Support to rehabilitation of private woodlots and creating private forests owners cooperatives - Rwanda

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Project summary

Enabel will:
• Provide Inyenyeri with data, documentation, and tools – along with relevant training – from existing cooperative development program (FMBE)
o Help Inyenyeri make changes to program as needed for this project
o Provide technical guidance throughout process
• Help secure government cooperation
o Interface with MOE (Ministry of Environnement) secure cooperation on project
o Help with District integration
• Work with Inyenyeri to identify priority zones for small holder woodlot cooperative establishment
• Identify and undertake capacity building of smallholders, supported by Inyenyeri
• Organize smallholders into cooperatives/PFMUs (Private Forest Management Units), supported by Inyenyeri
• Create SFMPs (Simplified Forest Management plan, 1 per PFMU) for each cooperative, supported by Inyenyeri
• Support hiring of local community members to undertake on-the-ground restoration and sustainable forest management
• Support Inyenyeri’s establishment of nurseries with technical guidance
• Support M&E, which can be undertaken by Inyenyeri or another party

Code RWA19012
Start date 01 June 2020
End date 31 May 2023
Stage Aborted
Donor Inyenyeri FPC
Sector 31291 Forestry services
Budget Not available

General objective


Specific objective



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