Improve Secondary Teachers Education in the National Teachers' Colleges (NTCs)

> Oeganda

In Uganda, Enabel launches the very first online general teaching methods course

    In November 2020, Enabel launched an online General Teaching Methods (GTM) course for lower-secondary pre- and in-service teachers in Uganda, the very first of its kind. This professional course provides interactive and practical lessons to improve teaching practices for all teachers both in and out of the National Teachers’ Colleges. And that is not all, it also provides benefits to the already existing lecturers to brush up on their teaching skills within their classrooms. The best part about the online GTM course is that it provides remote access to digital learning resources that are up to date with the latest trends in education, encompassing all subjects and easily accessible by a simple tap on your computer or mobile device. So far, over 8000 students and lecturers have enrolled for this course with over 7000 certificates issued.  

Click here to access the course:

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