Regeneration of Historic Centers in Local Government Units (RHC)

> Palestine

Finishing the rehabilitation of historic buildings in Bani Naim, ‘Asira Ash Shamaliya, Bani Zeid Al Gharbiya and Abud

  • Finishing the rehabilitation of historic buildings in Bani Naim, ‘Asira Ash Shamaliya, Bani Zeid Al Gharbiya and Abud

The Regeneration of Historic Centers in Local Government Units (RHC) project finished the rehabilitation of Khalid Ijdee’ historic building in Bani Naim. The building will be used as a multi-purpose center for the Bani Naim municipality and it will contain branches of governmental and public sector offices.

The RHC project also rehabilitated historical buildings in ‘Asira Ash Shamaliya and Bani Zeid Al Gharbiya. In Abud, near Ramallah, the project focused on the main court of the historic center and the Al Burbara church road.

Furthermore, the project is working on rehabilitating another historic building in Deir Istiya and it aspires to finish the rehabilitation of 7 more historic centers in the coming year.

The aim of the RHC project is to bring life back to historic centers by focusing on their social, cultural and economic development.  

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