Viewing 1 to 15 of 127 news

  • Empowering Rwanda: Enabel’s role in achieving NST2 goals through Social Protection and Decent Work

    Empowering Rwanda: Enabel’s role in achieving NST2 goals through Social Protection and Decent Work

    Denise NSANGA | 19/12/2024

    The thematic portfolio on Social Protection, funded by the Kingdom of Belgium and implemented in Rwanda, Uganda, and the DRC, aims to enhance the opportunities for women and young people of working age in the Great Lakes region to access decent work. It seeks to ensure better protection through labour rights, improved social protection, and more inclusive social dialogue. The portfolio signed between Rwanda and the Kingdom of Belgium in May 2022 continues to align with Rwandan development priorities resulting from joint co-creation during the formulation of the portfolio. Under the Economic transformation pillar of NST2, Rwanda ambitions to create 1.25 million productive and decent Jobs (250,000 annually) over the next five years. Aligning to this ambition, the portfolio promotes micro and small enterprises (MSEs) development, supports skills training, and enhances employability, particularly for young workers entering the labour market. Targeting sectors like mining, construction, trade, and manufacturing in the Kivu Belt and the City of Kigali, the programme focuses on workplace learning and formalising informal businesses to create sustainable job opportunities and boost economic resilience.Under the social transformation pillar, the portfolio is enhancing households' capacity to sustainably graduate from poverty, reduce vulnerability, and contribute significantly to eliminating malnutrition and reducing stunting. This is achieved through the Parasocial Workers initiative, a partnership with the Local Administrative Entities Development Agency (LODA), which plays a key role in educating households on nutrition, tracking children’s health, and supporting vulnerable households. Most importantly, it fosters mindset change. Additionally, initiatives like pilot maternity leave programs, in collaboration with the Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB), aim to improve the well-being of informal workers.

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    Ruanda RWA21002

  • Rwanda: Enabel through TREPA Project builds capacity on Simplified Forest Management Plans

    Rwanda: Enabel through TREPA Project builds capacity on Simplified Forest Management Plans

    Abu Bernard MUTIJIMA | 13/12/2024

    From Monday 9th to Friday 13th December 2024 Enabel through Transforming Eastern Province through Adaptation (TREPA) Project is training Private Forest Management Unity (PFMU) leaders, District foresters and TREPA partner’s technicians on planning for sustainable management of PFMUs established under the TREPA project being implemented in  all seven districts of Rwanda’s eastern province namely Ngoma, Bugesera, Gatsibo, Kirehe, Nyagatare, Rwamagana and Kayonza . The trainings are focusing on the need and concept of Simplified Forest Management Plan (SFMP), a planning and forest management tool that will guide them on further sustainable management for established PFMUs. It also provides skills on how to elaborate and implement a Simplified Forest Management Plan (SFMP).  These trainings will provide details on further elaborate SFMP concept and techniques, SFMP elaboration process to the community group leaders and District technicians and partners that who will cascade it down   to the community to enhance their participation. This includes details on restored PFMU (location, map, area, species, management blocks (MB), management regime, PFMU members organization and leadership. SFMP has also a specific emphasis on sylvicultural operation plan, harvesting plan and other key guidance techniques on PFMU management. Along with PFMU establishment, the Simplified Forest Management Plan (SFMP) is a long-term forest management plan elaborated to guide on proper management for established private Forest Management Units (FMUs) and to that will help support the forest owners PFMU members, District and forest stakeholders to enhance their role in increasing and maintaining forest cover. of understanding and capacity in PFMUs sustainable management.    About TREPA The Transforming Eastern Province through Adaptation (TREPA) Project is a six-year intervention operating in all seven districts of Eastern Province. This project is funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and implemented by six implementing partners (RFA, IUCN, Enabel, Cordaid, ICRAF, and World Vision), where each institution has a specific component to implement. In TREPA project, Enabel- Rwanda is responsible for the implementation of activities related to restoration of 6,545 hectares of private smallholder forests through the private forest management unity (PFMU) approach and the one related to dissemination of 100,000 improved cooking stoves to the project beneficiaries. 

