Beekeeping films on Youtube

The strategy of the Beekeeping Support Project in Kigoma Region (2012-2016) was to develop the honey value chain, while linking this to sustainable management of natural resources and institutional capacity building. Over 5000 beekeepers and their families were reached, as well as processors’ groups, cooperatives, traders and exporters operating in Kigoma Region. 
At the end of the project, 3 films were produced, each serving a particular purpose: 

1. To promote the sale of honey from Kigoma region, a short film was made to highlight the main reasons why consumers should buy Kigoma honey: 

  • organic by default
  • high quality processing
  • conservation by sustainable use of natural resources
  • support to local economic development and livelihoods

2. To increase production, the use of modern beehives and beekeeping techniques were promoted. A second video zooms in on one of these techniques: bee queen rearing. The film advocates the opportunities and adoption of queen rearing in Tanzania. Because more bee queens, means more bee colonies; and more colonies, means more honey!

3. The last film is a visual report of the main project activities and achievements. These were aimed at:
  • improving beekeepers’ incomes through improved production and  business skills
  • improving the efficiency of honey value chains through coordination and capacity building to respond to market opportunities
  • protecting key forest and bee forage areas
  • creating an enabling environment for sustainable beekeeping local and national level

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