Support for responsive accountable local governance in Kon Tum Province, Vietnam

Kon Tum
> Vietnam

Youth Union - a job broker

  • Youth Union - a job broker

On November 2, 2018 the youth union activists of Dak Bla commune in Kon Tum province held one of a series of trainings for young people helping their peers in finding jobs or establishing a start-up. The program is run with the employment services und includes the organization of job fairs for the young in the communes. As a result of the latest series of job fairs, 75 job placements of young people were achieved in one newly established enterprise branch alone. This enterprise provides on-the-job training, living space, a canteen and even a kindergarden for the young workers. There are also hundreds of interesting job offers brokered for labour in Korea, Japan and other countries. The provincial Department of Labour and Social Affairs provides financial aid for the new workers and/or settlement in a job abroad.

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