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    Ruanda RWA19010

  • Rwanda: Enabel Forestry Team takes part in a 3-day supervision visit at TREPA project activity sites

    Rwanda: Enabel Forestry Team takes part in a 3-day supervision visit at TREPA project activity sites

    Abu Bernard MUTIJIMA | 03/12/2024

    This week Enabel Forestry project Team is taking part in a three-day supervision mission of the Transforming Eastern Province through Adaptation (TREPA) project funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) the supervision team is composed of IUCN Regional & Rwanda office, Rwanda Forestry Authority, CIFOR-ICRAF, World Vision, and Cordaid. This first supervision mission aims to assess progress toward the project’s goal of restoring 60,000 ha of drought-degraded land in Eastern Rwanda. Through reforestation, agroforestry, and erosion control measures, to create climate-resilient ecosystems. The team visited restoration sites coordinated by Enabel and engaged with beneficiaries, witnessing positive developments in afforestation, agroforestry, breeding seed orchards, and silvo-pastoral land restoration, among other initiatives.For the past two years Enabel contribution to TREPA project achievements by mapping and organizing very degraded private forests (to be restored) in Private Forest Management Unity (PFMU) where around 3,700 ha mapped into Forest Monitoring Evaluation System (FMES) tool, organized into 65 PFMUs and their restoration is achieved on 1471 ha (37%) and is on-going across all 7 Districts of Eastern Province. Enabel has contributed also to the achievement of project output 1.5 through dissemination of 7000 Improved CookStoves (ICS) to the project beneficiary. TREPA project is a four year initiative aiming to achieve a paradigm shift in land management practices in Rwanda’s Eastern Province in all the seven districts of the Eastern Province namely Gatsibo, Nyagatare, Bugesera, Ngoma, Kirehe, Kayonza, and Rwamagana from landscapes that are degraded, fragile and unable to sustain livelihoods in the face of climate change to restored ecosystems and landscapes through building community resilience to enhance livelihoods, food, and water security of the most vulnerable rural population.

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    Ruanda RWA19010

  • Enabel & Rwanda TVET Board celebrated 1st graduation for dual training apprentices

    Enabel & Rwanda TVET Board celebrate 1st graduation for dual training apprentices

    Abu Bernard MUTIJIMA | 02/12/2024

    On 28th November 2024, Rwanda TVET Board in partnership with Enabel awarded certificates of competence to 309 graduates who completed a 12-month short dual training program. This colorful ceremony took place in Karongi in Rwanda Polytechnic campus with 165 female & 144 male apprentices graduating in Carpentry, Tailoring, Masonry, Welding and Automobile technology. Since January 2023, Rwanda TVET Board is implementing a 12 -month short dual training program under the support of Enabel’s Decent Work and Social Protection project (DW&SP). The project supports skills development through workplace learning and workers’ skills upgrading in Construction, Manufacturing and Mining sectors, targeting youth and women in Kivu Belt region and in the City of Kigali. The training is  delivered through the partnership between TVET schools and private companies & craftsmen. Trainees undergo five months at school to acquire theoretical and basic practical skills, followed by seven months of practical experience in the workplace. Both school trainers and In- company Instructors (ICIs) collaborate to facilitate trainees in acquiring a series of theoretical, practical hands-on skills and attitudes relevant for the labor market integration. Six schools namely Bumba TSS, ETAG Gisenyi TSS, Kanyinya TSS, Karengera TSS,  Mizero TSS and Rubengera II TSS were selected to deliver the programs in collaboration with private companies. Enabel’s skills development initiatives are implemented under three projects and in different value chains: Decent Work and Social Protection project: In addition to developing skills for new labor market entrants through Workplace Learning, the project contributes to the upskilling/reskilling of informal workers in supported trades through the recognition of prior learning of existing workers in Construction, Manufacturing and Mining sectors. Urbanisation project (UEDi) aims at strengthening decent green job creation in the construction value chains through WPL (dual training) in construction trades where the “Chantier-Ecole” integrates the project-based learning approach allowing to find solutions to infrastructure-related challenges identified at school. UEDi operates in Bugesera and Rwamagana Districts and 4 schools namely Center for Champions TSS, Ecole Technique Saint Kizito (ETSK) Musha TSS, Nelson Mandela TSS and Nyamata TSS were selected to deliver the training programs in collaboration with private companies and craftsmen. Project for Inclusive Small Livestock Markets (PRISM) supports skills development in Piggery, Poultry, Fish farming and Beekeeping value chains through school-based short courses combined with industrial attachment program (IAP) and through industrial-based training (IBT). Five schools namely Kabutare TSS (Huye district), Ntendezi TSS (Gakenke district), Nyagahanga TSS (Gatsibo district), Groupe Secondaire Rilima Catholique (Bugesera district) and Rushashi TSS (Gakenke district) were selected and will work together with private companies and farmer schools (LFFSs) to deliver the training programs. Enabel fosters sustainability of its interventions through system strengthening and contributes to NST 2 priorities, focusing on the creation of decent, green, inclusive and productive jobs.

