Skills and Attitude (S&A), Governance and Anti-corruption (G&A), Covid19 Response (C19)

> Uganda

Empowered to expand networks at ‘Trek Rwenzori Tours’ in Uganda

  • Empowered to expand networks at ‘Trek Rwenzori Tours’ in Uganda

After graduating with a Bachelor of Adult and Community Education and a diploma in Tourism and Hospitality, Rose Kababiito was inspired to join Enabel’s Work Readiness Programme because she wanted to learn the technical skills necessary for the professional workforce. Through the programme, she found employment as a tour guide at Trek Rwenzori Tours in Fort Portal city.  

Ever since her placement, Kababiito has been proud to have contributed to the company’s growth through her learned skills in effective communication, documentation and creating visibility for the tour business. At Trek Rwenzori, Kababiito learns practically, and with her effort, the business is getting more tourist bookings.  

On a regular field work day, Kababiito briefs tourists on what to expect and the trip dos and don’ts and leads them to their safari destinations. “I can now talk to international visitors without feeling intimidated. I’m more confident now,” she says.  

In addition to her interactive skills, Kababiito, who is interested in digitalization has a platform to undertake digital tasks like documentation of stories from the field. She has also learned skills in Excel database and gmail, and s has consequently improved her resume.  

Rose is excited about her newfound report writing skills and the exposure she has built in addition to the network expansion, which she has gained for the company.  

“I believe that I’ll be able to put all the soft skills I’m learning from the programme such as teamwork, to use even in my future career,” says Kababiito.

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