Kampala City Council Environmental Planning and Management Project


Project summary

Kampala is the capital city of Uganda and has a nighttime population of 1.2 million people (2002 Population Census) and a daytime population of 2.8 million people. The annual population growth rate is estimated at 3.8 percent and the result of rapid population growth has meant the emergence of structures and dwelling units without adequate toilets, water supply and drainage. Such developments have exacerbated the proliferation of slum settlements with poor sanitation, drainage systems and waste disposal practices. Kampala City Council has not been able to enforce standards in the slum areas, many of which encroach on wetlands, and this has undermined environmental planning and management in the Kampala.

Code UGA0500811
Start date 01 February 2005
End date 02 August 2012
Stage Closed
Donor Belgium
Sector 16050 Multisector aid for basic social services
Budget 5 004 581.00 €

General objective

To improve the quality of life of poor communities in the suburbs of Kampala.

Specific objective

To enhance environmental planning and management in the poor suburbs of Kampala City Council.
Institutional capacities of Kampala City Council are strengthened
Behavioural change of the slum communities on the use and maintenance of the local infrastructures have improved in the project area.
Environmental and housing conditions have improved in the project area


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