Viewing 2205 to 2220 of 2558 news

  • The annual graduation ceremony of vocational training centers' graduates

    The annual graduation ceremony of vocational training centers' graduates

    Laura SCHILLEMANS | 08/08/2017

    For one and a half years, 73 Work-Based Learning (WBL) initiatives (a modern form of apprenticeships with a strong collaborative on between the TVET institutions and the private sector) were launched in the Palestinian Territory, of which 16 in Gaza.This week the graduation ceremony of these TVET training centers’ graduates took place in Gaza. Mr. Bart Horemans, International Technical Advisor ECIB at BTC, addressed the attendees on behalf of the three international partners supporting TVET in Gaza: Islamic Relief, the German Development Agency (GIZ) and the Belgian Development Agency (BTC). In his opening remarks, he thanked everyone who played a role in the graduates’ journey to graduation:The trainers and mentors for their patience to accompany the students day in day out in the difficult task of acquiring new knowledge and skills.The parents and families for sparing no efforts in giving the students the opportunity to study and obtain a diploma. The representatives of the private sector and the hundreds of company owners for being willing to participate in the work-based learning program or other apprenticeship programs, offering the opportunity to hundreds of students to obtain real work experience in their workshops. He also highlighted the current employment landscape in Gaza and the impact of TVET: “With unemployment rates of over 40% and even higher for young people, finding a job is not an easy task. TVET, under his different forms, gives the best guarantee to find a decent job. The private sector needs skilled people and Gaza needs people who are willing to start their own business. In many economic sectors, there is a clear potential for developing new services and improving existing productions processes, as we can see in agriculture and food processing, ICT, manufacturing, renewable energy, tourism and the outsourcing sector to name but a few.  Employment remains the single most effective way to combat poverty and create opportunities for all. Notwithstanding the harsh circumstances in Gaza today, concrete things can be done to give more people the chance to find or create their own job, earn a living and take care of their families. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is one of the most promising enablers that can contribute to this objective. This requires, however, a well-functioning educational and training system that provides youth and adults with the relevant skills in line with the needs of the labor market. This can only be achieved by creating a strong partnership with the private sector, what will lead to more jobs and at the same time increase the competitiveness of the companies.” As a closing remark, the importance of continuing the WBL initiatives was also emphasized, together with the challenge of labor market participation of women:“Although the introduction of WBL can be considered as very successful and the added value of Work-based learning has been recognized by all, we must now make sure that it will continue in the future. Therefore, we need to develop strategic partnerships with all stakeholders and create the necessary institutional environment. Several organizations have now integrated WBL in their programs. We also welcome the decision of the Ministries of Education and Labor to officially integrate WBL in their curricula and of the EU member states to support the integration of WBL in at least 50% of the TVET programs in the Palestinian Territory by 2020. These are important steps, but much more is needed. It is therefore with great pleasure that we note the strong emphasis in the National Policy Agenda and in the sector strategies of the Ministries of Labour and Education on job creation through public-private partnerships. TVET but also Continuous Vocational Education and Training (CVET) are the most evident starting points to develop this partnership. But this should also include support to business start-ups, entrepreneurship and private sector development in its various forms.A very important remaining challenge is the dramatically low number of women participating in the labor market. More than 80% are outside the labor market, one of the lowest numbers in the world. Together, we must develop strategies that facilitate the access of women to TVET, including non-traditional vocations, and give women a real opportunity to find a job or the start their own business."  

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    Palestine PZA1202911

  • Skills Development Fund workshop with partners in Arua

    Skills Development Fund workshop with partners in Arua

    Hanna DEKERK | 27/07/2017

    This July, the SPRS-NU’s team led a two-day workshop with local partners in Arua. They provided feedback to successful applicants to the Skills Development Fund grants on their proposals  for skills development and vocational training for refugee and host community youth in Northern Uganda. The Skills Development Fund, under the Skilling Uganda strategy, aims to increase access to quality skills development – i.e. training, entrepreneurial skills, and start-up kits – to under- and unemployed Ugandan and refugee youth in the districts of Arua, Adjumani, Yumbe and Kiryandongo, to better equip them in entering a growing market.  Fifteen organisations and their partners were provided with technical support and individual guidance from the SDF team on how to improve their proposals in areas such as feasibility, sustainability and coherence. The team stressed that any proposal for vocational training and skills development which targets refugee youth, must take into account their particular needs, be aware of their limitations, and build on their strengths. This is to insure a measurable and sustainable impact and to successfully impart youth with empowering life-long skills. 

