Wetlands Sector Strategic Plan Support Project

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Project summary

Wetlands Sector Strategic Plan Support Project

Code UGA0300611
Start date 09 July 2003
End date 09 July 2009
Stage Closed
Donor Belgium
Sector 41030 Bio-diversity
Budget 3 995 500.05 €

General objective

Strenghtening national institutions local governments and communities to enhance wise-up of Wetlands ressources

Specific objective

National and local government institutions sytrengthened to enhance wise use of wetlands by communities
knowledge and understanding of ecological processes and socio-economic values of wetlands enhanced
Public and stakeholders awareness of wetlands and their beneficial products and services increased
Sustainable wetland resource management by communities is in place
Capacities for sustainable wetland management at local governement level strengthened
Capacities to carry out inspection/coordination tasks by national institutions strengthened
Appropriate wetlands policy and legislation in place and enforced


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