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    Ruanda RWA21002

  • Enhancing urban development in Rwamagana through community engagement

    Rwanda: Enhancing urban development in Rwamagana through community engagement

    Denise NSANGA | 29/11/2024

    On November 28, 2024, Enabel's Urban Economic Development Initiative (UEDi), in collaboration with the Local Administrative Entities Development Agency (LODA) and Rwamagana District, organised a workshop and urban walk to assess and prioritise projects funded through the Belgium-Rwanda bilateral cooperation and EU contributions. The event aimed to envolve local stakeholders in the identification and prioritisation of urban development projects, defining roles, ensuring a collaborative and co-creative approach for sustainable outcomes. The workshop brought together a diverse group of participants, including local community representatives, Rwamagana District authorities, private sector operators, civil society organizations, and development partners.  Through a participatory process, four key projects were identified for implementation after conducting the feasibility studies planned in coming days: the Rwamagana Expo ground and youth centre, public green spaces, an urban agriculture development marshland, and an urban road network. Engaging the community was a central focus of the event, with active participation from youth, women, private sector representatives, and people with disabilities. Their input ensured that the identified projects are tailored to the needs and aspirations of local residents, fostering a sense of ownership and promoting inclusivity in urban planning. The UEDi-phase 2, part of the 2024-2029 bilateral cooperation programme between Rwanda and Belgium, aims to support infrastructure development in Rwamagana as a satellite city. This phase aims to improve infrastructure, enhance living conditions, and create an inclusive, socio-economic, and environmentally sustainable urban ecosystem that is resilient to climate change, building on the successes of the UEDi-phase 1 (2019-2024). 

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    Ruanda RWA23006

  • Enabel joins the Government of Rwanda to mark the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

    Enabel joins the Government of Rwanda to mark the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

    Denise NSANGA | 27/11/2024

    On November 25, 2024, Enabel partnered with districts in Rwanda to launch the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence (GBV). The events, held in Gisagara District (Southern Province) and Rusizi District (Western Province), embraced the national theme, “All for GBV-Free Families.” This theme underscores the importance of family cohesion and collective responsibility in preventing conflict and addressing GBV.The activities featured dynamic and engaging sessions, including walks, songs, role plays, personal testimonies, and speeches, all delivering powerful anti-GBV messages. Participants also accessed family planning services to empower families—particularly women—to make informed reproductive choices, reducing dependency and addressing power imbalances that often lead to GBV. Mental health services were also provided at the sites for GBV victims. In addition, radio programs were broadcast on community radio stations to raise public awareness of the prevention and management of GBV, including the accessibility of health and justice services. The events brought together a diverse group of participants, including youth, especially students, local leaders, Community Health Workers, Friends of Families, teen mothers, parents, and representatives from security organs.The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an annual global campaign led by civil society. It begins on November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and concludes on December 10, Human Rights Day. The campaign seeks to highlight that violence against women is one of the most pervasive human rights violations worldwide.First launched in 1991 during the inaugural Women’s Global Leadership Institute, the campaign has grown into a global movement, mobilizing individuals, organizations, and international partners, including the United Nations. This year, it aligns with the global theme, “Towards 30 Years of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action: Unite to End Violence Against Women,” reinforcing the urgent call to eliminate violence against women and girls.

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    Ruanda RWA23004

  • How we marked Fraud Awareness Week at Enabel Rwanda

    How we marked Fraud Awareness Week at Enabel Rwanda

    Denise NSANGA | 21/11/2024

    Fraud Awareness Week was a success at Enabel in Rwanda! We hosted 2-hour interactive sessions where every staff member participated, divided into four time slots of around 30 colleagues each. These sessions served as a valuable refresher on our code of conduct, integrity principles, and the essential ways to combat, prevent, and report fraud at Enabel.  To deepen engagement, our Fraud focal person has been sending a daily quiz to all staff, featuring a fraud case to reflect on and think of the best ways to handle such situations. In addition to the sessions, anti-fraud posters were displayed across all Enabel offices, reinforcing our commitment to transparency and accountability.