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    Uganda UGA160321T


    Améliorer l'accès à l'emploi des jeunes du Haut-Katanga

    Julie CLAASSENS | 20/07/2017

    Située dans l’enceinte de l’institut Kilima dans la commune Kenya à Lubumbashi, l’antenne opérationnelle du Centre de Ressources de l’Enseignement Technique et de la Formation Professionnelle (ETFP) du Haut-Katanga a réuni sur l’invitation de la Chambre de Commerce Belgo-Congolaise-Luxembourgeoise, quelques représentants des entreprises privées locales pour une rencontre d’échange d’informations. Le Centre de Ressources, structure autonome reconnue par l’Etat Congolais, fonctionne comme un réseau d’animation et d’appui à un système rénové d’ETFP qui a été mis en œuvre pour répondre à la question de l’inadéquation criante entre la nature et la qualité des formations, ainsi que les compétences professionnelles exigées par les entreprises. Les objectifs principaux sont d'accompagner les lauréats des écoles à leur insertion socioprofessionnelle à travers des formations pratiques, d'offrir un appui technique aux écoles désireuses d’innover leur offres de formation, de servir comme centre de documentation et d'alimenter la concertation multipartite public-privé locale et provinciale par la collaboration avec les entreprises environnantes. "Nous poursuivons un objectif très noble qui est celui d’assurer à la jeunesse du Haut-Katanga une meilleure employabilité, c’est-à-dire former pour donner une possibilité aux lauréats des options techniques de pouvoir aller au travail," précise Lorenzo Giacomin du projet EDUKAT. "Cette structure prône une bonne et efficace collaboration entre le secteur public et privé. Elle promeut la compétitivité des lauréats qui y passeront. Pour arriver à cette compétitivité des lauréats, nous avons mis en place un processus d’insertion socioprofessionnelle qui visera leur présélection pour pouvoir être des bons techniciens."Le Centre de Ressources est sous la responsabilité des services déconcentrés de la division provinciale de l’Enseignement Primaire, Secondaire et Professionnel et sera géré de préférence par un binôme constitué du secteur public et du secteur privé. Les filières suivantes y seront organisées : l’électricité, l’électronique, la mécanique générale, la mécanique auto et les énergies renouvelables. Pour appuyer les lauréats dans toutes ces filières, le centre a mis en place des étapes d’accompagnement qui devront leur permettre, une fois dans la phase finale, de mieux s’en sortir. La première étape est la sensibilisation à la fin du cursus scolaire, c’est-à-dire en cinquième et sixième année des humanités. A ce niveau, on donne aux élevés toutes les informations concernant le prérequis nécessaire afin de déboucher sur un emploi salarié ou un auto-emploi. La deuxième étape est la présélection. Dans cette phase les lauréats qui sont disposés d’être sous l’accompagnement du centre sont choisis. La troisième étape est la préformation, qui consiste à former les lauréats sur les '3 S', c’est-à-dire le savoir, le savoir-être et le savoir-faire, ce qui leur permettra de s’adapter à l’environnement de l’entreprise.La quatrième étape est la mise en stage professionnel qui permet au stagiaire de se mettre dans une situation réelle en milieu professionnel. Pendant la période de stage professionnel l’entreprise qui accueillera les lauréats descellera les failles dans leurs compétences. Il s’agit d’un travail conjoint entre le maître de stage de l’entreprise et les services du centre. Ces failles seront reprises par le service du Centre de Ressources qui fera suivre des formations additionnelles modulaires. L’ensemble des formations associées à l’expérience d’entreprise et aux modules de formation technique, rendront les lauréats plus compétitifs sur le terrain. S’en suivra la cinquième et dernière étape qui consiste d’une médiation à