Local Government Reform and Development Programme - Phase II

> Palestine

Joint Service Council of South East Nablus organizes first Career Day targeting rural areas

  • JSC of North West Nablus organizes first Career Day targeting rural areas

During the first week of December, the Joint Service Council (JSC) of South East Nablus, with the support of the Belgian Development Agency, has for the first time organized a job training, followed by a job fair. During the training, fresh graduates learn how to write a good and original Curriculum Vitae (CV) that stands out, how to present themselves and how to have a good job interview. The training consists not only of lectures, but also of different interactive exercises where the attendees are given tips and tricks.

More than 60 graduates (about 20 boys and 40 girls) participated in the training sessions. For some it was the first time they attended such a training, others already had similar training at university. However, it was the first time a training day like this was organized by a JSC. The training and Job Fair specifically target fresh graduates from the organizing cluster, but also graduates from neighboring villages are welcome.

Jumana, Moatasin and Housam are three fresh graduates of the cluster that attended the training. Their hopes for the training were to improve their knowledge and skills in order to be more confident to approach the labor market. They also hope to encounter interesting companies or institutions – who are willing to give them their first job – during the Job Fair on 7th of December.

“I am very pleased with the effort done by the JSC to organize these events because, until now, these job fairs were only organized in the big cities, not in the rural areas”
. Jumana – participant in the job training

The mayor of the JSC confirms it is a very important event: “It is one of the most important events organized by the JSC because it will help to improve the local economy. It is a moment to meet the fresh graduates from the cluster and give them a voice to address the labor market. The Job Fair enables networking between the fresh graduates and the labor market. We give the opportunity for fresh graduates to find a job but we also give the companies and institutions the opportunity to find new and very motivated employees.”

More than 30 companies, including several banks, hotels & resorts, and IT, insurance and engineering companies already confirmed their presence at the Job Fair. 

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