Support capacity building in budget preparation


Project summary

Experts will support the General Secretariat for Fiscal Policy of the Ministry of Finance in further developing their ability to analyse public policies and include the results of this analysis in the budget preparation process. This will also include capacity building actions directed towards the various line ministries and notably their General Directorates for Financial Services, which are the main interlocutor in the budget preparation and implementation process on the side of line ministries. This support may take the form of a mix of resident and short-term expertise through regular missions, involving chiefly experts with experience acquired in the Budget Directorate of another Member State. It will be complementary to the support provided by the IMF under an on-going contract, on other aspects of the PFM reform agenda (notably overall reform of the expenditure chain in accordance with the Organic Budget Law voted in Fall 2015, cash management, IT system, new Chart of Accounts, fiscal reporting…).

Code GRE160071T
Start date 28 March 2017
End date 15 October 2019
Stage Closed
Donor European Union
Sector 24010 Financial policy and administrative management
Budget 934 299.00 €

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A - Activities


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