workers, and go internationally. Today Gaza, tomorrow the world.
On April 16th 2018, Ivo Hooghe, Development attaché of the Embassy has visited a project funded by Green Growth Strategy Facility (GGSF) and Enabel in Ha Tinh province on the “Application of science and technology to develop a model on mushroom growing and organic fertilizer production from agricultural wastes/byproducts.Ha Tinh is an agricultural province, therefore after harvesting annually, there’s a huge amount of agricultural waste products, especially straw, which is burned at the field by farmers, causing environmental pollution, soil degradation and waste of natural resources. With this GGSF and Enabel funded-project, straw and other agricultural wastes/byproducts are used to grow mushrooms, produce bio products and organic fertilizer for rice fields through composting method. This benefits not only the environment but also helps reduce costs for farmers.Resources: Facebook of Embassy of Belgium in Vietnam
La Paz. BOLIVIA. El día jueves 5 de abril de 2018, el Ministerio de Culturas y Turismo conjuntamente la Cooperación belga al desarrollo, presentaron en el Museo de Etnografía y Folklore - MUSEF el documental denominado: “Los Secretos Subacuáticos del Lago Titicaca”. Esta producción fue realizada por la empresa audiovisual “Panoramique Terre” durante las investigaciones doctorales del Arqueólogo belga, Christophe Delaere que se llevaron a cabo en Bolivia desde el año 2012 hasta el año 2015.El Proyecto de Identificación, Registro y Valorización del Patrimonio Cultural en la Cuenca del Lago Titicaca – Proyecto del lago, es una intervención financiada por el Reino de Bélgica y el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia y co ejecutado por la Cooperación Técnica Belga junto con el Ministerio de Culturas y Turismo. La Ministra de Cultura y Turismo, Lic. Wilma Alanoca fue quien presentó el documental y agradeció a la cooperación belga por el apoyo brindado y los logros alcanzados a la fecha gracias a las actividades ejecutadas por el Proyecto del Lago. El evento contó con la participación de autoridades de Estado, representantes de la cooperación internacional, representantes de los municipios priorizados por el proyecto, sociedad civil, alumnos, docentes de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés - UMSA, investigadores, entre otros interesados en conocer los secretos ocultos encontrados en el Lago Titicaca. Esta actividad contó con la presencia de más de quince medios de comunicación nacional e internacional, que realizaron varios reportajes, entrevistas y notas de prensa en torno al evento, el documental y las actividades del Proyecto del Lago. La Coordinadora del Proyecto y Asistente Técnico CTB del Proyecto del Lago, Cécile Roux mencionó en los medios: “Es un placer presentar el documental realizado en el 2014, cuando todavía se realizaban las investigaciones doctorales del Arqueólogo Christophe Delaere en el lago Titicaca,… la película muestra las técnicas de arqueología subacuática, así como los hallazgos de las campañas de excavaciones subacuáticas que fueron presentados en el año 2014 al Presidente del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia y que se encuentran en el museo de Challa de la isla del Sol (Copacabana)…”. Después de esta presentación, el equipo del proyecto realizará una visita a los 13 municipios priorizados, en el que mostraran y socializaran este documental entre los pobladores y beneficiarios. La empresa audiovisual “Panoramique Terre” en la actualidad viene rodando la siguiente película que mostrará las actividades desarrolladas por