Kasese District Rural Community Development Programme 2000/1-2002/3


Project summary

Rural Water Development

Code UGA/01/001
Start date 24 May 2001
End date 31 December 2008
Stage Closed
Donor Belgium
Sector 43040 Rural development
Budget 5 867 151.00 €

General objective

Sustainably improved standard of living of the rural populations in Districts especially the most disavantaged

Specific objective

coordination unit
operating of coordination unit
equipment of coordination unit
external follow-up coordination
local training farmers
district farm institute
agricultural information management
animal traction training and demo units
farmers training AT and appropriate storage
linkage farmers/suppliers equipment
in kind credit for animal traction
feasability surveys small scale irrigation
irrigation scheme administration and sensitization
inputs credit for small scale irrigation
quality standards training
provision improved seeds
information network linking high value crops
horticulture farmers training and marketing
Farmers training coffee rehabilitation
Training for agricultural census
Implementation agricultural census
Staff training
monitoring visits by extension staff
establishment of demonstration plots
farmers training pest and disease control
farm visits
provision transport and equipment to extension workers
community agricultural workers
local training agricultural extension services
extension training staff
provision of transport and motivation of extension staff
farmer's training in forestry management
tree nurseries
training private tree nursery owners
departmental tree nurseries
equipment extension staff
Livestock census
Heifer programme
Artificial insemination
Staff training
Kanyampara channel
Credit provision for milk cooling plants
support to fisheries rehabilitation committee
establishment of fish ponds
training extension workers and farmers
fish farming competitions
provision of fish farming inputs
fish fry centers
construction fish washing slabs
credit facilities for kilns/salting slabs
transport facilities for extensionists
Education, level unspecified
provision of staff incentives
result oriented workshop for staff
creation database HRM
staff training
Economic and development policy/Planning
bi-annual stakeholders meeting on strategy analysis
project specific feasability and impact assessment workshop
problems and needs analysis at local levels
mentoring for local level planning personnel workshop
Workshop documentation centre in planning unit
report on information needs and uses
stakeholders meeting design M&E system
M&E system implementation and servicing workshop
subcounty data collection
Education, level unspecified
2day workshop on community services strategy
identification of management training needs for CSD
implementation training package in community development skills
provision logistical support
draw architecture plans for subcounty markets
erection of market structures for shade, storage and sanitation
develop a training package for local entrepreneurs
training entreprise managers in entrepreneurship
Road transport
road levelling and compacting
construction drainage lines/channels
bridge construction
training contractors
road maintenance
computerized road network status system
local training road technicians
appropriate road tools, equipment, fuel
provision of safe water
cofinancing district administrative block
Agricultural land resources
district land use strategy guidelines
ToR on land use strategy development
formation workshop committee for land use strategy
stake holders consultations workshops
approval & documentation district land use strategy
purchase of equipment
facilities for waste management in rural urban centres
Health, general
training of staff
training of community health workers
production and distribution health education materials
training health unit management committees
Supervision of health centers
construction of health units
provision of diagnostic equipment for Rwesanda health subdistrict
on the job training specialized case identification/management
Government administration
capacity-building of district government
Radio/television/print media
FM Radion station Ruwenzori
Economic and development policy/Planning
improved efficiency district audit unit
tution fees
refresher course
instructional materials
Economic and development policy/Planning
improved financial information system
Economic and development policy/Planning
improved financial revenue
sub-county development fund in place


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