Access to quality vaccines, medicines, and health technologies in Rwanda

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Project summary

The KWIGIRA project, Access to quality vaccines, medicines, and health technologies in Rwanda aims to strengthen entrepreneurship and to improve the business environment and attractiveness of Rwanda for pharmaceutical investments in order to ensure access to quality vaccines, medicines, and health technologies in Africa.

Code RWA21001
Start date 19 April 2022
End date 18 April 2026
Stage Ongoing
Donor European Union
Sector 25010 Business support services and institutions
Budget 6 542 056.00 €

General objective

The business environment and attractiveness of Rwanda for pharmaceutical investments is enhanced to ensure access to quality vaccines, medicines, and health technologies in Africa

Specific objective

A - To assist Rwanda FDA to adequately perform its mission to protect public health and to reach and maintain maturity level 3 of WHO Global Benchmarking Tool (GBT) to fully regulate pharmaceutical products including vaccines manufacturing in Rwanda.


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