Improve Secondary Teachers Education in the National Teachers' Colleges (NTCs)

> Oeganda

Improving the Performance of National Teachers' Colleges


National Teachers’ Colleges (NTCs) in Uganda work with one common goal; to train and produce the best teachers in Uganda. Positioned across the country in Muni, Unyama, Kaliro, Mubende and Kabale; these colleges attract a large number of students hoping to join the teaching profession and become competent teachers within country.  

With the support from TIET department of the Ministry of Education and Sports and the Teacher Training Education (TTE) project by Enabel, the NTCs have been able to actualize a number of goals and make tremendous achievements towards their improving their own systems and capabilities. This has mainly been realised through the quarterly performance review meetings.  

The 4th Quarterly Review Meeting

After each quarter of implementation, a national monitoring meeting is held on a rotational basis at one of the NTCs and this meeting hosts a vast number of stakeholders ranging from TIET education Commissioner, Education officers, NTC Principals, governing council members, guild student representatives, representatives from Kyambogo University Teacher Training department and Enabel staff.

It is through the quarterly review meetings that all stakeholders that support the NTCs review the colleges performance in relation to the access to teacher training services for students across the country, the institution’s management capacities and ensure the best quality teacher training.

This July, the NTCs held their 4th quarterly review meeting at NTC Kaliro and the assesment was done based on 3 major areas. Access; which is aimed at increasing access to teacher training, management; which enhances the NTC’s management capacities and finally quality; which enhances the quality of teacher training within the NTCs.

The following were the achievements and recommendations realised during the meeting.

·        Generally, all colleges realised an increase in number of students enrolling and this was due to the different forms of advertising campaigns and communication done

·        The was an overall improvement in asset maintenance, this included the infrastructure maintenance, availability of electricity and water and implementation of behavioural change workshops on topics such as energy saving, waste management, gender based violence, safe learning environment issues, sexual reproductive health, legal policy frameworks among others.

·        In the area of management, the workshop identified the need to harmonize work-plans and budgets across colleges but also highlighted improvements in ICT, financial, human resource and academic management within the colleges.

·        In the area of quality, there were improvements and assessments in the use of Active Teaching and Learning (ATL) in pedagogical preparations, Support Supervision and Continuous School Practice.

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