Focused contribution to the health system strengthening - Technical assistance to the working group on PFM (GTAF) - Phase II


Project summary

The Government of Flanders (GoF) defines its activities in Mozambique through a portfolio approach. GoF together with other donors analysed as a priority the need for specialized expertise to improve the dialogue with the Ministry of Health of Mozambique on Public Finance Management (PFM). The first phase covered the period from November 2013 to August 2015. GoF made available an additional budget for a second phase of specialized expertise to be implemented by BTC through a delegated cooperation, for a period of 24 months. While the Political dialogue remains under FICA, the direct supervision of the project, hence of the TA, will be ensured by BTC’s Country Representative.

Code MOZ150321T
Start date 01 September 2015
End date 30 May 2018
Stage Closed
Donor Flanders
Sector 15111 Public finance management
Budget 398 200.00 €

General objective

To contribute to the strengthening of the health system in Mozambique with sustained added value

Specific objective

A - Specific objective


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