l’emploi. Cette médiation vise à négocier un poste au sein des entreprises partenaires. "Nous poursuivons la promotion de l’emploi des jeunes finalistes des écoles ETFP," a fait savoir Hervé Muke Seya, Chargé de l’insertion socioprofessionnelle au Centre de Ressources. Selon lui, les jeunes qui finissent les humanités dans les filières techniques devraient en principe travailler directement: "Malheureusement, les conditions dans lesquelles nous vivons ne permettent pas à ces jeunes de travailler tout de suite. Ce que nous voulons, c’est les orienter à canaliser leurs efforts pour qu’à la fin, ils puissent trouver au moins un emploi."Grace aux bases juridiques existantes, une structure de concertation et de formation provinciale du partenariat public-privé pour l’ETFP est en train de se mettre en place. Ce structure permettra d’organiser des meilleures formations techniques afin d’améliorer l’adéquation formation emploi et de répondre aux besoins de main d’œuvre dans les secteurs miniers, industriels, de la construction et de l’agriculture. A en croire les propos de Jean-Claude Kanyiki, Assistant Training Manager à Congo Equipment SARL, un des invités de cette rencontre, l’initiative de créer le centre vaut tout son pesant d’or: "Nous qui sommes dans le domaine des engins Caterpillar, nous voyons que la technologie évolue tous les jours. C’est vrai qu’à l’école les jeunes gens apprennent les principes de base, mais il y a beaucoup d’écart entre ce qui est appris à l’école et la réalité sur le terrain. C’est donc important qu’après le cursus scolaire, les jeunes suivent certaines formations professionnelles spécifiques de façon à améliorer leurs compétences techniques." Selon ce participant, avoir déjà un centre qui prépare les jeunes lauréats des humanités techniques est la meilleure chose pour les entreprises, car, précise-t-il: "Nous les entreprises, nous recherchons la main d’œuvre qualifiée."Les acteurs étatiques (Ministère Provincial EPSP/ETP), le patronat (la FEC, la COPEMECO, etc.), le secteur privé (Chambre de Commerce Belgo-congolaise Luxembourgeoise, les sociétés et entreprises) et les acteurs non étatiques (écoles privées, société civile) constituent le cadre de collaboration du Centre de Ressources. La Chambre de Commerce Belgo-Congolaise-Luxembourgeoise promet son apport à l’intermédiation de toutes ces parties prenantes pour faire vivre cet instrument : "Notre attribution à ce projet en tant que Chambre de commerce se situera au niveau de la future gestion. Comme il a été exposé, la gestion doit se faire sous un partenariat public-privé afin de la rendre efficiente et efficace en termes d’adéquations au réel besoin du secteur privé. Et nous, nous voudrons rassembler, ensemble avec les responsables de la province du Haut-Katanga, les entreprises pourvoyeuses des mécaniciens et autres techniciens pour qu’ils réfléchissent sur la manière de faire vivre cette structure," a estimé l’administrateur de la Chambre, Jean-Sylvere Duga. Cette structure est composée d'un comité de pilotage public-privé qui oriente les actions stratégiques du Centre de Ressources, d’un comité de direction qui s’occupe de la coordination des différents départements, notamment le département de formation, le département de l’insertion socioprofessionnelle et le département d’appui techniques transversaux. Le comité de concertation local dans chaque sous-division provinciale assurera la concertation permanente avec les entreprises.Les interventions de Lorenzo Giacomin et Hervé Muke Seya ont suscitées un débat houleux et fructueux autour de ce projet. Ce débat a succédé la visite dans les installations de ce centre qui comprend notamment les six ateliers et un bloc administratif avec une salle de réunion et un bureau pour la comptabilité. Les travaux se sont déroulés dans une période de 12 mois et ils ont été financés à hauteur de 400 000 euro.  

