Kigali, 29 October 2020 –
On the occasion of the celebration of the International World Food Day, Enabel’s
Agriculture intervention (PRISM) in Rwanda was launched by
Rwanda’s Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI).
Agriculture is one of the priority
sectors of the Belgo-Rwandan portfolio 2019-2020, with a Belgian financial
contribution of 30 million Euros .
The programme aspires to
contribute to jobs creation, private sector development and food security and is
aligned with the Rwandan Strategic Plan
for the Transformation of Agriculture phase 4 (PSTA-4), 2018-2024, which
envisages a transformation of agriculture from a subsistence sector to a knowledge-based
value creating sector that contributes to the national economy and ensures food
and nutrition security.
This Agriculture programme works around 2 general objectives: the revenue of farmers increases through quality proximity
extension services, improved access to inputs and through the introduction of
new technologies while the Private Sector creates more added value through more efficient
markets, improved storage transformation and agro-processing.
Speaking at the event,
Jean-Michel Swalens, Head of the Belgian Development Cooperation and Deputy
Head of Mission at the Embassy of Belgium in Rwanda said, ‘if we put our
efforts together, we shall end hunger, food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition by 2030. This is one of the priorities of the
Belgo-Rwandan Cooperation 2019-2024.’
PRISM will develop inclusive and sustainable Feed, Pig and Poultry Value
Chains in which all actors run a profitable business, as well as attracting private investment
to develop a modern industrialized value chain to produce high quality meat
products and eggs to substitute import as well as to export.