Joint Health Sector Support III

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Project summary

Belgium has been providing budget support to the health sector in Rwanda since 2008 with a total value of EUR 13,000,000 EUR disbursed by December 2010. Following the signature of the new Indicative Cooperation Program between Belgium and Rwanda (2011 – 2014), with a provision of 32 million EUR for health sector budget support, a formulation mission was carried out in June 2011. This resulted in the signature of a Specific Agreement for a tranche of 5 million EUR, which was disbursed in February 2012. The remaining 27 million EUR of sector budget support remains to be engaged in support to the new Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP III) which was developed through a consultative process early 2012 and validated in July 2012, following an appraisal by an external team of consultants using the Joint Assessment of National Strategies (JANS) methodology.
The overall objective of the actual HSSP III is to ensure universal accessibility (in geographical and financial terms) of quality health services for all Rwandans. This new HSSP covers the period July 2012- June 2018. It will guide the future development of the sector and is analysed under Chapter 2.2. of the present Technical Note.

Code RWA1208511
Start date 12 June 2013
End date 12 June 2015
Stage Closed
Donor Belgium
Sector 12110 Health policy and administrative management
Budget 181 600.00 €

General objective

The general objective of the health sector is to manage population growth rate and to enhance population development through enhanced family planning, improved health and nutrition status of the population and strengthened health financing and pro-poor approaches.

Specific objective

The strategic service delivery and system related specific objectives of the health sector are set out in the Health Sector Strategic Plan HSSP2 2009-2012 (and its successor plan).
Strategic objectives to be achieved in the framework of the ICP in line with the strategic service delivery objectives of the HSSP are:
• Accessibility to, quality of and demand for Maternal Health, Family Planning, Reproductive Health and Nutrition services are improved;
• Services for the prevention of disease and promotion of health are consolidated, expanded and improved;
• Services for the treatment and control of disease are consolidated, expanded and improved.


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