el Proyecto del Lago, el mismo que será presentado a inicios del año 2019 así como 10 cápsulas en vídeo, con calidad cinematográfica con temáticas puntuales relacionados con : a) El turismo comunitario, b) el patrimonio arqueológico, c) la arqueología subacuática, d) el lago sagrado, entre otros con una producción de alta calidad que promoverá y reforzara la protección del patrimonio y la promoción del turismo de base comunitaria. El documental “Los Secretos Subacuáticos del Lago Titicaca” se encuentra disponible en el siguiente link: continuación, presentamos las publicaciones relacionadas con la presentación del documental en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales. MEDIOS IMPRESOS NACIONALES MEDIO DIRECCIÓN WEB FECHA La Razón (BOLIVIA/La Paz): “El primer museo subacuático del país será construido en el lago Titicaca” 02/04/2018 La Razón (BOLIVIA): “Exploración subacuática en el Lago Titicaca” 05/04/2018 Cambio (BOLIVIA/La Paz): “MUSEO SUBACUÁTICO RECUPERARÁ LA RIQUEZA ANCESTRAL DEL TITICACA” 05/04/2018 El Diario (BOLIVIA/La Paz): “Unesco alista diseño final de museo subacuático en Titicaca” 06/04/2018 La Razón (BOLIVIA/La Paz): “Cooperación Belga entregará diseño final del museo subacuático del Titicaca en julio” 05/04/2018 Los Tiempos (Bolivia/Cochabamaba): “Museo subacuático en el lago Titicaca será respaldado por Unesco” 05/04/2018 MEDIOS IMPRESOS INTERNACIONALES MEDIO DIRECCIÓN WEB FECHA El Comercio (PERÚ): “Bolivia creará el primer museo subacuático en el lago Titicaca” 02/04/2018 Clarín (ARGENTINA): “Harán un museo subacuático en el Lago Titicaca” 06/04/2018 PERIÓDICOS DIGITALES MEDIO DIRECCIÓN WEB FECHA Ministerio de Culturas: “MINISTERIO DE CULTURAS CONCRETARÁ MUSEO SUBACUÁTICO DEL LAGO TITICACA” 02/04/2018 Prensa Latina (EEUU): “Presentan en Bolivia documental sobre hallazgos en el Titicaca” 05/04/2018 Kandire: “Ministerio de Culturas alista proyecto para construir museo subacuático en el Lago Titicaca” 05/04/2018 LEA ONLINE (Periódico leído en Argentina, Bolivia y Chile): “El proyecto del primer museo subacuático de Bolivia será respaldado por la Unesco” 06/04/2018 URGENTE.BO: “En julio se conocerá el diseño del Museo Subacuático del lago Titicaca” 05/04/2018 “Bolivia crea el primer museo subacuático en el lago Titicaca” 06/04/2018 RTP Periódico Digital 05/04/2018 EN MEDIOS TELEVISIVOS NACIONALES MEDIO DIRECCIÓN WEB FECHA BTB Bolivia TV: “Bolivia Implementarán un Museo Subacuático en el Lago Titicaca” 05/04/2018 ATB TV: “Construirán museo subacuático en el lago Titicaca” 05/04/2018 RTP: “Presentan video “Los Secretos del Lago Titicaca” y anuncian la construcción de un museo subacuático” 06/04/2018 RTP: “Ministerio de Culturas Presenta Video Los Secretos del Lago Titicaca” 06/04/2018 EN MEDIOS TELEVISIVOS INTERNACIONALES MEDIO DIRECCIÓN WEB FECHA Telesur: “Bolivia busca construir un museo subacuático en el lago Titicaca” 03/04/2018 Telesur: “Bolivia construirá un museo subacuático en el Lago Titicaca” 04/04/2018 EN CANALES WEB MEDIO DIRECCIÓN WEB FECHA VEO AMÉRICA: “Arqueología Subacuática en el Lago Titicaca – (Entrevista)” 06/04/2018 Chitro Alanoca: “Gobierno boliviano y belga revalorizan patrimonio cultural del Lago Titicaca” 05/04/2018 Noticias de Bolivia: “Bolivia Implementarán un Museo Subacuático en el Lago Titicaca” 05/04/2018 PMX Bolivia: “Presentación del documental "Los secretos subacuáticos del Titicaca en el MUSEF de La Paz” 06/04/2018
Visit of Belgian Ambassador Paul Cartier, Enabel Resident Representative Tom Smis, and WFP TZ deputy Director Wendy Bigham on 18 April to the Maisha Bora Food Security Programme in Tanzania.
