Support to the implementation of skilling uganda strategy

Skilling Uganda

Project summary

The intervention supports the key-reforms of the Ugandan policy on “Skilling”, both on a national/central level, and on the local level. At the local level, operations are developed in 4 districts in the Rwenzori/Albertine Region of West-Uganda, coordinated by the office in Fort-Portal.Strong synergy is organised with other Enabel interventions on Skilling in Karamoja (financing from Irish Aid) and in refugee and host communities in Northern Uganda (financing by EU- rust Fund and GiZ).
It will support and strengthen policy formulation and implementation, it will assist in developing financing instruments and new modalities for training delivery, and it will support a restricted number of training providers ie Kasese Youth Polytechnic (KYP) in Kasese district; St.Joseph Technical Institute in Fort Portal; St. Simon Peter Technical Institute and Millennium Business School in Hoima and Uganda Technical College in Masindi. The capacity of instructors and management in these listed vocational institutions will be built in terms of pedagogical training, entrepreneurship, gender mainstreaming, monitoring and evaluation as well as training private sector Master Craft persons. Out of school youths, women and girls will also be targeted for both formal and non formal training in the vocational institutions and in private sector enterprises for work based learning and industrial training.

The project will strive for a close collaboration with Business Membership Organisations and private sector companies on all levels of intervention.

Code UGA1402711
Start date 28 July 2015
End date 27 July 2023
Stage Closed
Donor Belgium
Sector 11330 Vocational training
Budget 22 000 000.00 €

General objective

Increased employability of youth through better quality of instruction and learning in Skills Development.

Specific objective

A - The quality of skills development is enhanced and responsive to labour market needs in line with the skilling Uganda reforms


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