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    DR Congo RDC1216911

  • Skills training and livelihood interventions transforming lives of refugees: a tale of three women.

    Skills training and livelihood interventions transforming lives of refugees: a tale of three women.

    Josephine OMUNYIDDE | 20/07/2017

    A mere thought of her journey from South Sudan to Uganda boarder brings tears to her eyes, as 23-year old Nancy Maneno cuddles on to her six-month old baby. She soaks in more tears while reminiscing of the attack on her family during the war. “When the war broke out, my three children and I stayed in the bush for days with no food or medication. Coming to such a peaceful environment in Uganda is like a miracle,” she narrates.27-year old Betty Ekisa came to Bidi-Bidi refugee settlement in August 2016 after her home was attacked by rebels in South Sudan. She walked for two days with her husband and four children to the Ugandan boarder, where they were later transferred to the settlement. Taken up by emotions, Betty says: “Life has not been easy in terms of generating income to meet household basic needs.”"My life is changing. I am now busy making soap for my household and business,” Josephine reveals. Josephine is the treasurer of Manjoora women’s group comprised of thirty women to which Betty and Nancy belong and is supported by Community Empowerment for Rural Development (CEFORD). These three women have one thing in common; despite being victims of the South Sudanese war, they have put their tragic tales aside to work and support each other for self-reliance. In support of the group, the Belgian development agency organised the training in soap making through 'instant skills training' using the voucher scheme. The agency innovatively set up a voucher scheme to provide qualitative ‘instant training’ responding to skills gap of beneficiaries in collaboration with other agencies supporting livelihood and income generating activities of refugees and host communities.  Testimony Manjoora women’s group is found in Zone 1 of Bidi-Bidi refugee settlement, the second largest settlement in the world hosting at least 270,000 refugees. The group was formed by CEFORD, a community empowerment organisation for livelihoods working under the consortium led by Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and were trained in livelihood actions based on the participatory driven Enabling Rural Innovations (ERI)/ Participatory Action and Enterprise Development (PAED). The group has thirty members, all women, who meet twice a week to make soap, hand crafts and share learning experiences about their nutritional back-yard gardens to better their livelihoods.  As part of collaborative efforts between livelihood and sustainable development interventions, the Belgian development agency has trained the women through a pilot instant skills training voucher scheme. The goal is to enhance livelihood and labor market relevant skills for youth, women and girls of the refugees through short term vocational training and entrepreneurship support.   Group members such as Nancy, Betty and Josephine who were forced to drop out of school, now have gained skills in soap making for subsistence and income generation. This will empower them to set up small businesses for income generation.  As a result of the instant training, Manjoora women’s group have planned to specialize in soap making business for their zone in Bidi-Bidi refugee settlement and empower fellow women outside their group for financial stability. 86% of the refugee population in Uganda are women and children under 18 years who deserve a right to access basic needs for better livelihoods. Funded by the European Union Trust Fund, the SPRS-NU programme combines interventions of livelihood, income generation, thereby addressing humanitarian concerns through a sustainable development approach.

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    Uganda UGA160321T

  • Inauguration of the drainage system of North Cho Lau town center

    Inauguration of the drainage system of North Cho Lau town center

    Huong TRANTHANH | 19/07/2017

    On July 7, 2017 a drainage system was inaugurated in North Cho Lau town, 45 km to the north of Phan Thiet City. The construction is an investment part of the Belgian-Vietnamese project for integrated water management and urban development in relation to climate change. The Belgian Ambassador to Vietnam, Mrs. Jehanne Roccas, attended the ceremony together with the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai.The work includes 4,110 meters of urban drain and a rock protected outlet to the Luy river. The works will help to reduce flooding impacts and hygiene concerns during periods of heavy rain to approximately 3,000 people, which would also indirectly benefit to the entire population of the town. The works are also a contribution towards modernizing the province's infrastructure to reduce hardships, promote continued economic development and to improve resilience with regard to climate change. With a population of 14,000, Cho Lau is a small but fast developing town in Bac Binh district of northern Binh Thuan province. Historically, the area has been quite poor and the implementation of basic urban infrastructure has not kept pace with the rate of urbanization. As a result, several areas of the town are regularly affected by local flooding during storms. The flooding not only impacts on households directly, but also creates a health risk because the flooding causes the sewers to overflow. An urban drainage master plan for the town identifies the key problem areas and sets out the long-term solutions to address both current and future issues. Given that this is a high-priority issue for the local community and that climate change projections indicate trends for increasing rainfall intensity, support for the implementation of the master plan via the construction of the urban drainage improvement works was considered an appropriate activity to implement under the Belgian project. The project is an ambitious and complex one, focusing on the rural areas and small towns in the vicinity of the Luy river. It supports a structured approach to climate change adaptation with an emphasis on water resources management, flood management and urban planning. Studies on climate change, river flooding, salinity, erosion and urban drainage are being linked with studies on the socio-economic situation and technical and institutional capacity assessment to inform the identification of current and future climate-related challenges for households and the regional economy. Findings will be integrated into a comprehensive climate change action plan and the revised master plan of Phan Ri Cua township. Strategic pilot investments on drainage, water supply, riverbank protection and flood mitigation target priority issues to enhance resilience and to reduce climate risk. The project is expected to complete by June 2019.BTC is also supporting Binh Thuan with a number of green growth activities, including the development of the provincial green growth action plan and pilot green growth investments in water efficient irrigation and solar powered LED public lighting, as part of the GGSF project. The Ambassador expressed her appreciation for the strong and special relationship between Belgium and Binh Thuan, that started in 2006. The delegation also visited works from the sanitation and environment protection project in Phan Ri Cua and Lien Huong, completed in 2011, that provided and still provides improved environmental services to a population of around 70,000 people in water supply, sanitation, wastewater, drainage, solid waste management and environmental education.