Young women from Gaza will join other International Telecommunication Union (ITU) member states in celebrating the International Girls in ICT Day. The initiative aims at creating a global environment that empowers and encourages girls and young women to consider careers in the growing field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The International Girls in ICT Day is celebrated in April every year. The University College of Applied Science (UCAS) is organizing an event to celebrate the day at its venue on Monday 30th April, 2018 from 08:00 am. During the event, the five winner of the public tech information competition, which was launched one month ago (for girls in high schools, colleges, universities, institutions and technology incubators ), will be selected, announced and honoured. During the event, women role models from Gaza’s ICT sector will give motivation talks to students on the growing and rewarding careers in ICT in Gaza. Moreover, there will be technological workshops to test the general tech knowledge of the college and the high school students. Enabel supports this initiative to encourage gender mainstreaming in the ICT sector and in the related TVET (Technical and Vocational Training) courses. For more details, follow the event on Facebook:
Recently the rehabilitated Dar Jda’ building and the road linking it to the “Lot Mosque”, in the old town of Bani Na’im, were officially inaugurated. The project was implemented by the Municipal Development and Lending fund (MDLF), with the support of the Belgian Development Agency (Enabel). The inauguration ceremony was attended by Deputy of the Ministry of Local Government Mohamed Hassan Jabareen, Mrs. Danielle Haven - Consul General of Belgium in Palestine, Dr. Tawfiq Al-Budairy - Director General of MDLF, Mr. Rashid Awad - Director General of the Local Government of Hebron, Mr. Azzam Hjouj - Director General of Planning and Urban Planning and Mr. Ali Manasra - Mayor of Bani Naim. In his speech Mr. Jabareen congratulated the people of Bani Na’im on the opening of the vital and important project that will improve the social, economic and cultural conditions in the town, bring life to the building and preserve historical heritage. He also praised the great efforts of the Municipal Council in improving the quality of services provided to the citizens. He stressed the importance of community contribution in supporting and empowering the municipality to implement development projects that serve the local community in all its sectors. Furthermore, Mr. Jabareen thanked the Belgian government for its continued support to the Palestinian people in general and in particular to the local government sector, pointing out the importance of the support to the ministry's policies and in implementing its strategic directions. Mrs. Haven expressed her happiness and satisfaction with the completion of this important project, which contributes to the revival and preservation of the building’s historical identity.
To improve the business environment and to attract investments require an innovative and transparent local government. Experts and representatives of the provincial government of Nghe An explained the way to achieve this goal in a workshop on 17 April 2018., which was attended by the Ambassador of Belgium to Vietnam Mrs. Jehanne Roccas and her delegation. A modern government provides citizen-friendly public and administrative services, enhances the effectiveness through implementation of E-governance and secures fair competition for businesses, the experts said. E-government is an effective lever in fighting corruption and illegal competition advantages. The structure and working organisation of local government units need to be streamlined and duplication of functions and responsibilities need to be cut away to reduce the amount of administrative procedures for businesses. The vice-chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Mr. Le Xuan Dai emphasized that big businesses and investments are not the only attractive objectives for the government. SME must receive greater attention and support because they are an important link in the value chain and indispensable for the wellbeing of the people. Public administration reform must be driven by a two-way dialogue between the government and the citizens, including the business community.
Le 12 et 13 Mars 2018, un séminaire a été tenue au niveau du Centre de Convention d'Oran sous l’intitulé : Les perspectives pour développer les filières de valorisation pour les déchets ménagers dans la région d’Oran. Cette rencontre a été animé par deux experts du bureau de Green Crossroad : M. Steve Claus. M. Jacques Langhendries. L’objectif de ce séminaire était de rassembler un panel d’une trentaine de personnes qui soient représentatif de la diversité des acteurs impliqués dans le secteur du recyclage dans la région de l'Ouest et discuter les perspectives suivantes : La vente des déchets issus des centres de tri. La nécessité de financer et réguler les marchés du recyclage. L’opportunité de développer de nouvelles filières de valorisation. Dans le cadre du projet AGID il est prévu de construire un centre de tri, d’une capacité de 100 tonnes par jour et une plateforme de compostage (5 000m²) dans chacune des trois Wilayas de la zone d’intervention. Le fonctionnement de ces infrastructures demande un budget non négligeable dont l’équilibre devra être assuré en priorité par la revente des déchets valorisables issus de cette infrastructure. À la suite de ce séminaire, les deux experts se sont déplacés au niveau des trois Wilayas (Mascara, Mostaganem et Sidi Bel Abbes), pour voir les opportunités de valorisation propres à chaque Wilaya.
