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  • Information workshop on Belgium Alumni Fellowship Fund - Mar 2018

    Information workshop on Belgium Alumni Fellowship Fund - Mar 2018

    Huong TRANTHANH | 28-03-2018

    On March 19th 2018, an information session on the Belgian Alumni Fellowship Fund was organized in Hanoi by the Capacity Building Project (FCB).   Mr. Ivo Hooghe - Head of Development Cooperation, Belgian Embassy, Ms. Krista Verstraelen - Resident Representative, Enabel Vietnam and 27 Belgian...

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    Vietnam VIE1188811

  • Une gestion de l'eau sensible

    Une gestion de l'eau sensible

    Meriem HILALI | 22-03-2018

    En cette journée mondiale de l’eau, notre partenaire l’Office National de l’Eau et l'Électricité organise en collaboration avec Enabel une journée sur l’eau, l’assainissement et l’accompagnement social des projets de gestion de l'eau. Cette journée fait partie d’un ensemble d’activités de sensibilisation...

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    Marokko MOR1104111


    Supporting Education Through Sustainable Infrastructure

    Dorothy KYAMAZIMA | 22-03-2018

    Over 1300 students and teachers from National Teachers College (NTC) Kaliro stand to benefit from the infrastructural renovations and constructions by the Ministry of Education and Sports and Enabel, the development agency of the Belgian government.Under the Teacher Training Education project, Enabel...

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    Oeganda UGA1503011