Financed by | Belgium |
Stage | Closed |
Sector | 22040 Information and communication technology (ICT) |
Start date | 1 April 2018 |
End date | 30 September 2023 |
Budget | 9 345 000.00 € |
Code | BEL1707111 |
Short name | Wehubit |
Wehubit is implemented by Enabel, together with its partner, the Belgian Investment Company for Developing countries, BIO-Invest, on behalf of the Belgian development cooperation.
Its main dimensions are:
•Create a unique window and therefore provide a new impulse to the action of the Belgian Cooperation in digitalisation and private sector development: through a common window, beneficiaries will gain access to financing for their D4D projects. Enabel and BIO will collaborate during the implementation by bringing their respective strengths in managing the different financing instruments: grants, loans and equities.
•Putting people first & do no harm: supported projects will respect these principles and their inclusive dimension will be monitored;
•Human Rights Based Approach: when applicable, the intervention will support projects that work towards strengthening the capacities of rights-holders to make their claims, and of duty-bearers to meet their obligations;
•Support scaling-up, replicability and/or innovations: the intervention will focus, both in the public and the private sectors, on (a) projects that will scale-up existing digital solutions so that these are rolled-out at larger scale and become more available, affordable and performing; on (b) projects that will replicate proven digital solutions in other contexts (sectors, geographic,...); and on (c) projects that will develop innovative digital solutions exploring new ways to solve development challenges;
•Creation and strengthening of partnerships: on the field, the intervention will act as a partnership broker for received projects, by connecting funded projects between each other and with external service providers. In addition, the intervention will look for synergies and complementarities across D4D partners and initiatives.
•External funding: the D4D programme will actively promote its activities to attract additional funding resources. The intervention will position Enabel as a reliable Fund manager.
The projects supported under the D4D programme will concern, but are not limited to, the following sectors like FinTechs, AgriTech, E-Health, Digital Infrastructure, Pay-as-you-go, Education Techs (Ed-Techs), transport & mobility, energy, resource management and many more.
The intervention will target projects being implemented in the scope of action of Enabel for grants (currently the 14 official partner countries of the Belgian Development Cooperation) and BIO for loans/equities (52 countries located in Africa, Asia, Latin America). The focus of the intervention will be on the African continent.
The total intervention budget implemented by Enabel is 10.000.000 € over five years, financed by DGD. On top of the EUR 10mln for this D4D programme, BIO has committed 14 mln to finance digitalisation projects of private sector companies selected through Wehubit.
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