To endorse the work-based learning (WBL) approach in the Gaza Strip, Enabel conducted a workshop for the private sector, in partnership with the LET council of Gaza and in the presence of the Ministry of Labor (MoL) and the Ministry of Education (MoE). The workshop targeted 6 industrial unions in Gaza: the Palestinian Food Industries Union, the Wood Industries Union, the Federation of Renewable Energy Industries, the Union of Palestinian Textile Industries, the Metal and Engineering Industries Union and the Palestinian Aluminum Industries Union, that are looking for skilled workers. A social dialogue took place and the two parties agreed on how to adopt WBL. The workshop resulted in: Field visits to TVET institutionsFormulation of strategic memorandums of understanding (MoUs) to train studentsSigning MoUs in TVET week This first step is followed by a series of workshops targeting other promising economic sectors in Gaza Strip
Le projet s’inscrit dans le cadre de la stratégie du Maroc pour le développement de l’agriculture (Plan Maroc Vert), en particulier de son Pilier II dédié à l’agriculture solidaire, visant à sécuriser la production et les revenus des exploitations agricoles situées dans les milieux à économie fragile.Les apports pluviométriques dans la région de l’Oriental ont connu une forte baisse ces dernières décennies, menant à une irrégularité accrue des rendements agricoles.La stratégie du projet vise à atténuer ces impacts en convertissant des cultures céréalières en arboriculture et en formant les producteurs aux techniques de culture et de valorisation des amandes pour, au final, augmenter leurs revenus.
Sur un financement de 18 M€ de l’Union Européenne, le Projet d’Appui à la Réduction de l’Émigration Rurale dans le Bassin Arachidier (PARERBA) vise à développer une agriculture familiale durable participant au développement de l’économie rurale et à créer des emplois dans les chaînes de valeur agricoles, stabilisant ainsi localement la population rurale, les jeunes en particulier autour d’opportunités économiques.L’augmentation de la productivité des exploitations agricoles et la promotion de l’entrepreneuriat rural sont les deux axes stratégiques sur lesquels le projet s’appuiera pour consolider et créer des emplois durables dans les chaînes de valeur agro-alimentaires. Outre les investissements prévus pour l’aménagement des périmètres agricoles, des volets importants seront consacrés à l’accompagnement des jeunes autoentrepreneurs, au renforcement de capacités des producteurs (organisations paysannes, groupements, comités de gestion des périmètres), à l’accès à la formation qualifiante et professionnelle, ou encore au financement des projets productifs. A terme, 5000 productrices et producteurs seront organisés et renforcés pour augmenter durablement leur production ou développer une activité dans les filières agricoles importantes de la région. 50 PME employant chacune 20 jeunes, soit 1000 jeunes femmes et hommes, seront sélectionnées-mentorées-renforcées et financées à travers deux accélérateurs d’entreprises et un fond de financement Sénégalo-Belge, Senabel.
