Boosting Equal Learning Opportunities - WeLearn

> Uganda

Valuing Teachers' Voices in Uganda: A Call for Inclusion and Recognition

For years, teachers have been viewed as secondary stakeholders, often overlooked in discussions that directly impact their profession. This marginalization is evident in the disparities in their compensation compared to other professionals, despite their significant contributions to society. Teachers are frequently subjected to policies imposed without their input, leaving them to implement changes they neither understand nor agree with.

As the primary implementers of educational policies, their insights and experiences are invaluable. By including teachers in the decision-making process, Uganda's education system could see substantial improvements, benefiting both educators and students. Teachers spend a significant amount of time with children, often more than the children's own parents. This positions them as vital stakeholders in the educational sector, whose voices should be heard and respected.

By valuing and incorporating teachers' perspectives, Uganda can create a more effective and inclusive education system that truly reflects the needs and aspirations of its educators and students alike.

Enabel Uganda's commitment to supporting teachers is a testament to the power of collaboration and the positive impact of valuing educators' voices.

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