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    Ruanda 2646RWA

  • Engaging the community in Urban planning: A critical approach for creating inclusive and sustainable cities

    Engaging the community in Urban planning: A critical approach for creating inclusive and sustainable cities

    Denise NSANGA | 20/11/2024

    On November 15, 2024, Enabel's Urban Economic Development Initiative (UEDi), in partnership with the Local Administrative Entities Development Agency (LODA), the Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA), and the Rwanda Housing Authority and Bugesera District organised an Urban Walk and workshop to identify projects that will be funded through Belgium-Rwanda bilateral cooperation and EU contribution.The event brought together a diverse group of participants, including local community representatives, Bugesera District authorities, private sector operators, civil society organisations, development partners, and national public institutions involved in local economic development. Through a participatory approach, six key projects were identified for implementation: Nyamata Health Centre, two green public spaces, two affordable housing sites, an urban agriculture development site, the Integrated Crafts Production Centre (ICPC-Agakiriro), and an 8-kilometer urban road network.In today’s rapidly evolving urban environment, involving all stakeholders in decision-making is essential for ensuring urban development initiatives align with community needs and aspirations. Engaging the community not only ensures projects are better suited to the lived experiences of residents but also fosters a greater sense of ownership. In this context, community engagement includes a wide representation of residents, especially less-represented member groups such as youth, women from various social backgrounds, and people with disabilities. Equally important is the inclusion of private sector actors who shape the local urban landscape.To achieve genuine community engagement, it is crucial to acknowledge and address potential power imbalances. Effective participation requires inclusive mechanisms that ensure all voices are heard, not only during the execution of activities but also in the planning and preparation stages.The Urbanisation Project is part of the bilateral programme between Rwanda and Belgium for the 2024-2029 period, with additional funding from the European Union and the Brussels-Capital Region. This programme aims to develop sustainable and attractive cities by improving living conditions for all residents, particularly the most vulnerable, while creating an inclusive, socio-economic, and environmentally sustainable ecosystem that is resilient to climate change.As part of this initiative, the development of socio-economic infrastructure is one of the main outcomes in the two selected satellite cities: Bugesera and Rwamagana in the eastern province of Rwanda. Since these investments are designed to enhance the well-being of urban residents, community participation in prioritising these projects is vital.

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    Ruanda RWA23006

  • Team Belgium at United for Health Days 2024: Strengthening healthcare collaborations

    Rwanda: Team Belgium at United for Health Days 2024: Strengthening healthcare collaborations

    Denise NSANGA | 18/11/2024

    Team Belgium played a pivotal role at the United for Health Days (U4H-2024), held on November 14-15 at the University of Rwanda’s College of Medicine and Health Sciences (UR-CMHS) in Remera. The event brought together over 4,000 healthcare professionals, students, and stakeholders from across Rwanda to engage in a dynamic exchange of ideas, research, and opportunities aimed at improving healthcare systems and fostering innovation.Belgium’s participation, led by Enabel, the Belgian Development Agency and the Embassy of Belgium in Kigali, was aligned with their long-standing commitment to global health development. Enabel’s Lead Health Expert, Dr Nicole Curti contributed to a key discussion on the vital role of research in shaping evidence-based healthcare policies, as well as Belgium contributions in Rwanda’s health sector through the Belgium-Rwanda Cooperation Program (2024-2029), a comprehensive five-year initiative aimed at strengthening healthcare systems and improving health outcomes in Rwanda.In addition to these contributions, Team Belgium showcased several scholarship opportunities and collaborative initiatives aimed at empowering Rwandan students and health professionals. The United for Health Days is an annual event that serves as a vibrant platform for students, young professionals, and key stakeholders in Rwanda’s health sector to come together for face-to-face interactions, networking, and collaboration. It is a result of an innovative collaboration between the University of Rwanda and the University College Leuven Limburg (Belgium).Since its inception in 2022, the two-day event has become a platform for valuable exchanges on research, training, and capacity-building opportunities.

