Financial Management Information Systems (IFMIS) contributes to Rwanda’s financial
accountability and efficient service delivery. These ICT solutions compulsorily
link key areas of Rwanda’s public finance to help the country go paperless with
efficient use of public resources and value for money.
The current Public Finance Management
Strategic Plan (PFM SSP; 2018-2024) is one of the sixteen sector strategies
that implement Rwanda’s National Strategy for Transformation (NST1-2017-2024), and
It is cross-cutting and a key enabler to Rwanda’s development aspirations. The Government of Rwanda has been successful in mobilizing
and efficiently managing its public resources, while strengthening its PFM
Since 2019, Belgium partnered with the
Government of Rwanda to boost Rwanda’s socio-economic transformation through
effective and accountable PFM. The Enabel’s PFM intervention is being
implemented by the Rwandan Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
(MINECOFIN) and the Office of Auditor General of State Finances (OAG).
Through the PFM Basket Fund, Enabel PFM intervention
focuses on three specific results: (1) expand the coverage and functionalities
of the Integrated Financial Management and Information System (IFMIS) and other
PFM ICT systems; (2) Increase compliance with PFM systems and international
accounting and auditing standards and (3) Strengthen PFM systems supporting
subnational investments and services.
In collaboration with the Government of
Rwanda, Enabel supported the PFM digital reforms–from design, development, and roll-out
to full integration with other PFM ICT systems. Today, IFMIS covered all
domestic revenues and public expenditures to all 39 Rwandan Embassies and High
Commissions, all 443 development projects, 216 Ministries and Government
agencies, 41 Judicial entities, City of Kigali and all 30 district
administrations, all 416 sectors, all 30 district hospitals and 13 referrals, all
560 health centers and 4,873 public schools.
The IFMIS was interlinked with other PFM ICT
systems and has significantly contributed to the improvement of financial
accountability, financial inclusion, paperwork reduction and efficient service
delivery which positively impacted all PFM sector beneficiaries, and most
importantly provided regular and emergency services while complying with
physical distancing during COVID-19 lockdowns.
The IFMIS has automated the financial
reporting for all public institutions, where preparation of financial
statements is done through a single click moving from the old practice where
reports were retrieved, signed, and sent to the Accountant General’s office for
consolidation using excel spreadsheets.
By interlinking IFMIS with e-Tax system and
banking system, a taxpayer is currently able to make his/her own tax
declaration and payment through mobile or bank instantly therefore reducing
taxpayer compliance costs and increase domestic revenue collection.
The integration of IFMIS with e-procurement,
has significantly contributed to the cost-efficient procurement processes,
transparency in public procurement as well as the reduction of corruption in
public procurement in Rwanda.
The e-procurement system is currently being used
by 16,151 users.
The digitalization of the national treasury
and integration of IFMIS with Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information
System (IPPS) has also reduced the time taken to prepare and pay government
employees from 15days to a time less than 3 days.
The integration of IFMIS with School Data
Management System (SDMS) and the Bank of Kigali Urubuto Software has made
easier the tuition fees payment for all parents with BK account and helped the
Government of Rwanda in monitoring of school dropout and improving the
management of school feeding and capitation grant program at national level
which led to the achievements of some NST 1 outcomes in education sector.
With the integration of IFMIS, e-tax and e-banking,
most of national and decentralized services related to family; identification;
immigration & emigration; land service; car & motor services and health
services are all being accessed and paid via Irembo service platform any time
hence improving financial inclusion in Rwanda.
In nutshell, Enabel’s PFM Intervention played
a critical role in supporting the Government of Rwanda to ensure timely
financial reporting for all public institutions, achieve the cash-less payments
policy objective in all central and some local government entities, and improve
service delivery.