Support to Income Generating Activities for Coast and Kigoma Regions

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Project summary

Support to Income Generating Activities for Coast and Kigoma Regions

Code TAN0501611
Start date 30 December 2008
End date 30 December 2013
Stage Closed
Donor Belgium
Sector 43040 Rural development
Budget 2 162 000.00 €

General objective

To contribute towards improving livelihood of the poor particulary in rural areas.

Specific objective

To create an enabling environment for income generating activities of the poor, especially women and youth to improve their incomes, in six districts of the Coast and Kigoma Regions.
Improved capacity of the local government to facilitate pro-poor local economic development.
Improved capacity of business related service providers to respond to the needs of the target group.
Increased capacity of the target group to demand and access technical, entrepreneurial and business services.


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