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    Ruanda RWA23004

  • Learning Café: Skills Development programme with Enabel in Rwanda

    Learning Café: Skills Development programme with Enabel in Rwanda

    Denise NSANGA | 11/11/2024

    At Enabel, we believe in mutual learning, sharing experiences and perspectives to gain new knowledge insights, strengthen partnerships, and create new synergies. That’s exactly what the Learning Café aims to foster: an environment where Enabel colleagues and stakeholders come together to share experiences and explore new ways to drive impactful change. The today’s Learning Café - held on November 08, 2024 - focused on Skills Development, a crosscutting initiative implemented through the Urbanisation, Agriculture and Social Protection programmes. Through a dynamic role play, the Skills Development team highlighted the practical applications of the initiative, and we were all thrilled to hear personal testimonies of programme beneficiaries, about how the Skills Development programme has made a difference in their lives and communities. Such learning exchanges will follow in other topics soon from various programmes to foster knowledge-sharing, and the collective effort towards achieving the Belgium-Rwanda cooperation’s objectives.

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    Ruanda 2646RWA

  • TuriKumwe Rwanda Team concludes a successful retreat

    TuriKumwe Rwanda Team concludes a successful retreat

    Denise NSANGA | 04/11/2024

    Today, the TuriKumwe Rwanda Team concluded an energizing two-day retreat that fostered collaboration and alignment within the new organisational structure. The retreat provided an opportunity for team members to clarify mandates and roles, strengthening cohesion through authentic relating.In addition to aligning roles, the team reviewed collaborative practices and discussed the implementation of Strategy 2030 and the Business Plan 2025 by co-creating the CAP 2025, emphasizing shared leadership and collective vision.To celebrate the outcomes and the team’s efforts, group photos were taken, capturing the enthusiasm and camaraderie that defined the retreat. The TuriKumwe Team looks forward to implementing the insights gained during the workshop and continuing to work together towards Enabel’s goals. The TuriKumwe Rwanda Team is composed of the Country Management Team plus Project management teams. 

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    Ruanda 2646RWA

  • Rwanda: Enabel staff and community unite for National Tree Planting season 2024

    Rwanda: Enabel staff and community unite for National Tree Planting season 2024

    Denise NSANGA | 01/11/2024

    On Saturday, October 26, 2024, Enabel Rwanda proudly joined thousands of Rwandans in a mass tree-planting campaign to launch the National Tree Planting Season 2024, themed "Plant a Tree, Nurture It, Save the Planet!" The event took place in Kamamana Village, Rwamagana District, where participants planted 25,000 trees as part of a broader initiative to plant a total of 35,000 seedlings across 17 hectares during the fiscal year 2024-2025.This significant effort is part of the Transforming Eastern Province Through Adaptation (TREPA) project, aimed at restoring drought-prone landscapes into climate-resilient ecosystems. Funded by the Green Climate Fund, TREPA seeks to enhance the resilience of 75,000 smallholder farmers while restoring 60,000 hectares of degraded land through agroforestry, reforestation, and soil erosion control.The planting sites and seedlings were prepared in collaboration with IUCN Rwanda and local partners, highlighting the community's commitment to environmental conservation. The initiative transforms previously unproductive woodlots into productive forests, fostering a cooperative approach among local landowners through Private Forest Management Units (PFMUs).Environment Minister Valentine Uwamariya attended the launch, encouraging residents to cultivate a tree-planting culture and take responsibility for nurturing the newly planted trees. She emphasized the importance of safeguarding Rwanda’s forests for future generations.Through this initiative, Enabel and its partners aim to boost forest cover, combat climate change, protect water resources, and enhance local livelihoods, ultimately benefiting over 260,000 people in the Eastern Province.

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    Ruanda RWA19010

  • From arduous journeys to accessible care; Enabel's impact on Shagasha's healthcare services

    From arduous journeys to accessible care; Enabel's impact on Rwanda's healthcare services

