Launching of the Skilled Young Palestine (SYP) Project

  • Launching of the Skilled Young Palestine (SYP) Project

The Skilled Young Palestine “Improving Resilience and Job opportunities for Youth” Project was launched on Tuesday, November 19th, 2019 in Ramallah in the presence of H.E. Dr. Nasri Abu Jaish, the Palestinian Minister of Labor and H.E. Mrs. Danielle Haven, Consul General of Belgium with a budget of 4 million Euros and a duration of 36 months.  

The project aims to support Palestine in gaining economic autonomy, building up and increasing the resilience among Palestinian youth in vulnerable areas in Palestine by improving the transition to employment and self-employment through improved skills and competences. This will be done through the provision of technical skills training on the one hand and entrepreneurship key competences, life skills and digital skills training on the other hand. The proposed areas of intervention are the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.

The launching ceremony was attended by Palestinian officials, Private Sector Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations working in the field.  

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