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    Vietnam VIE1204311

  • L'importance du stage professionnel, lauréat Cédric raconte.

    L'importance du stage professionnel, lauréat Cédric raconte.

    Julie CLAASSENS | 12/07/2017

    "J’habite Kolwezi et j'ai fait mes études secondaires à l’institut Technique Industrielle Manika, ITIMA en sigle, option mécanique générale. Depuis mon enfance, je rêvais de faire la mécanique. J'étais surtout inspiré par un vieux papa du quartier qui était pertinent dans ce domaine. Dès lors c’était devenu pour moi une véritable passion. Au cours de ma formation scolaire, je n’avais jamais effectué un stage dans une entreprise. Après l’obtention de mon diplôme d’Etat, je suis resté à la maison pendant 8 mois et je ne faisais rien. J’ai cherché comment intégrer un garage, mais je n’avais pas trouvé l’opportunité. C’est après que j’ai été mis au courant par mon école du programme de la CTB qui cherchait les jeunes de formation technique à accompagner dans un stage de professionnalisation. J’ai vite répondu positif, parce que c’était entre autres mon rêve de concilier la vaste théorie apprise à l’école avec la pratique de l’entreprise. Après une brève formation d’une semaine sur notamment la façon de présenter le cv, la rédaction d’une bonne lettre de motivation, la recherche d’emploi sur internet, les bonnes manières de se comporter au lieu de travail, j’ai commencé mon stage professionnel chez Congo Equipement. L’environnement du travail était impeccable à tous les points de vue: les ouvriers étaient accueillants à mon égard et me vouaient un respect et une sympathie sincère. Les équipements étaient au point et m’offraient l’occasion d’une véritable pratique de tout ce que j’avais appris à l’école. L’encadreur était attentionné, me donnait des remarques et des corrections dans un climat épanouissant. Au cours du stage, je travaillais de 6h00 à 18h00 comme un ouvrier ordinaire de l’entreprise, sans aucune discrimination. Là, je faisais la mécanique d’entretien et réparation, l’hydraulique, l'électricité auto, l'électronique auto et le pneumatique. Le stage a eu un impact remarquable sur mes connaissances d’autant plus qu’il a approfondi les notions reçues à l’école et me permettrait la découverte de tant d’autres choses, notamment la pneumatique. En plus, pendant le stage, j’étais pris en charge par la CTB, une dotation qui  me permettait de subvenir déjà à mes besoins. Aujourd’hui, je suis taximan. J’ai trouvé le boulot de quelqu’un que j’ai connu au cours du stage, qui a apprécié ma façon de travailler et mon sens de responsabilité. Mon travail reste marqué par le stage que j’ai effectué, il a affermi mes compétences dans la conduite aussi. Ce travail me permet de subvenir à mes besoins personnels. Je loue une maison et je prends en charge ma scolarité, parce que par ailleurs, j’étudie à l’ISTA Kolwezi, je viens ma famille en aide, les petits frères et sœurs, etc. En plus, je suis à l’attente des résultats  du test passé récemment. Ce test portait essentiellement sur la pratique faite au cours de mon stage.Après tout ce processus que j’ai suivi, j’envisage mettre en place, lorsque j’aurai les moyens, un garage moderne, bien équipé et répondant aux normes requises. Pour cela, j’invite les jeunes générations à emprunter la voie de la formation technique et professionnelle qui assure une facile employabilité ou un auto-emploi facile."

