Capacity Development for the Planning Reform (CDPR)

> Vietnam

600 officials trained on the automated Project Cycle Management System for public investment

  • 600 officials public servants trained on the automated Project Cycle Management System for public investment

The Vietnamese Government is rapidly modernizing its administration. Since 1977, a paper-based system was used to plan, implement and monitor all public investment nationwide.  This has become a very inefficient and time-consuming method prone to errors. CDPR has supported this effort by organizing trainings to introduce the database and the automated Project Cycle Management System (PCM) for public Investment to decentralized Local governments. The new system has all features of modern management software: electronic signature for decision-making, new adapted formats for reporting and updating planning. By July 2017, 600 officials of 38 local governments throughout the country have been trained so far. It is expected that the use of the IT system will improve efficiency of administration, smoother implementation of projects, tighter cost control and better development results.  

Capacity Development for Planning Reform (CDPR) is the last remaining project of the Belgian government in support to the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI). Its main objective is to strengthen the Vietnamese government capacity at central and at local level to improve efficiency of planning and public investment as to foster strong and equitable social progress and economic development. Enhanced use of IT tools in combination with the introduction of a new Public Investment Law will certainly have a palpable impact on social and economic progress. CDPR is in its final phase and is expected to end by end 2018.

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