    Denise NSANGA | 16/10/2024

    The absence of a health centre had long posed a significant challenge to the residents of the Shagasha Sector, where pregnant women and the sick had to endure arduous journeys to distant health facilities, often resulting in delayed or missed medical care. This harsh reality changed when Enabel, the Belgian development agency, partnered with the Rwanda Biomedical Centre and Rusizi District to improve healthcare access for this underserved community.Godberthe Icyimpaye, a 30-year-old resident of Shagasha village, recalls the difficult past: "Before having this health centre nearby, we were struggling to access healthcare services. We had to travel to Gihundwe or to Kadashya, and each trip costed us money for tickets, and when it rained, the journey became even more difficult."The lack of a health facility in the area meant dangerous journeys for expectant mothers, risking both their lives and those of their unborn children. "A pregnant woman could give birth on the way, or she would endure four hours of long stretches on foot while weak, risking the lives of both mother and baby," laments Icyimpaye.Recognising this pressing need, Enabel intervened by supporting the construction and Equipment of the Shagasha Health Centre. This initiative aimed to enhance early detection of pregnancy-related risks and complications, ultimately increasing healthcare access for the population of Shagasha—the only sector in Rusizi District without a health centreat the time.The impact of this Belgium-Rwanda bilateral programme 2019-2024 in the health sector has been profound. Icyimpaye shared, "Things are looking up now. There haven't been any maternal deaths during childbirth in our community. Everyday health needs are met without exhausting journeys. We receive timely care, and visiting loved ones hospitalised here is now hassle-free." The partnership has also resulted in the provision of an ambulance to a health centre that did not have one, and enhancement of adolescent sexual and reproductive health services and initiatives to combat drug addiction among youth, alongside expanding family planning uptake.Rusizi District is pleased with its partnership with Enabel, which has led to significant achievements in the health sector. These accomplishments include but not limited to the renovation and construction of maternity wards and operating rooms in hospitals, as well as the refurbishment and equipping of health posts and Isange One Stop Centres for GBV case management. Additionally, the provision of ultrasound machines to all health centres has reduced unnecessary transfers of pregnant women to hospitals.  

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    Ruanda RWA23004

  • Rwanda's Kwihaza Project kicks off BDS training and coaching

    Rwanda's Kwihaza Project kicks off BDS training and coaching

    Abu Bernard MUTIJIMA | 10/10/2024

    Enabel Rwanda in partnership with RAB (Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board) and NAEB (National Agricultural Export Development Board) through "Kwihaza" project, funded by the European Union (EU) and Luxembourg, on 07 October 2024 kicked off tailored business development services trainings and coaching (BDS) to 65 SMEs operating in the horticulture and aquaculture value chains. The training and coaching programs aims to enhance their business, financial management and technical capacities to improve the way they run their business while boosting their productivity and competitiveness.  This is part of the project target, to unlock sector potential, addressing challenges while boosting sustainable productivity and competitiveness for producer organisations, and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) involved in the aquaculture, fisheries, horticulture (Onion, tomato, passion fruits, Avocado) and aqua feeds manufacturers.  This 18-month coaching and training program will focus on financial management, business planning, marketing, standards, bookkeeping as well as market linkages and facilitation to access markets and facilitate ease access to financial tools.    "The Transformation towards sustainable food systems", Kwihaza project is a four-year initiative (2023-2026) focused on advancing Rwanda's aquaculture, fisheries, and horticulture value chains. It seeks to unlock sector potential, addressing challenges while boosting sustainable productivity and competitiveness.

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    Ruanda RWA20001

  • World Day for Decent Work: Rwanda’s progress toward economic growth

    World Day for Decent Work: Rwanda’s progress toward economic growth

    Denise NSANGA | 09/10/2024

    Since its establishment in 2008, the World Day for Decent Work on October 7th has highlighted the need to prioritize decent work in government policies for economic growth. One of the priorities of the Rwanda’s second National Strategy for Transformation 2 (NST2), is to create decent and productive jobs. The Belgium-funded Thematic Portfolio Social Protection (2022-2026) aligns with these objectives, contributing to the national ambition to create 1.25 million productive and decent jobs by 2035, with an annual goal of 250,000 jobs, and to become a middle-income economy by 2035.An overview of the portfolio's major achievements to date: Empowering women: The program has supported 1,400 women in informal cross-border trade around the Kivu Belt to form 28 cooperatives, providing training in management, savings support, and seed capital. Fostering innovation: In partnership with the Ministry of Trade and Industry, 350 innovative enterprises will be rewarded through business competitions, promoting economic solutions and creativity.Enhancing employability through skills development: Over 600 beneficiaries have graduated from dual training and upskilling programs led by the Rwanda TVET Board, positioning them for better employment opportunities.Strengthening workers’ rights: Sixteen Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) have been signed, benefiting 6,000 workers in sectors like mining and construction, leading to better wages and working conditions.Improving labor standards: Training for 33 labour inspectors and upgrades to the Integrated Labour Administration System have enhanced compliance with labour laws, improving working conditions.Advocacy for workers: The Centrale des Syndicats des Travailleurs du Rwanda (CESTRAR) has promoted minimum wage standards and better working conditions through local advocacy efforts.On this World Day for Decent Work, Enabel emphasizes the critical role of social dialogue among governments, employers, and workers’ organisations, and collaboration in addressing labour market challenges and promoting social justice and fair wages.

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    Ruanda RWA21002