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    DR Congo RDC1216911

  • Boat for Beach Management Units

    Boat for Beach Management Units

    Jennifer SWERTVAEGHER | 12/07/2017

    On Thursday, 22nd June 2017, NRM4LED officially handed over a Beach Management Unit (BMU) Boat to the Kigoma District Commissioner, in the presence of the District Executive Director and representatives from the Beach Management Units of Kalalangabo, Kigalye and Mtanga.The boat will be used by district staff and BMU members in the management of Lake Tanganyika Fisheries Resources. The Boat was purchased as part of the NRM4LED project, which works with local communities and local government authorities in Kigoma region on sustainable Forest Management, Wetland Management, Water Management, Land Management and Fisheries Management, through community based initiatives. 

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    Tanzania TAN1302911

  • Safe access to school: school transportation with the support of the JFA

    Safe access to school: school transportation with the support of the JFA

    Laura SCHILLEMANS | 11/07/2017

    ContextIn some villages in Area C of the Palestinian Territory, distance to school can be long and frictions with army or settlers are frequent. Children are often enrolled at a later age, have a significant amount of school days missing and frequently drop out early. From 2016, with the support of the Joint Financing Arrangement (JFA), the Ministry of Education is leasing a reliable bus service to bring the children safe to school every day.Results2016 West Bank: 8 buses --> 6 communities --> 411 students2017West Bank: 11 buses --> 9 communities --> 640 studentsEast Jersualem: 8 buses --> 6 communities --> 165 students

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    Palestine PZA1503511

  • Launch of the Continuous Vocational and Educational Training (CVET) program in Gaza

    Launch of the Continuous Vocational and Educational Training (CVET) program in Gaza

    Laura SCHILLEMANS | 10/07/2017

    On the 5th of July, the Continuous Vocational and Educational Training (CVET) program was launched under the attendance of Mr. Dirk Deprez (Representative of the Belgian Development Agency), Mr. Muneeb Abu Ghazaleh (Country Director of IRPAL), Mr. Saeed Jad Al Haq (Director of Vocational and Technical Department of MoEHE), Mr. Mohammed Abu Hayya (General Director of the Vocational Training Department at the Ministry of Labor) and Dr. Maher Al Tabba (Chamber of Commerce).CVET can be defined as: “Education or training after initial education or entry into working life, aimed at helping individuals to improve or update their knowledge and/or skills; acquire new skills for a career move or retraining; continue their personal or professional development”[1].The organization of CVET courses can be considered as one of the effective instruments that contribute to the implementation of the National TVET Strategy (2010) in the Palestinian Territory.The explicit objective of CVET is to strengthen the competitiveness of the private sector by enabling skills upscaling and skills upgrading of its (future) staff. For obvious reasons, this will also contribute to the efforts of decreasing youth unemployment in the Palestinian Territory and foster sustainable economic growth.A total number of 32 CVET initiatives were successfully introduced by 30 TVET institutions in partnership with private sector companies of which 12 institutions are situated in Gaza and 18 institutions in West Bank:7 Technical Colleges, of which 4 in West Bank and 3 in Gaza 10 Vocational Secondary Schools, of which 7 in West Bank and 3 in Gaza 13 Vocational Training Centres, of which 7 in West Bank and 6 in Gaza A total number of around 350 students (employees and job seekers) are expected to benefit from the CVET fund. The total budget for the CVET initiatives amount to 171,500 euros of which 102,000 euros in the West Bank and 69,500 euros in Gaza. IRPAL contributes with the amount of 15,000 euros. The period of the initiatives varies between a minimum of 60 hours and a maximum of 120 hours of training over a 2 to 6 months period. The decision of the ECIB program of the Belgian Development Cooperation to start with a CVET pilot is based on a clearly expressed need to the private sector for more specialized and better-trained personnel during the TVET week, Career days and other events and meetings.This CVET pilot of the ECIB is only a first step towards a more comprehensive support program of the Belgian Development Cooperation for the private sector in the Palestinian Territory. A more comprehensive support program will have the great benefit of being able to tackle the different challenges that the private sector faces in a coordinated way.[1] See the terminology of the European education and training policy, Cedefop, 2008