The Water Gaza project in Mozambique is entering its last phase: by the end of this year all activities will be completed, and the project will be closed. Enabel has shown to be an important partner of the Mozambican government in the water sector, providing them with innovating ideas and techniques to tackle the drinkable water issue for remote populations in rural Mozambique. Most of these secluded communities have to walk several kilometres to access a manual water pump and most of the time the groundwater does not meet the standards of the World Health Organisation (WHO). Tests in the target communities have shown that the “drinkable” water of the pumps contains too much salt. Health problems are often related to the consumption of salty water: it can cause dehydration and kidney infections. Moreover, this salty groundwater can damage the pipe and pump system and the erosion of the water supply system might cause metallic parts to enter the water, causing cancers, cardiovascular diseases and many other health issues.Enabel has come up with a progressive plan to tackle these issues and contracted three innovating companies: VERGNET HYDRO to supply the equipment, MASCARA to install the desalination units and AFRIDEV MATI MOZAMBIQUE LDA to carry out the works and the management. The Brussels Environmental Fund, IBGE, is providing part of the funds to carry out the desalination works using solar energy. This solar desalination process is ecologically and economically innovating as it does not require a battery to stock the energy. The energy generated by the 6 photovoltaic power fields (80 m² - 160 m², with a total generating power of around 88 kWp) feed directly into the same amount of desalination units using reverse osmosis. Eventually, the desalinated water will be stored in elevated tanks, which will supply the remote communities with drinkable water through a supply network. Of each 100 litres of pumped water, 80 litre of drinkable water will be distributed to the population. The remaining water will be dismissed in infiltration reservoirs. Furthermore, each site will have a remote management system and an electric control panel which will continuously monitor the functioning of the desalination unit. As a result, these innovating installations lead to a significant improvement of the livelihoods of these remote populations, as desalinated, drinkable water will be provided close to home through taps. More notably, it is the first time in Mozambique that the desalination process of water runs for 100% on solar energy without the use of a battery, which makes it possible to sell water at the same price as with a conventional system (1MZN/25l; 1.3ct€).
On 30 March, 2018, the official conclusion of the Grant Agreements for the pilot projects in Binh Dinh, Khanh Hoa and Phu Yen provinces was done under the framework of the Green Growth Strategy Facility (GGSF).Director General of DSENRE, MPI, Dr. Pham Hoang Mai, Chief Representative Belgian Development Agency (Enabel) in Vietnam, Mrs. Krista Verstraelen and Vice Chairmen of Binh Dinh, Khanh Hoa and Phu Yen People Committee concluded the Grant Agreements. The implementation of the agreement has been marked a step forward in the implementation of the Vietnam Green Growth Strategy (VGGS), which was approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No.1393/QD-TTg dated 09/25/2012. The selected pilots meet the priorities of the local and the VGGS. Phu Yen province has been supported by GGSF with project on the association of the application of solar power system with water-saving irrigation system to serve hi-tech agricultural production. The project will help to efficiently and economically use limited water sources for production in Phu Yen, and the application of renewable energy to operate the drip irrigation system will be a step forward in applying high technology. Besides, GGSF has supported Binh Dinh with the project of Construction of centralized wastewater treatment system for the wet-rice-noodle trade village of Ngai Chanh hamlet, in Nhon Hau commune, An Nhon town, Binh Dinh province. In recent years, wet-rice-noodle trade has been the main income of many households in this place. However, this production activity also causes serious environmental pollution. Therefore, the construction of a centralized wastewater treatment system to minimize the risk of pollution in the village, ensuring a sustainable living environment and sustainable production, maintaining the traditional work of the people is very necessary. In Khanh Hoa, the project of replacing public high voltage street bulbs system in Van Gia town area, Van Ninh district, Khanh Hoa province by electric- saving led technology is also under support of GGSF. This project has practical significance to concretize the district's action plan on the implementation of energy saving activities for the public lighting system in a synchronous and comprehensive manner with high efficiency.
L’atlas interactif des marais, bas-fonds et plaines irrigables du Burundi est un système d'identification et d'analyse permettant aux intervenants du secteur de disposer d'une vue globale sur les zones irrigables présentes dans le pays. Construit comme une infrastructure de données spatiales, cet outil interactif et convivial a pour but de renforcer la connaissance des marais, bas-fonds et plaines irrigables, d'analyser leur rentabilité et de planifier leur mise en valeur et leur amé