Regeneration of Historic Centers in Local Government Units (RHC)

> Palestina

Planting trees during Al Karmil’s Environmental Week

  • Planting trees for Al Karmil’s Environmental Week

On Wednesday, the final event to celebrate the end of Al Karmil’s Environmental Week took place in the South Hebron Governorate.

Students from 9 schools participated in the event, planting trees, cleaning schools, and attending awareness sessions on the environment and voluntary work.  

On the last day, Al Karmil school’s parents committee, youth club, women association, scout troop and volunteers planted trees in the main street of Al Karmil and at the mixed elementary school, together with mayor Tawfik Abu Malash, the Khalet Al Maya village council and the Palestine Red Crescent society.  

Environmental Week is an activity supported by Enabel (The Belgian Development Agency) as part of the local governance activities in the cluster.  

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