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    Palestine PZA1202911

  • Roll out training on the new Planning and Investment Law

    Roll out training on the new Planning and Investment Law

    Huong TRANTHANH | 10/07/2017

    The Vietnam Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) has extended its training cycle on the new Planning and Investment Law and monitoring and evaluation of Social Economic Development Plan (SEDP) towards another set of provinces and local governments. Topics treated are: Annual and Medium-term public investment planning, appraisal and decision-making on investment within a set government policy framework.   The least developed provinces were targeted and about 900 officials participated. In an effort to transfer knowledge more efficiently to local governments, a first cycle of Training of Trainers has been organized on the topic, with participants of 10 provinces. These trainings are expected to have a clear impact on quality of planning and implementation of investments, thus contribute to social and economical development.   CDPR is in a phase of accelerated implementation, inspired by the drive of the Vietnamese Government to implement better planning practices as the soonest.  This also means that disbursements and project implementation is well ahead of schedule. CDPR is in its final phase and is expected to end at the latest by end 2018.   Capacity Development for Planning Reform (CDPR) is the last remaining project of its kind in supporting the Ministry of Planning and Investment. Its main objective is to strengthen the Vietnamese government capacity at central and local level to improve efficiency of planning and public investment as to foster strong and equitable social progress and economic development. CDPR has supported MPI with expertise to make a new Public Investment Law. Subsequently, CDPR is supporting MPI in the dissemination of the law and its application at local level nationwide.

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    Vietnam VIE1204811

  • 600 officials public servants trained on the automated Project Cycle Management System for public investment

    600 officials trained on the automated Project Cycle Management System for public investment

    Huong TRANTHANH | 10/07/2017

    The Vietnamese Government is rapidly modernizing its administration. Since 1977, a paper-based system was used to plan, implement and monitor all public investment nationwide.  This has become a very inefficient and time-consuming method prone to errors. CDPR has supported this effort by organizing trainings to introduce the database and the automated Project Cycle Management System (PCM) for public Investment to decentralized Local governments. The new system has all features of modern management software: electronic signature for decision-making, new adapted formats for reporting and updating planning. By July 2017, 600 officials of 38 local governments throughout the country have been trained so far. It is expected that the use of the IT system will improve efficiency of administration, smoother implementation of projects, tighter cost control and better development results.   Capacity Development for Planning Reform (CDPR) is the last remaining project of the Belgian government in support to the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI). Its main objective is to strengthen the Vietnamese government capacity at central and at local level to improve efficiency of planning and public investment as to foster strong and equitable social progress and economic development. Enhanced use of IT tools in combination with the introduction of a new Public Investment Law will certainly have a palpable impact on social and economic progress. CDPR is in its final phase and is expected to end by end 2018.

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    Vietnam VIE1204811

  • Students of Ha Tinh University participated in the forum “Climate Change and responsibilities of the youth”

    Students of Ha Tinh University participated in the forum “Climate Change and responsibilities of the youth”

    Huong TRANTHANH | 10/07/2017

    After one month call, the photo contest “Climate change and responsibility of the youth” received more than 100 photos from students of Ha Tinh University. 10 best ones were chosen for awards. The award ceremony was held on 8th June 2017 in Ha Tinh city, as part of the Forum “Climate Change and responsibilities of the youth!” The event was co-organized by the Project Coordination Unit of SRDP – IWMC Ha Tinh in cooperation with Ha Tinh University, as part of the project's awareness raising and community development activities. More than 300 students of Ha Tinh University participated in this forum and shared their thoughts with experts in Climate changes (CC) on various topics including the reasons for CC, what the students can do to contribute to the city's resilient efforts towards CC. The project also works with selected departments of the university, so that students of the final year can get support to implement their final projects with regard to CC issues.

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    Vietnam VIE1204411

  • Students in Ha Tinh city joined drawing contest: “Ha Tinh –My city”

    Students in Ha Tinh city joined drawing contest: “Ha Tinh –My city”

    Huong TRANTHANH | 10/07/2017

    On 21 May 2017, The Project Coordination Unit of SRDP-IWMC Ha Tinh collaborated with the Bureau of Education &Training (BOET) and The Youth Union of Ha Tinh city  organized a drawing contest named “Ha Tinh – My city”. The contest attracted more than 500 students from primary and secondary schools in Ha Tinh city, covering multiple topics such as “Green homes, green schools”, “Water saving”, “Ha Tinh city in the future”, and "Climate change effects resilience" Completed paintings were exhibited at Ly Tu Trong park right in the city center, attracting thousands of parents, students and local residents. The event hope to raise the awareness among the children on Climate changes and how to contribute to a modern and green city.

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    Vietnam VIE1204411

  • My HIV status does not impact my future

    My HIV status does not impact my future

    Josephine OMUNYIDDE | 04/07/2017

    “My name is Avayo Denis. I am 19 years old and I am HIV positive. I have been living positively since 2012 and am now on ARV treatment. My family and I came from South Sudan in 2016 as a result of the crisis.”   Denis’s classmates at the catering class in the Skills Training Center of Welthunger Hilfe in Rhino Camp in Northern Ugandan district of Arua refer to him as “Manager Denis” because he aspires to become a manager of a hotel one day. One striking thing about Denis is that he does not try to hide his HIV status and has written on the right side of his pocket shirt – “HIV++++”. He says: “Life for me has just started. My health status does not impact my future, because these catering skills I am learning will make me self-reliant in society while fighting stigma among youth living with HIV/AIDS”. In recognition of the vulnerable persons such as Denis, the Support Programme for Refugee Settlements and Host Communities in Northern Uganda (SPRS-NU) funded by European Union Emergency Trust Fund (EUTF) addresses cross cutting issues in its programmes supporting the refugee and host communities in Northern Uganda. As such, BTC Uganda is operating a Skills Development Fund that is specifically targeting vulnerable youth to acquire skills relevant for the labour market and is working with training centers in the settlements to mainstream gender and HIV awareness in the curricula.

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    Uganda UGA160321T

  •  ‘Unfortunately a lot of diseases are still poverty related’

    ‘Unfortunately a lot of diseases are still poverty related’

    Thea MATHUES | 29/06/2017

    Doctor Daniel Okello has worked for Angal Hospital, in the Northern region of Uganda, for over 6 years. The hospital is situated in a poor and rural area and faces, like many health facilities in the region, a lack of means and under-staffing. Still doctor Okello carries on: "In this hospital we look out for each other, the job satisfaction makes it worth to push through the hard times." I’ve been with this hospital for 6 years now. I came here fresh from school because, they urgently needed medical officers. In the beginning I had a hard time adjusting. The place is remote compared to Gulu, the city I’m from, but as soon as you adjust your mind-set, you can handle it. Most people in this area are living in poverty. Therefore a lot of  diseases are poverty related and could be easily avoided, if not for the lack of recourses people face. You see this for example in perforations of intestines due to bad food patterns when people eat roots or bad herbs. A lot could be prevented given the correct health education. This could truly make a difference. I try to take the time to teach my patients, teach mothers about basic healthcare for their children. But this takes a lot of time and as a doctor you are often the only one in a ward. Taking 20 to 30 minutes per patient to talk things through isn’t always possible and takes a lot of effort. Student lifeIn 2009 I finished my training through an internship in Gulu hospital and went straight to Angal. When you are a medical student it is all about the books and the exams. Doing my internship in a town setting also made it easy. It got me thinking: ‘this doctor thing is rather easy’. But there is much more you need to take into account. I realized the climate, the culture of the people, the working conditions can vary a lot. Overall I think it is important to understand as a trainee that what you learn in class is less than 20% of what you do on the ground.As a kid I admired doctors. I wanted to become like them, even though I didn’t really understand what they were doing. So when I got older I informed myself on the  profession and decided I wanted to go ahead with my childhood dream. I have never regretted it. Result-based financingI like the quality aspect that comes with introducing result-based financing. Before we didn’t always take blood pressure of every patient, we didn’t do a full lab test. Instead we mainly treated patients based on a doctors clinical assessment. Now we fully investigate. This has made a big difference. We now know in advance if people are fit for operation. We spend more time with each patient and have more drugs than before to treat people. We are happy with the support from BTC but I think we could still benefit from more regular visits of the project team. Result-Based Financing is not an easy system to implement. It really takes a complete mentality shift. Therefore it is good to have close contact with each other. ChallengesOne big challenge remains the lack of qualified staff. We are understaffed and under paid. With more patients coming in due to lower fees, it creates more fatigue with staff.  We are in need of specialized medical doctors and not just generalists. If possible I would love to go back in for training. Some of our wards are too small. We currently have about 70 beds in the children’s ward, but during busy times almost 200 children stay there. They sleep on the floor to save space. In future, this needs to change.Working togetherWhat I like about Angal hospital is that regarding of the circumstances we really work together as a team. We look out for each other. Besides this, the job satisfaction makes it worth to push through the hard times. As a final remark I want to say that our lab has recently really improved, which has made our work easier and made us deliver higher quality care. 

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    Uganda UGA1302611